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Posts posted by AnonyMouse_30128

  1. On 08/12/2023 at 22:15, sunnyday said:

    Thanks my lovely Friday friends!

    Just one word, no two THE DRUGS - oh my actual goodness he has brought home so many drugs and your truly is responsible for dispensing - I need to get myself sorted with a list - some are one in the morning, others are twice per day, some three times a day, some four times a day, some are one at night...

    So good to have him home where he belongs ❤️

    What a great Christmas present to have him home!.....

    Order yourself a drug box from amazon, I used to set it up once a week and then at least if i missed one i knew ! :)

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  2. On 24/11/2023 at 07:56, sunnyday said:

    Good morning - 'tis Friday!

    I have big news - Mr S is going into hospital on Tuesday and will be having his operation on Wednesday 

    It is all becoming very real now...

    Hope everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x


    thinking of you both xxxxxxxxx

    • Like 1
  3. The clothes are an issue for outside we are being as flexible as we can He is now accepting of the waterproofs but will not wear boots. We can get him to wear his shoes some of the time! ...he has been at a childminders who does not let the children out if it is raining ...so if it is wet or muddy it's a problem. There isn't any help available except advice (which is not always helpful !) I don't think he has anything else in terms of SEND, he has excellent eye contact, is personable, can make friendships, and has appropriate responses to stimuli (although over the top/extreme} 

    Lovely but hard work! the other children understand that he gets away with things that they would get told off for ....i always find this tricky but if you spend your whole morning getting him to stop climbing it just becomes a huge battle ignoring it is the only way forwards!

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  4. He definitely needs one to one most of the time. For instance if we leave him to go to the loo on his own he climbs in the toilet, or sticks his head in it. (part of his sensory seeking behaviours ) I have tried to give him jobs but they are either not motivating enough or he cannot remember the instruction, is distracted by a sound/something else in the room.

    Getting him outside is proving an enormous challenge, yet he needs to be free to run and climb without danger. 

  5. HI all i have a little chap 3 and a half in my setting who has suspected ADHD (his father is diagnosed) 

    He is a delightful boy and we love having him but it is a full time job to ensure he keeps himself safe and the other children .

    We have had children with mild ADHD before, often with ASD too, but this little one is a completely different boy. 

    Does anyone have any tips that have worked well? He cannot regulate his behaviour and really dislikes being outside ! What activities have worked well? 

    So far we find we have to ignore any unwanted behaviours (like climbing on furniture or running away from us or we just get more 

  6. Well here i am ...no pressure then ! Favourite fidget toys ....balloons filled with flour. Make sure they are good quality and latex free

    Hygiene gloves filled with lots of different things...from shaving foam to pasta ...the sky's the limit whatever you have around.

    Calming bottles full of water glitter and PVA glue ...or oil and water and colourings. Plastic bottles work well and we super glue the tops

    we have a lot of old Mc Donalds toys maybe ask around...often good for spinning or winding up 

    Things out of xmas crackers like little metal puzzles

    You can often find things in the poundland type shops like pool noodles ....You can cut up and use like an abacus on strings.

    Strips of bubblewrap 

    Sorry wrote this the other day and then computer stopped working ! 


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  7. we seem to be quite lucky with our parents this year bar one....she just will not comply with anything. She had one child booked in for after school club the other day (long story...she knew!) turned up an hour late....i was supposed to have gone home but had to stay to keep ratio correct ....i can tell you i was eff.... furious. ! No apology no nothing then turned up early the next day....i made her wait in the rain !😜🙊

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  8. Really tricky when we don't know the nuance of the situation...but going on what you say The child should be settled if they started in April but Mums attendance may now be delaying his development of his independence and social skills as he will feel unable to form bonds and friendships when she is there to support him. I like the idea of a planned removal 30 minutes/15/5 etc i would also think this might be causing you issues with the other children too? (where's my mummy??) 

    I have in the past had to do the these are my rules....do you trust me? is your child happy ? then stay and comply or find somewhere else...

    A dbs may be a chance for you to get rid?!? I require you to have a full DBS if you are going to stay...suspect she may have an issue with that too! 

    just remember you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time!

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  9. On 06/09/2023 at 12:14, SueFinanceManager said:

    I wonder if the practitioner took all the prepared carrots and washed them before distribution?  If that were the case I reckon it would be ok as surely that is what an adult would do with fruit and veggies that they were going to serve to the children.

    Well if we looked at the issue of food poisoning would you rather 1 well trained person with protective clothing and guaranteed clean hands cook your food or 30 small children,  the likelihood of contracting a food poisoning organism  is considerably higher if the children prep the food. I suspect the risk assessment wouldn't be great. For larger organisations i think this would be a no go. You would only need one child getting ill and a parent might disagree that its a good idea? Don't get me wrong i love children cooking....but for themselves not the whole group.(feel ive gone slighly off topic ...sorry!)

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  10. This week i found an instagram post with children preparing carrots for the whole group to eat at lunch time...i'm afraid i found this a bit unsettling! since when have the EHO officers considered a group of 3 year olds suitable candidates for preparing food for their friends? we all have to have food hygiene certificates and protective equipment etc TBH we never go near food that the children have touched😷

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  11. If you are in charge of safeguarding can you use that to try and ram through some changes? The grapes is a child protection issue, the staff ratio could be under safeguarding, toilets safeguarding etc....maybe you could approach the supervisor and do the i know im new here but since you put me in charge of safeguarding may i discuss a few potential issues with you?

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  12. Hello All!

    well ive had the most fantastic holiday and am definitely NOT ready to go back to pre-school.! having some issues with my neighbours !(too long and boring to get in to!) which is causing me stress ...just need to get to the **** it stage! difficult for a people pleaser 😂

    Why is it when you get back from holiday and your bank balance is suffering you get loads of bills! ?!?!?

    We went to croatia...truly beautiful ❤️ have swum in crystal clear seas every day and met some lovely new friends from all over the world (well mainly Australia! )

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  13. sorry guys just have a lot going on and trying to give myself a break from all things work related. Didn't mean to worry you.xxx

    and as to the allotment well at least i haven't had to water it! Away on holiday later this week ....i'll try and keep in the loop a bit more next term 😘

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  14. Hi Guest1 sorry haven't been around for a while so welcome. In general what are your sons fine motor skills like? if he isn't very dextrous then doing a zip may be tricky. you might be able to sew a couple of bits of velcro to his jacket so that he can do it himself . Laces are a bit of a nightmare and im afraid i don't allow them in my setting (younger age group!) if he's going to have laces i would definitely spend time teaching him that skill it's not really fair to expect a teacher to do up 30 pairs of shoe laces they just don't have the time! Remember he is going to school...it's quite different from nursery/pre-school the ratios are often 1-15 or even 1-30 at times 

    As for tips on zipping firstly make sure he always finishes the job so you do the connection then let him pull it up. taking off he should be able to do himself i suspect. 

    we talk about the train and the train track ...so making the tunnel first (Putting the 2 ends of the zip together, usually left side ) then sliding the train in to the tunnel (metal end) and pulling the train up the train track (zipper) . Finger placement is the most difficult job as they tend to put their finger on the 'track' so then the zip won't go up. (probably doesn't make sense!!)

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  15. Idealistically that children don't go to school until they are 6 /7...that all children with send have suitable and adequate support before they are 5 and that all early years staff get paid more than minimum wage. Also if more support was given to parents to allow them to stay at home for longer maybe that would help too ! 


    Sorry you did say fantasy didn't you?

    • Haha 1
  16. On 04/07/2023 at 19:27, Mouseketeer said:

    I’m with you on this FM……. If the funding for 5 x 2yrs doesn’t equate to the same as 8 x 3yrs it will be my get out of jail card to go back to the ‘term before’ 3rd birthday, our business model of no more than 4 per day/1 staff worked well but already there are sooooo many funded 2’s wanting places before all this kicks in 😔 

    Thanks for the updated info Helen, I wonder  how long it will take our counties to tell us? Does anyone think we’ll really see a substantial increase to the 2yr funded rate for September?

    We already have our funding rate for september (set at 6.66! that caused some hilarity!) can't see us getting another rise before the new term.

  17. On 01/07/2023 at 09:44, finleysmaid said:

    Stupid question alert....may be going a bit bonkers.....please tell me was technology removed from the new development matters???? 

    the reason i ask is that it's still on tapestry but i'm pretty sure its been replaced hasn't it???? writing reports and got myself mixed up ! 

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