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So Glad It's Friday!


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I hear you and i raise you as my work week is not over until my NVQ students file is completely signed off and i figure that will take me until sunday! xD:o But if its gonna rain all weekend then im not missing much!


It's just been one thing after another this week.


Weekend: Discover an unidentified rash all over Natalie, immediately think the worst so rush over to a&e twice! She's had urticaria and swelling of the hands and feet. One hand turned blue hence the second trip to a&e. Had 3 days off work last week with various Natalie-illnesses, all related to asthma.


Monday, get to work late following a car accident on the way to work which meant a 20 minute journey actually took an hour longer. I was already feeling stressed with Natalie not feeling well, having time off etc. Walked into work and burst into tears.


Tuesday: Nothing to report at work (phew). Went to college and watched some pointless videos that we should have watched early on in the module, not when the assignment was due in. Stressed out with assignment looming as have had literally no time to do anything for it. Ask tutor if I can leave early, following a phone call from my mum to tell me Natalie is fretting and crying for me. So I leave college early, only to be told by my friend that the tutor was calling me rude blah blah blah even though I told him about Natalie not feeling well.


Wednesday. Manager looks through my planning folder and realises it looks like a mini-explosion with bits of paper everywhere. Tried to explain that being in the room on my own was making it difficult for me to get my planning folder organised and that I would take it home and sort it if it wasn't for this assignment that I am yet to look at. 6 days until that gets handed in...


Thursday. Am in trouble for not changing my displays. We have been doing minibeasts now for about 4 weeks and I still have old stuff up. Again mentioned the being on my own thing, would do it in my spare time were it not for this assignment that is now due in in 5 days and that I still havent looked at. Natalie finally getting better although behaviour is deteriorating at nursery.


Friday. Have done as little as possible all day. Natalie better (at last), boards are a work in progress (but I dont like taking them down until there is something to replace them), assignment is still untouched (4 days to go) and my planning folder is in pieces all over the floor.


So, all in all, it's been a pretty rotten week.


I leave you now, with this, my 1000th post :o


So it's not a total disaster, then!


This leaving people on their own in a room is a real bugbear of mine!! just don't get me started :o but, remind me, what is your age group??


Now, if the assignment will permit, celebrate 1,000 in style, or at least in gripe water :( you could even say hello to Simon, I expect he'd like that xD


Have you noticed the overall post count on the Forum is creeping steadily towards 100,000 - Gasp - how sad are we all!!


Take care, don't knock yourself out over this assignment, even though I know it's important.


Hugs, Sue x


ps - now you're going to tell me you don't know a Simon and I've got the wrong person in mind - but the sentiments are true, anyway - lol


Fine, you win! :o

unless anyone else can top that.


Seriously though, thats pretty annoying to keep on your back and expect you to do anything but breathe in and out in a room full of children on your own! and who cares what your planning folder looks like if you are short staffed to have to be alone then surely thats not the priority here. Hope you can at least relax tonight! Thats what fridays are for afterall. xD


i lost my grand dad on wednesday night, now dealing with the fall out, a very stressed and unable to cry mum, my son whom can do noughing but cry, my sisters whom have never seen such a thing and me ... running around for playgroup and evening work, checking on my sisters supporting my son and trying to do progress reports, i'm tired and haven't let go yet. We all said good bye and he is now in peace with no more pain this is a great comfort for us all. Sorry guys to dump this on you but hell i feel better for getting that out. This sunshine is not shiney at the moment.




So sorry, we're all here for you, but just for now have some hugs (((xxxxxx)))


You take care, remember yourself in all that dashing about supporting, and remember evryone of your friends here is thinking of you.




thank you it was werid typing it in but i can't tell my folks as it seams unfair to land it on them. I think they reckon i can cope coz i always do.

Had a playgroup outing today, the staff were great and gave me time and sorted out some mums having a moan for me. I was worried that i might snap back at some one. The outing was great around our local museum which has animals and great big play park at the end. I could sit and reflect on what i've still got, a great job, children around me whom lift me up even when i'm this low, my husband who has even emptied the dish washer !and a excellent thirteen year old son who can still cry on his mums shoulder and not worry about it.


Sorry to hear of your loss Lesley. Take care of yourself and give yourself some time off. Let your friends take care of you, you need looking after too during this very sad time.




Dawn, congrats on your 1000th post. You sound like you've had a hard week. Don't really know what to say except that I can empathise - there don't seem to be enough hours in the day lately. Could you get an extension to your assignment? Tutor sounds very unprofessional for making those comments. Can't he be a bit more supportive of a stressed woman when he sees one! Must be very hard working in a room on your own.


Have had a busy but successful week but has been a lot of hard work. We have had an Ofsted inspection, an Open Day, a Fun Day and interviews. We don't know whether we're coming or going! Thank goodness for Friday nights and a glass of red wine (not that Friday nights are any different to other nights in that regard!). Through all the preparations for these events I have also had to submit an assignment. Thankfully got that back today with a pass so at least the hard work has paid off.


Give yourself a bit of R&R then crack on little by little you'll get there. Take care.


I'm so glad it's Friday too! After my post about Monday, sadly that was the best of the week!

Today was horrific and I'm so worried as one of my kids is staying for a full day for the 1st time on Monday and he's such hard work.


Clare, congratulations on the post count! Hope everything else settles down soon but remember Natalie is the most important factor in all this!


Lesley, take care and big hugs to you. Take the time you need for yourself and out of work if need be.


Well done Deb.


Lesley, so sorry to hear of your loss. Sending hugs to you.


No, Sue, you had the right person in mind. Poor Simon came in from work last night just as I was sloping off to bed, feeling very sorry for myself. Still it's the weekend at last! My housework is done, Natalie is happily undoing all my hard work in her bedroom at the moment and I can now sit and attempt to knock this assignment out.


Thanks everyone, I needed that!

Guest tinkerbell

My thoughts are with you too lesleyxxxx

I think all weeks up to the summer holidayare going to be sooo busy...the rain doesn't help,next friday we have a mini marathon afterschool/evening which was posponed due to bad weather AND a village pageant on the Saturday!


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