546 topics in this forum
Suitable Person
by Guest- 11 replies
Our Co-chair is currently the Ofsted contact and happy to be. Should I be, as managing supervisor? I am not worried about being if I don't have to be, but am worried that I should be and if Ofsted come we should have done something that we haven't? Does that make sense?? I was new to the setting in September and a PVI one at that, so am not sure how it works, as the Co-chairs are technically the employers. Thanks Clare
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 25 replies
2nd day into new term and guess who turned up today!! Have to say a very nice lady, she was only with us 1 1/2 hours but is back tomorrow so I am assuming tomorrow will be longer!! Today was observation and tomorrow is paperwork, any advice anyone please!! Are there anything Ofsted a particular hot on at the moment? We are a new setting (opened in September) so I am hoping she will take this into consideration (working progress and all of that!!) Anyway wish me luck!! Kris
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11962, -
- 29 replies
Hi all Now I'm pretty sure that I already know the answer to this.........but don't want to do anything completely stupid!!! Can I submit a partly completed SEF to Ofsted - if I enter 'to be completed' in the blanks? More importantly.....if I do that can I get back into it to edit and fill in the aforementioned blanks? I can......... can't I?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
After An Inadequate?
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, I have heard that after a setting has received an inadequate Ofsted inspection, they are only able to get a satisfactory judgement on their re-inspection. I was wondering if anyone knows if this is true?? Only I feel that would be unfair, as any inspection should reflect the current practice. Thanks Tiddlywinks
- 5 replies
hiya, For PVI settings, if you are on a school site, did your most recent (post EYFS) inspection co-incide with the main school inspection? Or was it just 3 years after the previous one? Or more, or less? thanks very much, A
Inspected Yesterday
by Guest Kaa- 14 replies
Some of you replied with very kind words when I posted on "introduce your self" as I told you we were inspected in March and got an unsatisfactory. We were inspected yasterday and we are happy with the result Our numbers have dropped this year, so hopefully they might increase now. This site has played a large part in helping us to raise our judgement as I have used ideas, suggestions and been made to think about how we do things. A big thank you to all of you for your ideas and suggestions.
Over The Moon!
by Guest colechin- 17 replies
It was nearly 5 years ago that ofsted did their first inspection on the Nursery which had only been open for 6 months. On Wednesday the second inspection was done. The inspector (Lady) was lovely, very down to earth. She asked lots of questions and chuckled to herself while she was tapping away at her keyboard. (I think she was enjoying herself).The children were fantastic and the staff, well they are alway great. This site, which I have recommended to lots has been a help in so many ways. Just knowing that I can contact people who instantly will know were I can find the relevant information or guidance has shaped and tranformed me, my staff, my committee and th…
by Guest- 27 replies
Inspection over - before xmas HOORAY - I know i'm not supposed to say how I did but lets say I'm extremely pleased and all the hard work and obsession/passion has paid off. many thanks to all of you who have offered advice,listened when I needed someone who understood and shared all your good practice to help me learn more
- 12 replies
Thought this might be helpful.......
Inspection Visit Tip
by Guest- 23 replies
Hi all, Have just heard of a very good tip to help when you are due a visit. Apparently some groups visit their sef online every day if only to change a full stop or capital letter and if their access is blocked then the dreaded visit is imminent. Has anyone else heard of this? Does it work? Scottie dog
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11962,