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Work Experience Student


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I have a work experience student coming on monday just for 1 week. I just wondered what sort of induction you did with them, do you do the same as you do for the staff and do you get them to sign anything for confidentiality etc.

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Hi there,


We are lucky enough to have work experience students for a 2 week slot for most of the summer term. Have found in the past that they take week to settle and that the 2nd week is generally a better experience than the first....sorry i realise you only have a week!


Have found it is a good idea to run through Health & safety ( particulalry not taking the children into the toilet area even to wash their hands), confidentiality, dress code, illness (them) and general routines. Then I buddie them up with a member of staff and cross my fingers!


It has been generally ok although we had one incident with a girl sneaking off for a quick smoke! .....she was asked to leave as her heart really wasn't in it!


Good luck ( oh and remember they are only 14/15yrs old!!!!)

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I also have a confidentiality statement for the girls to sign, sounds a bit harsh but once i explained that while they are sitting in the burger bar talking about the playgroup and " did you see ???? chuck a mega tantrum today...." the child's mother could also be sitting near by and over hear you so to avoid such a situation i do get them to sign the statement and explain why it is needed.

The school send out some one to check on our policies, insurance and our short induction which includes fire drill, no dealing with personal care, moving equpiment, langauge to be or not to be used, to help keep a calm enviroment, to keep to our golden rules, to be with the children ( not just talking!) & that if they have any problems, concerns or worries with any member of staff, child or family to come straight to me. I make it clear that i will contact the school should i need to. Oh... don't i sound rotten! i have found to my cost it is best to outline every thing so all know the routine and what is expected of each party.

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Ah you are having a male student! Our last experience of a male was quite funny as he was very tall and are not sure where to put their legs when sitting on our little chairs. He kind of drapped himself over the chair and seemed all limbs - most peculiar to look at and the children commented on it all week!

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