546 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hi there, I am a CC teacher and some of the childminders I have been working with have recently been bringing lots of different published resource books- i.e. photocopiable blank planning formats- to our meetings and asking me which is the best one to buy. I feel that the best one is a format that works for you and is meaningful and manageable, but some CM's seem to want me to tell them to buy one or the other. Do any CM's out there have a planning version that has been recommended to them or is popular by consensus? I'd be really grateful if you could let me know. The majority of my CM's are going with my suggested format, but there are just one or two who I think wou…
- 4 replies
Hi been trying to complete sef for a few months now and I feel like I'm losing the plot. Have filled in some parts and feel like I will never finish. Now having recently gone on there seems to be so much more to fill in is this right. The leadership and management section seems to have extended into about another 5 sections and there other bits on there that weren't there before. Is anynone else struggling as I just feel there is far to much to do and I wonder how I am ever going to finish!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
Mrs O Has Been Back Today
by Guest- 21 replies
I am over the moon We got outstanding in all areas I would like to say a BIG thank you to this forum to all who have posted,shown their work, or shared their knowledge Tips, Mrs O said it was better for them to read sef in their own time from the internet, then be given it on the day of the Ofsted visit and have limited time to read. I took some ones tip from the forum of having a child that had lefts for school profile, which was full, rather then have many just started with no evidence of what we really do in a year She said she liked the size of the photos of visits out ( A4 )which were on the walls at child level I have already been for large bo…
- 13 replies
Hello all, I would first like to thank everyone who had in one way or the other taken time out to answer my questions/posts, and also to those who had attached sample of their work in this forum, because you all have made us past our Ofsted with a strong GOOD in all areas l thank you all. Ofsted came in on wednesday, and came back on thursday for a feedback, was very pleased with us and the freeflow loved the fact that we were using our garden, am so pleased. This forum has really helped me a lot, i cannot emphasize enough. Thank you all.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Sef Update Form
by Guest- 15 replies
Following my previous post on this I came up with something and I thought it might be useful to others. It's basically I suppose an edited action plan which has come about after completing our SEF. That way we can keep an eye on what needs doing without trawling through 40 odd pages of the SEF. I'm going to circulate this to the relevant people with the things they need to do highlighted. SEF_Update_Form.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19733, -
by Guest- 2 replies
We had THE phone call yesterday. Ofsted are inspecting our school on Mon and Tues, 3 inspectors for 2 days! Last week before half term hols so didnt get chance to do all that we had intended to do. Does anyone have any last minute advice they can offer as the last inspection was outstanding and is a hard act to follow!! I am Reception teacher in a Foundation Unit of 56 nursery and reception children Thanks in advance!
On Site Preschool Inspections Reflecting On Schools
by Guest Spiral- 6 replies
Hi there, I had a conversation with a colleague in a school last week - she said they were concerned that they have a preschool on their site which isn't doing very well (lots of staff changes and issues). The school's head teacher is concerned that there is a new Ofsted guide which does state that if a setting on thier site is inspected and it is deemed as satisfactory or even unsatisfactory, the school can be held responsible somehow? I can't remember what the document was called - something like 'Inspecting the EYFS'. Does anyone have any ideas on what this is called/what the implications are? Do we need to consider writing disclaimers etc?? He…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20359, -
- 0 replies
we are a nursery with a school, the reception has had ofsted for 2 days, and because we are with the school we were inspected as well!!!!!!!!!!!!! as stated now the nursery has to bge inspected with a school, so if the reception has any improvements they have to do this reflects on us, as we are to work together etc, well they came an what a let down they came into nursery for just over an hour yes again just over an hour what a fase, how they can do this, think because we are the first in our area to have this done to me it seems they are still trying to work out what to do. All the hard work we have put in especially our manager, how deflated we feel, has any one else e…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20359, -
- 6 replies
Hi Really hoping someone can shed some light on this. I am a private pre-school within a local primary school, I rent a classroom and outdoor space and have my own entrance/car park etc. The Headteacher approached me this morning and said that her SIP? had advised her that she should have more of an interest in the Pre-School as we will be included in the school Ofsted inspection! Now as we are a new setting I know we are due within the next couple of months a visit from Ofsted, however the school had their Ofsted in about April of this year!! Surely I wont be having two inspections and as I am a private provider and registered individually from the school it would …
- 23 replies
Hi all - received this yesterday - hope you find it useful! Sunnyday
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,