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How Many Teacher Posts........

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I have been on my weekly trawl through the council jobs in the area where I live. xD Well in one area there are no less than 5 reception teacher's posts going plus 4 key stage 1 posts. :(:( Oh I wish I was a teacher trained in Foundation/Key Stage 1, theres more going than nursery nursing at the moment. :wacko: Plus that similar amount to this time last year! xD


Oh well this as got me thinking that maybe I should do my teaching degree top up after the Foundation Degree instead of doing the Early Year Professional Status. :( I am having an assessment for my English and Maths Tuesday morning and to gain more information on what equlivents I need for different courses, :o I will ask about the GCSE equlivents for QTS.






I really don't want to put you off Beth but for everyone of those posts there will be dozens of unemployed teachers. Teacher's leaving posts have to hand their notice in by the the 31st of May that is why you see jobs advertised at this time of year.


When i was young and nieve i thought about teaching (all those lovely holidays and short days) i have now come to realise through working closely with a lot of very dedicated teachers that the hours are long, the stress levels are manic and the pressure is worse that been in a steam press and there are a lot of expereinced teachers out there searching for work. without offending anyone I will definately be sticking to NN & EYPS where the value is still on care and play without worrying about stats e.t.c. I take my hat off to all you teachers out there. Shelley


Well thanks for the advice interesting to know. :o I think I will stick to the BA (Hons) Early Childhood then EYPs as I only need a maths equivlent course. xD Plus I already have my English sorted out, which I can tell prospective employers that I meet half of the EYPs course.






Can I just ask why you have to have GCSE maths and English to do the EYPS when you're already doing the FD? Wouldnt it be presumed that if you had the skills for one they would translate to the other? :o


good question rea i have asked the same but have being told that to enroll on eyps you still need GCSE grade c or above in english & maths even though you have to have a full degree already to undertake EYPS!! Shelley


My nursery nurse did he FD a few years ago but had to prove she had GCSE maths and English before she was accepted on the course is this no longer the case? as it has been putting off another member of staff who feels her maths isn't good enough.


Well at the college/uni centre we didn't need GCSE's we just needed to prove we had a level 3 in childcare and experinence in early years settings. If you want to progress onto the EYPs you need your GCSE's or equivent in English and Maths by the time you finish the Foundation Degree or top up degree.


I will try and find out what the equivents in GCSE's English and Maths for the top up degree and EYPS courses. The TDA gives details on the courses but it can vary from college to college.







when i aplied for my FD with the OU did not need GCSE maths and english you just needed to show that you had expereince of working with the age group and had the support of your setting/employer. I did my degree with the Open university. Please encourage your staff to go for it the funding at the moment for the FD & EYPS is excellent. Shelley


Thanks Shelly I know she is concerned that she only has a D for maths which was the same as my nursery nurse who had to resit before she could begin the course. Both our HLTA's had to prove they had GCSE English and Maths too is this normal?


locally to get on FD you only have to have enough relevant experience in early years, no questions about maths and english at all...they then got to the end of the 2 years to be told they had to have maths and english c or above for EYPS BUT it was not necessary to do 3rd yr of degree.

Have a staff member waiting for results and conditionally accepted for yr 3. She still needs M & Eng!




For the EYPS I have been told i need the maths & english but not for the FD have also ben told because maths was not a strong subject at school!! I can take equivelency test for the maths before I undertake the EYPS but no problem completing the FD I finish in October and have not got the maths & english.


I have discovered today that I have the required standard for GCSE English by completing Key Skills Level 2 Communcations. :( I now just need to do a equivelency test (adult numeracy) at level 2. xD


I had a shock to disovered I have a very good level 1 knowlagde got 32 out of 40 in Application of Number test. So I need to work on the 8 wrong questions then practice paper test and then when ready take the test. :o From then it will be all done and dusted to gain a place on the EYPS. :(





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