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Nursery Been Sold, Im In Shock!


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Today at the management meeting i found out that our nursery has been sold, there is four in the chain and my nursery is the only one they are selling, i am genuingly shocked and well, shocked!!!!!


the people who have brought it are taking it over as a nursery so staff will all stay, so i know my job is secure, but still its change i don't want, boo who, i wanna cry!!!!!


plus now my directors have little involvment, but the new directors, well one of them will actually work in the nursery, but i will still be Manager, she apparently will be deputy, although she has never worked in a nursery before!!!!..... hmmm, this could be fun....


anyway it all goes ahead next friday, as of yet i haven't met the new owners, will meet them on thursday at the same time as all other staff.


I am going to miss being part of the chain, i am going to miss being part of the company, because i really do enjoy being one of them! iam going to miss the support that i receive from the other nurseries in the chain....


i don't know what the new owners plans are, and i really hate change,



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Oh Dawn

can totally understand how you feel the shock must have knocked you for six on the bright side as marion has said the change may be good the new owners could be a breath of fresh air who will take on board and listen to your invaluable expereince within the setting. on a legal side you may wish to read up on tupee laws (spelling may be wrong) which will tell you where you stand on your terms and conditions of employment and what they have to abide by in relation to your previous contracted employemnt and terms and conditions. Good luck I am sure everything will turn out well let us know how you get on.

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Apparently it has all been on the cards since this time last year, so im gutted i didn't know sooner, but in retrospect i guess i am glad i found out today, as keeping it from the staff would have been hard for me.


The lady who plans to be deputy has been a childminder, but no nursery experience and not totally sure if she is qualified or not. so who knows on that one...... just wondering what they plan to do with the current deputy in place.


change can be good, but still in this instance not welcomed, but maybe that's because i have not got my head round it all yet.






:o does she have any childcare qualifications or experience with children at all? or im not sure that its possible for her to be a deputy!


Change doesnt have to be bad, its a shame that it wasnt discussed with you and the staff before this took place though!

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Gosh Dawn - what a horrible shock for you! Does this mean that you have to undergo another Inspection with the ownership changing? Hope not for your sake. Is it another chain who's taken over or a Private owner? Thinking of you. Keep in touch.

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Yes another inspection, can you believe that! already had one less than a year ago.... i wanna cry LOL.....


No its a private owner taking over, having worked in a small chain i know i am going to miss that connectivity with the other managers.


Its sad, i feel like im leaving (which effectively i am guess, only leaving the company but staying at the nursery :o ) i said to people at work today it will feel odd, i know it will be same nursery, staff and children, but different ownership and different name... so odd..... a really surreal feeling at the moment.






Gosh Dawn - what a horrible shock for you! Does this mean that you have to undergo another Inspection with the ownership changing? Hope not for your sake. Is it another chain who's taken over or a Private owner? Thinking of you. Keep in touch.
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I am in shock for you Dawn. Goodness knows how you must be feeling - all over the place I expect. Even more difficult for you will to be to keep level-headed for the rest of the team, who must be anxious too.


Good luck at your meeting with the new owners - hopefully it will go well, and things will look positive for the future.


Thinking of you x

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Hi Dawn. I really feel for you actually. I know I wouldn't like unexpected change thrust at me like that. All you can do now is go in there with an open mind and see how it works out. If it is not what you want, then your managerial experience etc will stand you in good stead to consider alternative options.


Good luck with the changeover, Let us know how it goes.

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Guest Wolfie

Fingers crossed for you Dawn that everything turns out OK.


I've been on the other side of things - when I decided to sell my nursery, I had to also make the decision of at what stage to let the staff know...whether to keep them informed all the way along, introducing them to prospective buyers and "involving" them in the sale, or whether to keep everything to myself until the sale was definitely going through. I decided to keep everything to myself so that there were no ifs or buts and I could present them with a definite picture of what was happening....but it nearly killed me, I hated them not being in the picture. But I think the decision I made was the right one because I had two separate people interested in buying before I finally found someone who went through with it and the staff would have felt very insecure and jumpy if I'd involved them in all of that!


I can understand all your concerns Dawn and hope that the changeover goes well and you stay happy in your job. Keep us posted!

Edited by Wolfie
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Dawn I know just how you are feeling.This happened in my previous setting where i had worked for 10 years! It was a terrible shock at the time.The nursery was previously an individual family owned and run and was sold to a chain so I was very concerned about the change at the time.However I would say go in with an open mind.Change can be for the better.In my case although I eventually decided working for a chain wasn't for me I do believe if the nursery had not been sold I would never have moved on.Good luck.


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