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here is Ofsted's response to the recent consultation, in case anyone's interested:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14766, -
- 10 replies
Hi, I'm new to the forum & thought I'd introduce myself- im a recently registered childminder, and have been minding for 3 months! I had my first inspection today and it was no where near as bad as I expected. I got an overall 'good' which I am really pleased about. I didn't fill out a SEF - but I had read through questions and had a good knowledge of what might be asked. Tips: make sure all paperwork are up to date, risk assessments signed and dated with renewal dates. Carry out a fire drill! The little boy I mind is scared of the fire alarm (it's so loud) he was the one who said 'smoke alarm goes off' then she asked what we should do when it goes off a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_41997, -
First Inspection On Tuesday
by Guest- 20 replies
Ofsted is coming at 1 on Tuesday. I was told that they don't usually give the exact day or time, but she was because I don't have any full-time children and the ones I have come and go at different times. So at least I know when. The panic is starting to kick in now. I haven't completed my SEF yet. I've started it but haven't finished it. Do I plow ahead with it and fill in sections properly which may mean I have blank sections or do I try to get something rough in all areas? Or do I leave it as it is and focus on improving my learning journals and organizing my resources and mowing the lawn? I don't know what's best to do anymore. :blink:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11548, -
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- 3 replies
Schools to get an afternoon's notice (rather than the no-notice originally proposed or the current 2-day notice)from september. Wonder if we will also get a call the day before...
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Ncma 'individual Inspection Matters' Campaign
by Guest lucyevans- 2 replies
Individual Inspection Matters Campaign - the NCMA is ALL childminders to write to their MP to try and prevent the goverments proposal to move away from individual inspections towards either group inspections via networks or agencies (ie. childminders would no longer be self-employed) - more info on MyNCMA and there's a short survey to complete to gather everyone's views
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38943, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
We have been expecting Ofsted now since the beginning of February 2012 and really did expect to have seen them by now. It is now mid May and although it "keeps us on our toes" so to speak, it is still rather nerve racking!! After reading also that suitable persons might be abolished from September 2012, and our new manager has also been expecting one for a while also, it was rumoured they would carry out this suitable persons during our inspection, it is really looking like they might not actually come until after the changes? Otherwise is their "much" point, has i would imagine they need to re-visit once the changes has been implemented? I could be totally wrong,…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_41997, -
- 12 replies
Ofsted are now looking for feedback on their proposals to change the regulation of EY providers. I hopefully have attached a link to the consultation document here. Happy reading.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 6 replies
The school have kindly just informed us they will have Ofsted in from tomorrow, so as we are on the school site we will be getting a visit too. Not the greatest time as we have a new leader(2 months) and 3 new staff members(1 week). Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
Finally They Came.
by Guest Biker- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Finally Mrs O arrived yesterday morning! From the ouset she was friendly seemed to really enjoy the sessions and our children. We couldn't be more pleased with the judgement ,although we have to wait for the report before we can go public!!! We all want to shout it from the rooftops. What a positive affirming experience! After a very stressfull few weeks it is such aa relief,now we can enjoy our concerts,paries etc!Just wanted to share a little joy! Biker.
- 10 replies
Well we were just welcoming the children in this morning and ofsted turn up to do our first inspection! It went brilliantly, she was lovely and got involved with the children and joining in the activities. We passed with satisfactory and elements of good! I'm so relieved it's over as we only opened in September and we were worrying about them coming.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396,