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An overview of the things to be considered when undertaking a risk assessment. Accompanied by two editable forms, one for recording an initial safety inspection and the second a basic form to record the risk assessment
The perceived need to demonstrate children's development in the Early Years can put pressure on practitioners to move to formal methods of education too quickly. This article explains how learning can be achieved and recorded instead through practica…
Getting through interviews successfully is all about preparation. This article guides the interviewee through the process, recommending strategies for impressing your interviewer.
The dangers of keeping pets in early years settings are covered here in another light hearted article by Dee. Animal lovers may like to ensure they're feeling strong before reading this...
Dee casts a world weary and jaundiced eye at the phenomenon of staff meetings!
Find out why the EYFS is more like an onion than a tomato...
Inclusion, equality, diversity - these words are scattered over official documents including the EYFS, and we all think they are ‘A Good Thing'. But how do these principles get turned into what actually happens in settings? Sue Griffin discusses the …
How can we ensure that the environments we provide will extend and support children's development and learning?
What does the EYFS mean by the term "a unique child", and how can we support each child's individual development?
The Key Person Approach is now a fundamental part of developing secure relationships between staff and children in early years settings. Why is it so important and what is the theory behind it?