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About SueFinanceManager

  • Birthday 12/11/1967

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    Forum caretaker and babysitter
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    East Sussex

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  1. Did you know there was an International Day of Maths? I must admit, I had no idea. It is on 14th March every year and invites schools and children to celebrate maths around a particular theme. This year the theme is PLAYING WITH MATH. This is so relevant to teaching Maths in the early years, where, as we know and celebrate, the emphasis is on learning through play. Children are exploring mathematical concepts as they line things up, collect things in baskets, role play shopping, make their own playdough, fit things into other things, thread wooden beads, balance on a seesaw, weigh ingredients, fill and pour – I could go on but the list is so long there really isn’t room. And that’s before we even mention numbers and counting! Maths is everywhere: The endless possibilities, the excitement, the intricate patterns, the accessibility of Maths is within reach of every very small child. How much does this wonder continue as they grow? At some point, and in England this is pretty early on, children begin to learn more formal mathematical concepts. They begin to see Maths as having a right or wrong answer. Does Maths lose its magic then? Do some children become anxious about Maths around this time? ‘Maths Anxiety’ is a recognised and worrying issue. According to an Ipsos MORI poll commissioned by Shirley Conran of The Maths Anxiety Trust in 2018, 23% of parents of children aged between 5-15 report that their eldest child often feels anxious when attempting to solve a maths problem. The Maths Anxiety Trust says the key is to make sure children understand one concept before they move onto another. They need to explore, experiment, play with a mathematical idea before it becomes embedded and they are ready to move onto the next one, whatever age they are: Maths knowledge is built like a skyscraper; each new brick is built on the last brick. If one brick is left out at the bottom, the skyscraper might wobble or crash… So make sure your child understands one new idea, before moving on to the next new idea. (Maths Anxiety Trust). In England, the Maths curriculum moves fast. It gallops along. And the challenge for every teacher is to cover the curriculum while giving children that all-important space to really understand each concept. Do the children in your early years or key stage class have time to embed their maths skills? As Shirley Conran says: Whatever you plan to do … you will need to use Everyday maths EVERY DAY. Because Maths is Everywhere, whether you are 6 or 60. By Jules FSF and Tapestry Education Group
  2. PJ's, books, duvets and pizza - that sounds like a perfect day for me 🙃💗
  3. Hi sunnyday I am shocked to report it is a sunny day here for the first time this week I think. Gosh I am sick of the rain and wind....we had rain and wind yesterday ☹️ Had a good week thank you ..... drama free ... that's how I measure a good week these days lol I have a weekend of dog walking and some decorating in prospect so busy but should be fun as long as the rain doesn't make a return visit 🤞 Hope you have a good weekend whatever you are up to xx
  4. Hi Susan How lovely to hear from you 💗 The contribution you made as one of our first moderators was huge and we will be forever grateful for the time and support you gave us and other FSF users. I hope you are enjoying your retirement....I am a bit jealous but I have a few more years to do yet 🙃 Extra special wishes to you Sue x
  5. I do think PJ's are more accessible for families and as you say even if you do have to buy some they should get some use out of them. I love the idea of having a big box of books for children to borrow/take or swap books. It is hard for a child to have a favourite character from a book if they don't have any books at home. I think a lot of the dressing up that happens in schools is more linked to characters children see on television and sometimes there is also a book for the character but the link is a little tenuous sometimes. World book day should be about celebrating books and reading books and not sure it matters what is being worn.
  6. It is nearly that time of the year again - World book day 7th March 2024 With the wonderful offer of a book token for every child, at the heart of this celebration of reading is a mission to make reading together and reading for pleasure a habit for life. Dressing up for World Book Day has become something of a tradition over the years. For many children, getting to be someone else for the day, and maybe even see the adults around you dress up as well, is imaginative and fun. There can be lots of learning - thinking about book characters, what they look and act like, and getting creative with things that will help you to ‘become’ them. But how inclusive is dressing up for a special day? For some children and adults it can be a source of anxiety and stress. So what’s wrong with dressing up for World Book Day? For lots of reasons, there will be many staff and children who don’t like dressing up. They may find it uncomfortable or embarrassing. For neurodivergent children and adults a dressing up day may mean people being unusual because they are acting out a character, changes to routines, and confusing sensory experiences. Lots of grown-ups don’t like fancy dress parties and choose not to go. Children are also entitled to choose not to dress up – but in doing so they may then feel left out. Family life is hectic. And for some it will be more hectic than for others. Finding the time to sort a costume can be a big ask and adds to the pressure of everyday life that week. Dressing up can cost money. With supermarkets and online stores hijacking the dressing up tradition associated with World Book Day, some parents and carers may find a solution to the problem of costume sourcing by buying a ready-to-wear outfit. But many families won’t be able to do this, or don’t want to… …and often these ready-to-wear costumes are worn once and quickly grown out of, meaning they are not great environmentally either. But getting back to the reason for World Book Day in the first place, the focus on dressing up takes the focus away from books and stories and reading. It becomes all about the outfit. What are settings and schools doing instead? Some settings and schools have opted to have a Pyjama Day, with everyone coming in their PJs. The thinking being that PJs are something that most people have already, and also that they are about bedtime, which is often a time for reading a book. Or how about a visit from an author or illustrator to talk about their books or do some writing or artwork with the children? Time for reading is precious. Just a day with more time to read with children, talk about books, make books, listen to stories and experience the magic they can bring would be more than enough to celebrate World Book Day. No costumes required. Watch some wonderful people read a bit of their favourite book for you. Read a bit more about Pyjama Days here. Check out the World Book Day website. Written by Jules Mickelburgh
  7. Mother’s Day is coming up, March 10th and in settings and schools there may be a focus on Mummies. Perhaps cards will be made, or paper flowers, and perhaps there will be lots of conversations about what our Mummies do for us and why we love them. As part of our reflective practice, we often think about why we’re doing what we’re doing. Why do we store the wooden blocks next to the small world animals? Why do we have a rolling snack time? Why do we do register time like this? Asking ‘why’ helps us to focus – is this supporting children’s learning and development, are we providing for every child, do we need to do it this way, can we do it differently (and better)? So, why do we celebrate Mother’s Day? As with so many things that we do, the answer might be ‘because we always have’. Or perhaps ‘because it helps children to learn about love and saying thank you to their Mummies who look after them’? Let’s dig a little deeper. Thinking about being loved, and loving, helps children remember they are kept in mind, they have people who care about them, and to learn ways to show their own love. For many children, this will include their Mummy. But we can, and do, support children to recognise love and kindness in others and in themselves all the time. In those small, meaningful moments in their day, when we and they can be responsive to a feeling or thought. Perhaps in one of those moments they may choose to make a card, or something else, or use their words, body language, or actions. When this experience has been prompted by the child, or led by a book you are reading together, or by a question you ask, on any day of the year, the learning will be deeper. Because for many children, Mother’s Day may be a trigger. There are so many different versions of family and so many family stories. A child may live with their single Dad or have two Daddies. There may be a child who is living with their foster family. Or a child’s Mummy may have died, or perhaps their Mummy’s Mum – their Granny – has passed away and this is a painful time for the whole family. Perhaps an older sibling is a child carer, looking after everyone in the home. Or there may not be the caring relationships at home that we would hope every child would experience, but we know do not. These are only a few of the reasons why Mother’s Day is not relevant to every child, and why it might trigger feelings, and perhaps behaviour. There are also the families at home, who might find Mother’s Day particularly challenging. I know from the experience in my own family, and that of my friends’, that the death of a child can be part of a family story. And we might not always know – for example if a baby was still born or a baby has been lost through a miscarriage. Mother’s Day can be a very sad time for Mummies. For all these reasons, and more, perhaps we can recognise that Mother’s Day doesn’t provide for and support the learning and development of every child, and that we can learn together about giving and receiving love and kindness and being grateful in so many other meaningful ways, every day. Written by Jules Mickelburgh
  8. Morning Although some of you think of the 14th February as Valentines day 💗 we here at the FSF think of it as our birthday and today we are 21 🎉 So happy birthday to all of our wonderful forum friends and please feel free to use this as an excuse to eat cake.... If you are not already a member of the forum please remember membership is now free as per Steve's post last year on our 20th anniversary, see here: The FSF at 20 years old is now free! Best birthday wishes, Sue
  9. MAYBO - Primary Schools March 2024 Maybo recognises the challenges and pressures schools are experiencing and we have developed a comprehensive training curriculum that gives schools greater flexibility in how to develop staff skills in supporting children and young people who may present a range of needs and behaviours. This programme provides staff working in primary school settings with positive proactive approaches to managing behaviours of concern based on respect for the child and an understanding of their needs. It teaches preventative strategies and practical reactive strategies for de-escalating situations, supporting emotional regulation, and maintaining safety. It includes positioning and defensive skills to avoid assault and reduce risk, and simple low-arousal physical skills to guide, separate, re-direct, contain a child to bring potentially unsafe situations under control. There is also a blended programme where delegates will complete Maybo’s eLearning course prior to attending the in-person course. Programme Content 1. Workplace Understanding: Definition of behaviours of concern Rights and responsibilities Risk planning and reduction 2. Behavioural Influences: Functions of behaviours of concern Recognising instinctive reactions Identifying triggers and levels of escalation 3. Positive Interactions: Recognising needs and expectations Influencing positive outcomes Overcoming communication barriers 4. Risk Assessment: Application in relevant situations Using Maybo’s dynamic risk assessment SAFER model for decision-making 5. De-escalation Approaches: Positive, non-aggressive techniques Teamwork and safe positioning Calming and resolving strategies 6. Post-Incident Management: Confronting behaviour Recognising heightened risks Strategies for high-risk situations and reflection 7. Physical Skills Considerations: Defensive skills vs interventions Physical skill risks & authority Maybo’s personal safety techniques 8. Personal Safety Skills: Risk identification Low arousal positioning and defensive skills to avoid assault and reduce risks 9. Guiding & Redirection Skills: Low arousal physical intervention skills to guide or redirect a child Skills application to common scenarios, such as: object removal, hair pulls, bites. Trainer-Led Session (One Day) Please see date options below; note spaces are limited, so we may need to offer alternates to your preference depending on demand. Session Dates Friday 9th February MAST Mayflower Studios - PLEASE BOOK IF POSSIBLE 08.30 - 16.30 Friday 23rd February MAST Mayflower Studios 08.30 - 16.30 Friday 1st March Civic Centre 08.30 - 16.30 Tuesday 5th March Civic Centre 08.30 - 16.30 Thursday 7th March StartPoint Sholing 08.30 - 16.30 Tuesday 12th March StartPoint Sholing 08.30 - 16.30 Wednesday 13th March StartPoint Sholing 08.30 - 16.30 Thursday 28th March Civic Centre 08.30 - 16.30 Price SCC Maintained Schools - this is a funded course so sessions are at no cost Academies, free schools and other - £107 Blended Programme Combination of an eLearning course followed by a half-day in-person session. eLearning takes approximately 2¼ hours and is interactive and engaging. Please see date options below; note spaces are limited, so we may need to offer alternates to your preference depending on demand. Session Dates Thursday 22nd February MAST Mayflower Studios 08.30 - 14.00 Monday 4th March Civic Centre 08.30 - 14.00 Tuesday 26th March Civic Centre 08.30 - 14.00 Price SCC Maintained Schools - this is a funded course so sessions are at no cost Academies, free schools and other - £128
  10. Safeguarding Awareness Recognising and Responding to Abuse (Level 2) - Children and Young People This course is essential for people who have regular contact, or periods of intense but irregular, contact with children and young people to ensure that those working with children and young people understand and know how to safeguard children and how to respond when they suspect abuse. Who should attend? Early years providers Childcare providers All types of schools Health professionals Professionals working with children or families Please click HERE for further course information. Session dates Monday 25 March 2024 - 9am to 3pm - Civic Centre Tuesday 4 June 2024 - 9am to 3pm - Civic Centre Thursday 11 July 2024 - 9am to 3pm - Civic Centre Fee for training Southampton City Council Maintained Schools: £40 Subsidised price for Southampton PVI Early Years & Childcare providers and voluntary organisations: £35 Academies, free schools and other organisations: £50
  11. Designated Safeguarding Lead Update (Level 3) The course offers existing DSLs the opportunity to receive additional updates in the interim period between attending statutory training. Please click HERE for further course information. Session Dates Tuesday 20 February 2024 - 9am-4pm - Online, Microsoft Teams Monday 15 April 2024 - 9am-4pm - Civic Centre Tuesday 21 May 2024 - 9am-4pm - Civic Centre Fee for training Southampton City Council Maintained Schools: £99 Subsidised price for Southampton PVI Early Years & Childcare providers and voluntary organisations: £77 Academies, free schools and other organisations: £115
  12. Designated Safeguarding Lead for Education Settings (Level 3) This course will offer delegates the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding to perform this role. Southampton City Council training includes bespoke local safeguarding updates from professional experts in their subject areas to respond to safeguarding issues within the local context. Please click HERE for further course information. Session dates (NEW DATE) 11 March and 12 March 2024 - 9am-4.15pm - Civic Centre 30 April and 1 May 2024 - 9am-4.15pm - Civic Centre Fee for training Southampton City Council Maintained Schools: £180 Subsidised price for Southampton PVI Early Years & Childcare providers and voluntary organisations: £115 Academies, free schools and other organisations: £215
  13. Afternoon sunnyday I cannot believe it is Friday again!!! Where the flippin' heck do the weeks go 😵 Chilly here in Sussex 6* feels like 2* but this is warmer than it was at the beginning of the week and the sleet/hail and snow of Monday this week. I was supposed to be playing golf on Sunday but I have wimped out as the forecast for Sunday is -2* when I am supposed to tee off....that is no fun so I have arranged to go and meet those girls mad enough to play for coffee and cake afterwards....far more sensible in my opinion lol Chilly dog walk scheduled for tomorrow but wrapped up and with my audiobook in my ear I am quite looking forward to my morning stomp. I am currently listening to Dead Lions by Mick Herron (it is the 2nd book in his Slow Horses series). I am really enjoing this series and I understand that the TV series on Apple TV based on these books is excellent but I refuse to pay for another streaming service, apart from the cost I do not have enough hours in the day to watch it all 😆 I am so pleased to hear Mr S is making such good progress - never underestimate the power of good love and care, he's lucky to have you ❤️ Enjoy your Sunday lunch out and keep warm, Sue x
  14. KS2 Writing, Standardisation and Moderation Monday 22 of April 2024 1pm to 4pm Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Road, Southampton, SO19 8BR This training will look at the key processes in relation to Key Stage 2 Writing, Standardisation and Moderation Further information for this course will be advertised shortly... Fee for training Southampton City Council Maintained Schools: £30 Academies, free schools and other organisations: £35
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