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Is It Really Only Monday?

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I can't believe it's only Monday.

I've had a terrible day with my class. Is there a new moon or full moon or something today? I only have 7 children in my class but they have all been on one today. 1 spent the entire day screaming and slapping staff and/or pulling down his pad and trousers. Another spent the day scratching staff and pupils, turning on the taps full blast even though they were fastened so tight that we were struggling to turn them on and also flinging his shoes across the classroom/playground.

One refused to have her dinner, kicking and screaming on the floor (she goes on a supported visit every other Monday and thought today was one of those days ).

One decided it would be fun to empty every tray/basket etc in the classroom of its contents and sprinkle/tip them all over the classroom.

The others have just been really really hyper and loud.


Is it the end of term yet?!!!


Anyone else had a day like mine or is it just me and my staff team who are going mad?!


Oh yes mine has been one of those too!


If they haven't got upset over toys its been friendship issues (in Y2/3 at mo). Counting down the days until the holiday-24 left then Reception here I come!!


Heavens! What a truly horrid day you have had! Nothing like you but I have noticed in the last couple of weeks that behaviour has changed even though the same expectations as always are still in place. I seem to see this at this time each year and colleagues in other classes remark on this too. Not sure what causes it? End of term fatigue,outgrowing the environment and ready to move on,pending change? It will soon be the end ot term. Hang on in there! luluj


I've had a terrible day too - but not with the children - with the staff. Although admittedly, they do seem like my children sometimes!!! :o


I know what you mean, my day had been awful, children have been loud, running up and down screaming in packs, you ask them to walk, 5 min later they are doing it again. Child with special needs has thrown chairs and had so many behaviour outbursts it's unbelievable, screamed all through snack.Another child just seemed intent on hitting every child who came near him. 2 toilet accidents, so they needed changing. Plus i had a text to tell me a member of staff was off sick and wouldn't be in today, not even a phone call by text!!!!!.


I have had a bad day too, feel like i have aged twenty years.


and yep it's only Monday,


roll on friday



:(xD:o misread that the first time thought the 1 was an I!


:( :(


So sorry hali. Logged on to this to say my lot have been horrendous since they came back after half term, but your entry puts things into perspective.


Love harricroft xx


Yep, me too on the bad day front. Ended up going into work and bursting into tears! I did get a cuddle and a cup of tea from my manager though, which kind of made me feel better. Pleased its Tuesday now though as I get to leave early for college.


Hali, sorry to hear of your loss. It's always sad to lose a loved one, no matter what their age.


On the plus side though, well done and congratulations for passing your FD!


Sorry to hear your sad news hali, but yay on the degree!


Today was no better sadly.

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