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New Ofsted inspection reports website going live

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Ofsted’s new inspections report website is going live on Tuesday 2 October, after which the existing reports site will no longer be available. The new site has been in BETA (testing) for a number of months alongside the old site. The new inspection reports site uses up-to-date technology and is compatible with non-desktop devices. The content is more streamlined and uses less jargon. The site is accessible to a range of people with varying digital needs. Users can search by category and then filter results. The upgraded search functionality makes it easier for users to find and use the information they need about providers and Ofsted’s inspection reports, ratings and publications. As part of this upgrade, email alerts from the old site about inspection reports will stop. If you want to continue to receive email alerts when new inspection reports are published, you will need to re-subscribe on the new site. On the new site, you can subscribe to receive email alerts when Ofsted publish a new inspection report about a single provider or when they publish new inspection reports for any provider under a search result, such as any provider within in a local authority or region. The new site is here

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