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Tapestry Newsletters

Tapestry Newsletter August 2019



News in brief

  • New 'Pay Now' Feature
  • How to prepare your account for the new academic year
  • Tapestry Staff News
  • Reminders


Hi Weavers,

Welcome to the August edition of the Tapestry Newsletter. We hope those of you on your Summer holidays at the moment have been enjoying your break! Here at Tapestry we’ve been busy taking on new members of staff and working on adding a feature that allows you to pay your invoices by card through your Tapestry account. So, without further ado, let’s go through all the Tapestry news from the last month.

New 'Pay Now' Feature

As mentioned above, this month we have added a ‘pay now’ feature to Tapestry! This means that managers on an account can access invoices, pay them by card and also find instructions on how to pay them by BACS or cheque. They can also forward a link to anyone else to allow them to pay an invoice too.

You can access this function on the browser version of Tapestry by going to the ‘Control Panel’ and on the ‘Overview’ page, clicking on the ‘View and pay your invoices’ button. 




If your account is up for renewal, you will see a yellow banner at the top of the page which includes a link to this page. Likewise, if your account has expired and you try and login, you can find a link to this on the screen informing you that your account has expired. 

To learn more about this feature and to see how you can pay an invoice by card through your account, you can take a look at this tutorial. Please note, you will still also be able to make payment for invoices through the FSF account linked to your Tapestry package.

How to prepare your account for the new academic year 

To help you get your account set up for 19/20 academic year, we’ve listed some important steps to do on your account that we would recommend you take a look at.

Downloading data for last year’s cohort

If you haven’t done so already, we would suggest you export any data from your cohort last year before you delete them. You can export their learning journals by following this tutorial but do be mindful that these will not include videos. If you want to export children’s videos for parents, and photos too if you wish, this tutorial will talk you through how to do this. Finally, you can export any data from any of the tracking screens by clicking on the ‘CSV’ or ‘PDF’ buttons on each one. 

Delete last year’s cohort 

To be able to add your new children, you will firstly need to delete the children that have left your setting; this tutorial explains how to do this. Once you select children to be deleted, they will remain in an ‘awaiting deletion’ state on your account for 90 days. During this time, they won’t contribute to your number of active children for your package size limit, but you can still export their journals and restore them if necessary. To do this, you just need to follow our reactivating deleted children tutorial.

Add new children

With those extra child spaces now on your account after deleting children from there, you’ll be able to add the children joining your setting. You can do this individually, by following this tutorial, or in bulk as a CSV file, by following this one.

Once completing these steps, there might be some other things you will need to do on your account, such as change over child groups. To help you ensure everything is set up on your account as it should be, you can go through this checklist

Tapestry Staff News

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve had 4 new people join our Product Support team this month! Please welcome our new starters, Ben, Jack, Kat and Richard. 


As September (and sometimes October too!) is our busiest time of the year, just like it is for most of you using Tapestry, our response to any support requests might be a bit more delayed than normal. We do always try and provide the best possible customer service, so we will aim to reply to all customer queries as quickly as we can. We thank you for your understanding. 

Edited by Emily

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