546 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
I am sure this is the wrong place but i struggled to find my to where it should be! I am sure you clever lot might know the answer to this query. If you have 10 children (all aged 3-4) and have 2 staff working. The manager is Level 4 and the other member is Level 3 I know that is legal in terms of ratios. However, in this scenario what happens for an OFSTED inspection? Can hardly have one member of staff off doing learning walk and finding perwork and leave the other one with all 10 children. I feel there should be an obvious answer but suffering from brain fade! Huge thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
- 21 replies
Hi all, I am new to this forum and just wondered if anyone has ever experienced what we are currently going through. Basically we are a fairly new setting (been open 16 months), private and based in a very small town where there are currently only 2 other nurseries. Everyone knows everyone and word spreads fast. Our problem is that a disgruntled parent (who we suspect has Munchhausens), has gotten together with another disgruntled parent and made a complaint to Ofsted about our setting relating to an accident. These parents claim that their children bumped heads and that one of them had to be rushed to the emergency room that evening. Ofsted carried out a surpris…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 1 reply
After reading 100 Ofsted reports, Helen wrote this article last February (2022) for EYE, where she shared her observation that partnership with parents was being looked at closely during Ofsted inspections. A year on, has this been the experience of those who have had inspections since last February? Were there particular things that inspectors asked about in relation to working with families?
Last reply by Helen, -
- 12 replies
Well just to give an update on our inspection last week. I've now checked with staff as to what questions the inspector asked them. We had the phone call at just after 11.30 am. On the day: she actually arrived quite late around 9.20, we open at 9.15 but she did manage to catch a couple of parents to talk to- but she had asked us to try and arrange a few that were happy the either talk or give written comments in a sealed envelope. She sat through our short registration circle time, and then did the learning walk - during this time all I can remember saying 'we do this like this, because it works for us' A LOT! She asked about why we had certain a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 1 reply
Ofsted have issued their latest stats which show the latest status of EY providers as of Aug 2020. It is a short report as from Mar-Aug no inspections could take place. Interestingly, no mention of the challenges faced by settings over the last year during the pandemic. Perhaps those stats will appear in their next report?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Gill Jones and Wendy Ratcliff have just announced in the Ofsted Big Conversation that Ofsted will conduct interim visits in the autumn term, for settings previously judged as inadequate or requires improvement, who were issued actions for a breach of one or more of the EYFS safeguarding and welfare requirements. They will not be, initially, carrying out EIF inspections, due to the relaxation of the EYFS requirements during the pandemic. Therefore, these visits will not result in a judgement, but a short summary will be written and included on the provider page of the website. However, from September 25th, providers must once again meet the learning and development r…
Last reply by Helen, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
The following is from a childcare managers Facebook page. NOT MY INSPECTION EXPERIENCE. Just reading it makes me want to cry with sheer frustration. Do the inspectors know nothing about young children and child development? I was feeling quite positive about the new inspection framework, but after reading this am really not sure anymore😢 We recently had our Ofsted inspection and have gone from Outstanding twice to Requires Improvement. We do staggered starts and the last 6 children had literally started the day before which I had told her on the phone. She said that was fine and I could speak to her on the day about what we would be doing for the children…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37203, -
- 7 replies
I've been having a bit of a scoot through some recent inspection recommendations from our local areas (Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, West Sussex) and there are a couple of recommendations that seem to crop up more than others - I have no idea if this is a national 'push' or if it's purely coincidental. They are from a range of inspectors too - so not just an inspector with a particular 'bee in their bonnet': Monitoring staff performance to raise good practice / opportunities for staff to gain new knowledge and skills Link with parents to continue learning at home With the new inspection framework and the revision to the ELGs happening this year it will…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 4 replies
Good afternoon, I trying to find the most upto date version for the Full Daycare National Standards for under 8's. I have a 2003 copy is this the most up to date?
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 5 replies
Hi all My first time posting, so forgive me if i ask something that someone else has already asked I would really like to do a Mock Ofsted with my staff, mainly because most of them have never had Ofsted before and are terrified of the concept. I want to show them that Ofsted just want to see what they always do, and that its not as scary as they think My questions are: a) Has anyone done something similiar before and how did it go? b) Do you have a template or something you could share to give me an idea of where to start? I know I could use the grade descriptors, and I will, but just looking for a head start on things if anyone has one. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_85846,