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Joss Cambridge-Simmons (founder of Jossy Care) shares his journey, from being a very young man starting out in childcare, to running his own childcare business, and the love that is weaves through it all. 
In Part One of this series of articles on Observations, Dr Helen Edwards brings together some of the research on the why and how of making observations, and explores an opportunity for a change in the way we document and record children's learning,…
Leslie Patterson examines the power of 'labels' and the need to find positive language to talk about our young learners. 
Rebecca tells us about more about her inspection experience under the new inspection framework, which took place earlier this year before the pandemic. This is well worth a read if you are wondering what the inspection process will look like in the…
Alistair Bryce-Clegg takes a look at the adaptations we need to make, and the good practice we need to hold onto, as we welcome a new learning year. 
SEND Advisor Stephen Kilgour shares the Play Development Branch Map he has designed to inform practitioners about the stages of play in a typically developing child. 
Early Years consultant, trainer and author Jenny Barber advises on where settings can focus their training as we learn to live and work with children in a 'new normal'. 
Dr Mine Conkbayir explains the aspects of Emotional Intelligence and looks at ways settings and schools can build children's Emotional Intelligence moving forward. 
SEND Advisor Stephen Kilgour takes a closer look at the very early stages of mathematical development in young children. 
Stephen Kilgour has some ideas on how to become a teller of stories and how that can support the reading development of preschool children.