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Why Me?

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Ok, yet again have come through another complaint which has not been upheld.


some may remember a parent who accused us of not changing a nappy when she did not notice herself child was soiled, we are convinced he was not when he left us! we filled in all paperwork despite her protest to keep it informal and she did not want a formal record made.....just as well....

1 week later she then accused a member of staff of 'hurting her child' when we did change them....


As an expert in dealing with complaints these days, went into the overdrive of calling , Ofsted, early years social sevices etc, recording, witness statements, etc etc. I spent all day on the phone or doing the paperwork... she went to social services first who said they would not take it further so she then went to Ofsted with actually a completely different issue to the one she complained about...not communicating with parents being the main one....

So Ofsted visited did the collecting of info, and discussion with me 3 hours worth!

In our favour was the notes and recording of all meetings with this parent , one of which was 1 hour long discussing her issues and how we would resolve them, notes on all ocntact with her over the last few months (even though child had been to us just 6 sessions!)


result being that we obviously spent a lot of time with this parent , probably over and above the normal , and complaint not upheld...


Two in 6 months now, paperwork was said to be excellent in each case, well documented and timelined...too much practice at this now!


So just make sure you document all complaints even if parent says not to , procedures are in place for accusations against staff , and get as much evidence written down as soon as possible, make it thorough and dont worry about doing too much...it was very helpful to be able to give Ofsted evidence to take away about discussions and meetings with parent.


All we want is one year with no hassle or problems , as if........



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Totally empathise Inge, in the last four years I've only had 2 complaints, both of which were not upheld, however, the repercussions and affect on staff morale was, no exageration, deverstating. ( my spelling looks awful!).


I do wonder if parents actually understand the implications to the setting following a complaint, and how it makes us feel when the majority of practitioners work far beyond the call of service/duty, and have more than the children and their families best intrest at heart.

I know I felt, have I got 'mug' written across my forhead? Why me, what have I done to deserve this.


I also wonder how much of the 'mud sticks' within Ofsted 'files', how many non upheld complaints would they feel equates to a no smoke without fire mentality? I know in my experience my 2003 Inspection was affected by just one non upheld complaint, the Inspectors referred to it on their first day.

It's a shame Ofsted don't explain to the parents why the complaint is not upheld, normally they just tend to say, all national standards have been met. There will never be 100% absolution following a complaint. :o


There obviously needs to be a system in place to stop poor/bad practice. The current system however would mean that if a parent chooses to complain over and over again, Ofsted have to investigate each complaint, what a waste of time etc, there is no system for recompense in the case of false accusations. I certainly feel that for us it is a no win situation.


Inge, is the parent/child still with you? If they are I bet you are still maintaining a professional relationship with them, even though it is not deserved. After many years experience within early years, I can sometimes sense which parents are 'going to cause trouble' and I am the most unjudgemental person. It is sad that some people have nothing better to do than cause trouble, it's a bit like a form of bullying in my mind.


Well done Inge for having everything in order and hopefully your previous experiences will not be repeated.



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this time the parent removed the child,

last time they stayed and apologised for thier actions!


the fact that they left has given us cause for concern over child as we were worried enough to begin notes for assessment and language delay amongst other things. this has been highlighted with the CIS and Ofsted so we can only hope they get the support they need.


yes we too all knew this was a 'needy parent' from the months of contact even before child started. Lets hope it is the last for a while.



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I said 'why me?' this week as well when a nursery my bf used to work at made a totally untruthful complaint about me to Ofsted and out they came ,in duplicate........ he wrote a letter to ofsted after he left highlighting some very dodgy practices so they decided to get back at him ....


totally unfounded complaint - like you Inge helped by good solid paperwork and everything written down and commented on - plus a very helpful parent letter (which was so lovely it made me cry) - there are some nice ones out there aren't there!


Happy weekend - and let's hope next week is better



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So sorry you have had such hassle Inge. What a nightmare! Time consuming and I am sure stressful. I am so pleased that this complaint was not upheld.Deservingly so! Our jobs are demanding enough without these kind of parents. Wishing you a stress free working life forever!


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