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It is the first time we have ever had a bad experience with work experience, but I have to say we cannot wait for this one to go. It is like having an extra child in the setting and we already have 26 on most days.


Today she has sat on the dough table and spelt her name out of play dough - done some colouring in. Read some books and generally wound up the children. When I say she has played this is not played with the children she has been sat on her own most of the time playing not even talking to the children!


We have had her in for a week and this is her 2nd she does go on Friday, but I had to have a stern word with her today. She has been carrying the children but not on her hip she had hold of a girl round her stomach and the girl tipped forward and nearly banged her head. I asked her to stop and the next minute I turned around and she was doing it again. i pulled her aside and explained that you do not pick up the children like that as apart from the fact she might drop her there is a very good chance she might bang her head and I also explained she should not be lifting the children anyway as she has not got checks on her ( I know this is a bit OTT because she is only 15 but I didn't know how else to put it to her).


Now to be fair this girl has probably got some sort of SEN herself but as I have already said we have 26 3 & 4 year olds we should not have to keep our eye on an extra child!


On top of everything else she does not own one pair of trousers that fit! every single pair falls down and when she sits there you can see her thong hanging out and on many occasion her ar*e as well, now I did explain before she started her belly should not be hanging out but who would have though she would be mooning the parents whilst they come to pick up their children! My mum did tell her to do her flies up the other day but good grief should we have to put up with this.


I can see the funny side of it all and believe me she is one to remember and I am all for work experience I absolutely loved mine but lordy this one has been hard work!


Roll on next week I say - rant over



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Guest Wolfie

Oh, poor you - I do sympathise, I think lots of us have probably had similar experiences. Your comment about the thong made me smile...our headteacher practically reads the riot act to any potential students or work experience candidates - because she's had so many bad experiences in the past and wants to make sure they are aware of our standards, and one thing that she always says is that she doesn't care what underwear they wear as long as she can't see it! :o


She's also been known to go up to a student who is busy colouring on their own( xD:(:( ) and say"Oh, that's a lovely drawing, let me put your name on it and you can take it home to show your Mum!"

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She's also been known to go up to a student who is busy colouring on their own( :o:(xD ) and say"Oh, that's a lovely drawing, let me put your name on it and you can take it home to show your Mum!"



Oh I wish I had the nerve to do that. lol :(

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Not that I've had to use if (yet) but we added a section to our student policy that we reserve the right to terminate a student with immediate effect if necessary. When we have school placement students we are usually visited by a member of that school's staff at least once during the placement. If I had an issue I was struggling with I would probably ring the year head or staffmember responsible for work experience. Be firm, stick to your guns and if all else fails find her a job away from the children... tidying the book area, sorting the writing area, or even (horror of horrors) washing the paint pots!! It'll all be over on Friday and you can relax.

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Oh dear, sounds a nightmare. We've had similar cases in school and often kids with SEN. That's all well and good but with me working in a special school it's often hard to explain to anyone, adults as well as children the things that we have to do with the kids, let alone someone with special needs.

I had a student once who I had to talk to about her trousers, as she like the girl you have kept flashing her sparkly thongs. She got the hump with me but it had to be said!

Hope the rest of the week isn't too bad.

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It's not just work experience ones!!


We had a volunteer who was trying to do NVQ a few years back, who didn't wear uniform. She had reasonable clothing to attend a daycare setting, but was very fond of a rather low-slung skirt. On one occasion I had to speak to her as her thong was proudly waving at everyone, including a child (awaiting taking to school) who twanged it! :o


I was asked to speak to her, as a parent looked really uncomfortable after copping an eyeful, her response was to say she was sorry, but that normally she wouldn't wear underwear with said skirt. Imagine my state of mind when she sidled up to me a while later to tell me she'd 'taken care of the problem' - yes, gulp - shed taken it off!! The 'view from the bridge' was certainly different!!!!!


She didn't stay with us much longer...........


Sue xD

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We have two work e girls in for two weeks. These are great, well turned out, polite, great with the children and check things with us first before doing anything. This has not always been the case last year the girls had a serious fall out, mega attiude, done not a lot apart from glare at each other and avoid doing any work. I made it clear that I would not be putting up with this again, now it seams my rant was uncalled for they are great....so far...... long may it last!

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We have had students like this before at our setting and although it may seem harsh we have contacted the school and requested that they be placed else where as they are just not suitable.

Dress codes and codes of behaviour have to be complied with no matter who you are. I would not put up with this from a member of staff, and if they see us allowing students to carry on this way they may decide to do it as well.

Wishing you all the best for the rest of your week with her.

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Oh Deb this did make me laugh. I had a student once who used to sit with the dolls for the whole morning. She would dress them all, ( you know how the little ones love to always take the clothes off) she used to patiently re-dress them all. She would even sit and rock them. We found it so sad as we felt that she obviously had never had the time or money as a child to play with dolls. She did have SEN minor problems. Count yourself lucky that its only for 2 weeks, we had ours for 1 day a week for a year. Luckily she was good with the children, she played with them but we always felt we just had a 15 year old baby. She so loved coming to pre-school though, after the first few weeks of being told what she couldn't do she settled into quite a good routine. bless her I can still see here now rocking the dolls :o

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so far no clothes problems...yet...but...

a while ago a student from college who had additional needs spent all day pushing the buttons on a book with a music chip in it.. if I heard twinkle twinkle little star once more I was about to explode.

Surpisingly the book disappeared after 2 days , she then spent most of the time playing with any thing that made a noise.


we had her learning songs to song with the children to use her 'skill', it was an unusual placement and we had her for 2 days a week for a term.


Have had several since who have been much better.


we do have a lot of students who beed additional support for various reasons...

mature students, irregular attenders, one had been asked not to return to one placement, college and schools are very aware that we contact them if we have a problem for support and advice and are always very helpful if we need to.


we do give a leaflet on first day or in fact recently have asked them to visit before the placement to be given the dress code/rules to follow.



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Have had lots of first year students and final year placement student teachers, work experience year 10's and new TA's to train and in half of those cases I have had to have a word about revealing tummies and thongs! I'm always the one asked to have a word with them it seems! Think I am getting old! On the other side had a first year placement uni student who was a real goth, black long hair and black clothes always - some were worried the children would be scared - they loved him! He was always immaculate, hair tied back and such a lovely way with the children. You cant always judge a book by it's cover. or its thong! :o

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Do you think that a lot of the work e students choose childcare coz they think its a easy option? I'm sure that most do not realise what hard work, time, effort and planning goes into each session. Many come to us thinking its a easy touch!! i'm sure i'll show them the way!!! in a nice manner!!!

I don't get some of them sometimes!! A student appeared for her interview late & with a friend whom stood by her chewing gum and blowing bubbles "cor i wish i waz coming ere" she commented hmmm... I think not me thinks!! Prehaps i am expecting to much but surley this is common sense to be on time i understand she could of been nervous but to bring a side kick along for the ride was a bit much. I made it worse as i was expecting two students and I presumed this was them only to find out one was just an observer! still that wasn't to bad a result in the end.

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Guest MaryEMac

We have just had a student from school who was absolutely fantastic, we're really missing her this week. I have found out who are coming from a different school in June and July and already this is causing a problem with the staff. Both of them are coming I think because they don't have to make an effort to get to us. The girl lives about 50 yards away and I know her parents and grandparents. She also used to attend the playgroup. The boy can come with his mum when she brings his sister to school (we are on the school site). My deputy has a problem with this boy because when he was at the primary school where she and myself are midday supervisors, he hit himself on the back with a skipping rope (hard enough to make marks) and said that he was going to tell the teacher that she had done it. He also made a noose and put it round his neck and pulled it. This was about 5-6 years ago, she has never forgotten it, but I imagine he has, (I hope) :o

Also he is from a gypsy family and she is worried that he will pass on to scallys what we have got in playgroup. I have tried to tell her that he will not have access to anything important but she won't have it. I get on very well with the boys mother and I had his sister in playgroup. His mother trusted me to take her 'princess' on a trip and I felt privileged because gypsy families don't often relinquish the care of their children to anyone else. I think that it will be good for our boys to have a male on the premises. I will let you know how we get on in June. Sorry I seemed to ramble a bit.



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Guest Wolfie

The issue of accepting students and people on work experience is often a complicated one isn't it? Juding by the number of responses to this post, many of us have had varied experiences, good and bad! I think really the best thing is to be positive and offer support and encouragment in return for a good attitude and willingness to work and learn....and deal with any less favourable issues if they arise! :o

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Thanks for all of your replies and some have really made me laugh. I think where I have gone wrong is that i have not addressed the problem straight away and I heve let her get away with basically doing nothing.


She was sat at the playdough today and a boy was asking her for some as there was none left apart from her pile and she ignored him mum had to TELL her to give up hers! She seems to have no empathy with the children at all one hurt his head today and he was crying a distressed cry everyone looked even the children she didn't bat an eyelid!


Oh well she leaves us tomorrow her report is not going to be glowing that is for sure.


I have to interview the next one on Monday and she sounded much more capable on the phone I have to say.


Where do we stand with Trident though. I really didn't know what the point of the interview was but can I turn them down based on it?



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Not that I've had to use if (yet) but we added a section to our student policy that we reserve the right to terminate a student with immediate effect if necessary.


I'm sure terminating the students might be illegal LJW!


We dont have school experience placements any more because we had more bad than good, and Often they were placed with us because they couldn't be bothered to find placements elsewhere. Shame really as when we got good ones they were very good, there were just not many of them.

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I've got a 2 weeker at the moment she's done 2 days and phoned in sick today!!!! She is like a fairy giggles all the time and has her arms out as though she is going to flap them and take off. So girlie its unbelievable. I'm used to boys in my house so everthing is very blue and butch, so this girl flitting and giggling all over the place at work is hilarious!!!!

When I asked her why she chose childcare she said she wanted to go to a first school but couldn't get in so chose us ( nice like being second choice) then I asked did she want to do child care as a profession and she "oh NO she thought it would be fun for a couple of weeks" maybe i'm old but I thought the point of WORK experience is to try something to see if you liked it. She obviously doesn't as she gone off sick for the rest of the week. :o


One of the othe students I've got is doing it because her mother told her to!!!!! xD

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I must say after I had one (a lad) a few years ago who wound the children up so much that one of them bit him(!) (age 5!) that I refused to have them any more. However, gave in this year when was told that this girl was a sibling and ex pupil and had specifically asked to work in reception. However, it transpired that she didn't actually want to work in Reception, she wanted to work in the office (reception -gettit?!)


Anyway, my Head said it was too late and so she stayed with me. When one of my behavioural prob. boys was kicking off she informed me that when her little cousin does that she just swears at him and hits me and then he stops. I decided not to take her up on that little gem of advice, though I will store it away for future use (!)


Needless to say, will not be offering my services for another one anytime soon!

(Oh yes and she is a victim of the thong/bum crack disease - think it is catching amongst 15 year olds)

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One of the work e girls soon to be attending our playgroup had great delight in telling me that her mother runs a private day care setting up the road from us,hmmm......i wonder what the topic of converstation will be over the tea table. Oh well there goes some of our ideas up the road!!!!!

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Well she has gone! her report was far from glowing we ticked the 2nd from lowest on almost every single one! she seemed quite pleased with it. Me and mum had a chat today about work experience and have put some rules in place about the future I have told her all about your thoughts and stories on here and they have made us laugh but they have also made us think that we will at least get them doing something if we have another one.


She walked out the door this afternoon and didn't even say good bye or thank you! oh well what do you expect from a 15 year old! I tried teacher training for secondary children when I was 18 and I hated it and packed it in, I have great admiration for secondary school teachers I would hate to work with hormonal teenagers all day long they put up with a lot of stick.


Glad I have got the three and four year old treasures at lease they wear their hearts on their sleeve and you know exactly how to take them!



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