546 topics in this forum
Ofsted Again!
by Guest- 15 replies
Just survived my Ofsted inspection, had a really nice lady. But was somewhat surprised she really didn`t go through paper work, just asked if we had it. Asked loads of questions, spoke to staff and students and a few parents. had lots of positive comments which I was pleased with Never asked about risk assessments , which I thought was a hot topic of theirs, just goes to show they are also different in their approach. If you have an outside play area, make sure that the door is open all the time, ours was closed and so lost our outstanding on that point, because she couldn`t see the children go in and out although we did use the outside play area whilst she was th…
by Guest- 10 replies
Mrs O knocked on the door today. The only day we are not open (baby and toddler group use the church hall). So will she come back tomorrow/ Friday or not? Ah well back to the SEF! Rachel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Ofsted Inspection Today!
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi everyone, I know that I havent posted for such a long time, as I am busy running the pre school and studying for the Foundation Degree, through Worcester University. Today we had our first Ofsted inspection since I took over in Feb 07. I met the Ofsted Inspector whilst I was smashing up the ice on the path into pre school with my broom (I initially thought it was a lady going into the dance class in the adjacent building lol) The lady said 'That looks like hard work', i replied 'it is, but if I dont do this a child and their parents might break their necks!! To cut a long story short, we got a good for everything and an outstanding for partnerships with par…
by Guest- 3 replies
hi every one, had reinspection yesterday!! we wernt due til march- last inspection/inspector from hell was only 5 month ago!!! same one turned up (i had complained about her and had comments revoked after investigation!! first thing i said to her after picking myself up of the floor! was y!our not meant to be here yet!!" oops get her back up already!! surprisingly she was very nice! must have had a personality transplant!! was pleased with outcome, she recognised all the hard work and commended us on SEF and continuous improvement!!!! not due now for 4 years!!! was on a high all night and that extra glass of red has made me suffer today!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 40 replies
Yep, ofsted turned up this morning it was awful, we were all soooooo nervous I took over in January and i'm in the process of getting us to where we should be but the previous supervisor had a lot of things in place that shouldn't have been, and vice versa and every single one of these things was picked up on I explained i've only known about the job for 4 weeks and it has been impossible for me to change everything in that time but she didn't seem interested Anyway she is coming back again for about an hour tomorrow because she wants to see us over lunchtime, then she is coming to feedback on friday after the session finishes. The parents were excellent, som…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi Just a qucik message if any one can help me it would be a great help. We have got OFSTED coming tomorrow and im starting to panick a bit now. My classroom is fine and planning is fine im not worried about that its just they have asked to meet up with an even number of co-ordinators at the end of the day and we are to bring a note book and pen with us and nothing else. I have only recently became the History and Geography co-ordinator so i havent really had chance to get into my role and i aint got a clue what to expect and am worried that it will come across that i dont know what i am doing . Does anyone know why they might want to meet like this and has anyone…
They're Here.....
by Guest- 21 replies
Morning all. Well today is the start of our 2 day whole school inspection. I have already been told that the private provision and after school will be done again as they are now under the schools umbrella....... We didn't get long to rest on our "Outstanding" grade for nursery education did we when we were last inspected in May 08. My worry here is that for the half of my job that is with the LA nursery (I go private so to speak at 11.30) we won't be graded alone but as part of the EYFS and we don't have an early years leader!!!!!!!!!! In some ways I don't think it has done us any harm, but I think we are supposed to have one!! I also have a colleagu…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6021, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, Do ofsted inspect setting during the holiday, am not too sure, am thinking they might not due to early years funding not available during holidays. That is my own thinking. Toro
Ofsted Info
by Guest- 23 replies
Hi Just been on a welfare course and thought i would share some of the info. You may be aware of most! Welfare requirements we know are split into statutory and non statory however this course said that you may as well class all as statutory! General info All parents do not need to have a copy of all policies but just should be made aware of where to find them. A member of the committee needs to be a designated person for safeguarding children (as well as staff) They need to attend the relevant course before taking on the role. Was suggested that this be a role in itself for comm member. LEGAL requirements All staff have to have a copy of …
Waiting For The Big O!
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, I am the Nursery teacher in a pre-school Nursery, which is part of the school. We are waiting for the OFSTED call every day now... Any advice or shared experiences would be very welcome!!