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Just Want To Cry!


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:o well where do i start ! well im still in the same job i was in with the same inexperienced not so good (to put it nicely) manager and i just want to scream. nothing has changed in more than a year since she took over and everything is going backwards. for one her teaching is terrible she has no concept of what to do,no progression or anthing for example today she did counting to 5 with her class that was it! rest of day playing while she sorted out her selves!!!!!! yet last friday the maths was counting to 20! why now go back to counting to 5 when they all can do it!!


and just when i thought we were getting somewhere with the planning by scrapping maths and literacy plans she has now given in to the subject managers saying we need to plan seperate literacy and maths.


i now spend more time planning than enjoying teaching. i now have to do: literacy plans, maths plans, plans for others areas i teach ie KUW, spereate PE PLANS, an area plan, 4 guided reading plans and seperate phonics plan. whre is the time to teach and enjoy what im doing!!!!!!


i really like teaching foundaton stage but if i stay here much longer im going to hate teaching then. but no jobs about for foundation stage! dont know if to just take a job for key stage one and get out of here. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh so confused!!!!!



sorry to moan and go on but im in desperate times at the moment and knowone at school to talk to as know one in school knows what im talking about as they dont know what the foundation stage is about, most dont even know we have a different curriculum they thing we follow national currclium and qca plans!!!!



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I havent got any words of wisdom clk7, just wanted to sympathise.

I think when the FS was launched some people stuffed cotton wool into their ears, which is a shame because the FS is good.

Your manager might have to re-think things when the new EYFS hits the shops, hopefully local training for it will get through to her.

In the meantime, you come and have a moan whenever you want, thats what we're here for. :o

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Hi Clare,


Sorry to hear that you are having such a miserable time. xD As Rea says, hopefully the new EYFS will make a difference and she will be forced to make changes. I know that doesn't help you immediately but maybe some hope on the horizon will make it more bearable?


Have a good old moan if you feel like it though! :o

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Clare, you need to think carefully about this one. Only you can really tell what you need to do but from what you say I would think that you need to move on. You can always justify a move to KS1 as being good experience and with current emphasis on transition your skills may be snapped up. I would certainly apply for other positions and see what happens.

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Dear Clare.

To have had these feelings during a whole year must have been tortuous for you. And it's OK to want to cry. Think we've all been there. Me more than most probably!

However, we can take what we feel is negative and see and use it to the good in reflection. The experiences you have had can feed forward to what you wouldn't want to happen.

Foundation Stage and KS1 are Partners!

All your experience in the former is such a strength Clare. Interviewing for new KS1 teacher next week and have talked to head about importance of transition issues. Youv'e got it!


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Do have advisory Teachers who work with the other Pre-schools could you not have a quiet word with them to see if they can help. Maybe coming from some one different she might see some sense.

Have a good moan on here if not. hope it makes you feel better. :o A big hug coming your way bless you things must get better if they can't get any worse.

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I'm so sorry that you feel the way you do. I think that you need to have a good think about where you go from here. Firstly talking to your Advisory Teacher is a good idea, to let off steam and get some advice. I think that perhaps it is time to move on, if not to another FS job at present. That can be a hard decision to make and the unkown can be very scarey. All iIcan say is jump and be happily surprised. There are places out there where your talents will be used, and you can do the job that you want to do and it will make you happy. Going into Y1 would be a good move in the right school. In September they have just come up from FS2 so not far from what you are used to, and you can plan holistically for their learning, but increase the emphasis on the Literacy and Numeracy strategies. If you then wish to go back to FS then you will have had a good experience working across the transition into KS1. Something good schools will really value. Lots of hugs.

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thank you all for your kind words and support i really am considering what to do! you are all so supportive


thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

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