546 topics in this forum
They've Been And Gone! 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
Can't believe the waiting is over!! They came and left me with a very delightful OUTSTANDING for education and GOOD for care!! Whop-de-do!! :wacko: I would celebrate but I am off to a curriculum evening with my 13 year old twins who can't make their mind up about what shoes to wear let alone what subjects to choose for their options.
- 27 replies
We had our knock on the door at 9.05am yesterday morning. A member of staff said "an important looking lady is walking up our path" and she was right . Although are 3 year deadline was the end of next week our early years advisory teacher said that ofsted had upto the end of February 08 to complete the 2004 re-inspections. I had started to kid myself that it would be the other side of xmas! Fortunately the inspector was a really nice lady . She asked if I wanted her to try and complete the inspection in a day or complete it over two days. I thought about this for one second and said today please. The inspection process was much more relaxing then three years ago a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Ofsted Consultation
by Guest- 8 replies
Just got this from Ofsted email alert. CONSULTATION I haven't read it myself yet but thought it may be important to bring to your attention. Happy reading. ( little smirk from me because I won't have to do aother Inspection ), I'll still read it though. Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 33 replies
WELL, IT'S OVER FOR ANOTHER THREE YEARS !!!!!!!!!!!! They came this week - glad it's over (for another three years) The inspector was very nice - but the inspection was stressful - even though we were sure we were doing well. Of course, we are not supposed to let anyone know the outcome just yet but.......... :wacko: :rolleyes: :unsure: Sue J
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42775, -
- 4 replies
Hi folks, for the first time this week i have woken up with out a head ache!!!! wow that feels good!!!! Ofsted arrived monday morning, great I thought as soon we will be getting into Christmas hype! However (Ofsteds fav word!!!) i was feeling poorly with a banging headache but the show must go on as they say! The children were great, all activitly involved and refreshed after their week off. The session went really well. We all sat on the floor at circle time for show and tell and I felt so poorly, the room was spinning and i was sure i would pass out at any minute. Session ended and I was still muzzy and feeling so sick. A staff member got me some food and drink as we…
- 4 replies
We are due to be inspected this next half term, came 12 Dec 04. After reading recent posts about Pre schools not getting any notice now ,I was just wondering when looking at the document below if we will infact have some notice. We are a pre school in an independent school. In the past I have sent all planning ahead of inspection and parents have filled in questionares. Has anyone from an independent school been inspected recently? Did you have any notice. Thank you Jackie Little or no notice of inspection Day-care providers Day-care providers will normally receive no notice of the inspection. The main exceptions are: • providers of short-term crèches or hol…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4869, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi im a nqt in a nursery when i accepted the job the school thought ofsted were coming last summer term so i didnt worry but for one reason or another they didnt come so were waiting for inspection sometime this term .As this is my first inspection I have no idea what to expect or what i should be doing to prepare. Any suggestions or tips would be a great help thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Ofsted And The News
by Guest- 29 replies
On the news this morning Ofsted were commenting about the amount of unsatisfactory childcare there inspections have show etc., etc. I would love to reply - What about all the unsatisfactory Ofsted Inspectors, the complete incompetence of their office staff who loose paperwork. Despite numerous phonecalls we were without a 'Suitable Person' for six months, because the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing. There are of course some excellent inspectors out there, but they really need to get their own house in order. I know of unsatisfactory settings that have waited nearly a year to be re-inspected. Surely they should be re-inspected much quicker th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
OFSTED arrived today. Lady came at 10.15am (1 hour into session) seems very nice. We are sessional mornings only pre-school. She has taken loads of files away with her and will be back again tomorrow. No doubt tomorrow will be a full on questions and answers day due to the fact that she arrived quite late this morning. Will now spend rest of afternoon, fine tuning some of the paperwork she hasn't seen and that i've been meaning to do for a long time.!!!!!! WISH US LUCK !
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Useful Ofsted Document?!
by Guest- 5 replies
Just had time to read my e-mails & discovered a useful Ofsted bit! Look under Publications & research (on Ofsted site) for Early years: Getting on well. Here you will find a long booklet showing surveys, best practice, etc. On page 41-43 you will find "Questions to help you reflect on your own practice" linked to "Enjoying & achieving" & "Making a postive contribution". Also they have listed some examples of questions to be directed towards the children. The last page asks for three things you could do to improve the way that you help children get on well. Thought this might be a good staff exercise! Sorry not sure how to put the link on here, but I'm …