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Thief At Work


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we had a spell last year where money seemed to go missing from work, no one was ever found and police were no help. the person we suspected of stealing the money has since left and no money had gone missing for ages.


well today, £22 has gone out of one staff members purse, £5 out of anothers and £5 out of mine....as you can imagine we are not to happy about this.


It is an absoloutly awful feeling to know their is a thief amungst us, what can i do so that the staff know i am taking this seriously?


any ideas anyone?




oh dear how awful :o i can envisage having to work with anyone i didnt trust!

What about suggesting all staff keeping their purses in a locked drawer only accessible by you?

Even doing on the spot searches they could hide it!

So sorry not a lot of help xD


Oh dear I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to you - it must put a real downer on everything - and is epecially sad in a profession like ours where we are teaching young children to always be truthful and never take things that don't belong to them.


With that in mind perhaps that is the best way to approach it - along the lines of in this job it is about trust and and people working for you needing to be law abiding. I would be honest with all staff and explain what has happened and get them to think of solutions that they feel comfortuble with. I would also state that at present you haven't reported it but will be speaking to your governing body / county if it continues and that people stealing money would not be tolerated.


I know a friend who's mum is a nurse and she has had things stolen from her on numerous occasions in hospital.


I think speaking to the staff to get their ideas is a good suggestion - at least it is not just on your head, although the ultimate decision lies with you as the manager.


When I worked for a well known supermarket we had weekly spot checks before we went onto shop floor to check for things such as chewing gum or other personal belongings and then had checks when we clocked out to ensure that we hadn't lifted any takings from the till!


Obviously, you don't really want to go this route, but could use this option as a last resort 'threat' i.e. checking purses on the way in and out of the setting, but you have to be careful of infringing on personal rights if you go this route and could land yourself in more bother (usually from those that have something to hide!)


I have a thief in my house (I childmind) and the only answer I have found is to lock up everything I value.....


so I have a lockable cupboard, I lock it every single minute when I'm not in it and I put my purse etc in it; my children have locks on their doors and Childminded children are not allowed in there


It's a dreadful situation to be in, but I got so sick of money, batteries, games, my children's bits & bobs etc going missing


Sarahx :o


Gosh how awfull for you we had this happen once but luckily the person was a student and once they had left the staeling stopped. I know it is not ideal and you would ned to get in touch with your local police but could you not have some money in your purse visible marked with smartwater which is visable for 6 months on the hands of anyone who come sinto contact with it under specific lights. I would definately get in touch with the local police who should take it seriously. Good luck hope it goes well. Shelley


Hi Dawn, I think this is something you need to deal with swiftly. Get staff together and tell them all what has happened and that it's not something you'll tolerate. I'd also say that if anyone is in the position whereby stealing money is the only answer to their problems you will talk to them, but the money would need to be returned. I'm a softy I'm afraid and would have to show some understanding of any problems. :oxD


I really don't have any suggestions, having never had to deal with anything like that at all (finger's crossed). Just wanted to send my thoughts, and hope you come to some solution.


Is there a chance that parents could get access to your personal belongings? I know ours could. We are terribly casual about it, shoving bags into the stationery cupboard. Must be an awful feeling not being able to trust each other and I can't imagine anybody can afford to lose money. I remember reading your post last time on this subject.


Sounds like a good idea to ask staff for suggestions as to what they think should be done. I guess it would be better not to give the thief the opportunity/temptation so can valuables be locked away.


We do the same, just a cupboard!


I have to say thought, the thief sometimes plays victim too, and could still be a member of staff saying they have missing money too! We have had this experience in the past. I was sure a fiver had gone one day out of my purse, but couldnt be absolutely sure i hadnt spent it. But someone else said the same a few days later, and we called a staff meeting and all staff were told that stealing would not be tolerated and that should the thief continue and be caught, we would press for charges. We were careful not to accuse, but we said that it was disappointing as this had not happened before.

Its not always new staff though!

I hope you find out who is responsible, or at least that they have a change of heart and stop.

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