546 topics in this forum
- 43 replies
We've been waiting a long time and knew it was coming any time, and at last, we're to be 'done' on Monday and Tuesday. We've had the pre inspection brief thingy (whatever its called) and they have timetabled a 2hour slot for me (2 hours??) and the panic has now set in (I think I was Ok before they said two hours). We know our starting point is very low..they want proof of that..think thats OK. We have also said they make good progress even though they dont achieve 6+in CLL esp writing and LSL. They want us to demonstrate how we can argue that they still make good progress. Then they want to know what we are doing about it, and how we can prove that what we are doing a…
I'm Furious!
by Guest- 16 replies
Haven't calmed down yet! Some of you will know the problems we had with trying to get hold of our last Ofsted report (October last year)due to our Inspector being off sick after she's done the Inspection (see previous posts) Ofsted have done absolutely NOTHING since our Inspection - where we can't officially tell anyone our outcome (which by the way was outstanding for both Care and Education!) - I don't care any more that we can't tell anyone. There has been no apology, explanation, no letter for us to give to parents etc etc. We feel totally dejected as we haven't been able to celebrate or advertise out oucome - so the final straw came today - we were fuming and not ver…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Ofsted Been And Gone!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 25 replies
Hi all Just to let you know that we had our OFSTED inspection yesterday and today. We received good in all areas and a good overall. I am really pleased as we have had 3 new members of staff in the past 12 months and I was worried that they may not have the confidence needed for an inspection. But they were all were wonderful, both old and new. I know I have said this recently, but I need to say thank you to everybody on this forum for their support and fantastic ideas-I know we have improved our provision because of the ideas I have gained from here. I will certainly be celebrating big style this weekend. Linda
Ofsted Recommendations
by Guest- 9 replies
We've just had feedback from our latest Ofsted inspection. It was okay except her recommendation was : "Make sure the assessment of children's progress is evaluated effectively to ensure sufficient challenge for individual children" She said "the assessments do not currently detail how individual children are challenged" It has left me unsure what to do next... We have always used the children's assessment files to focus on what each child can do NOT what they can't . We use the planning sheets to record what went well and which children needed more practise or moving on etc etc. Does she mean we need to put targets on each child's assessment file?
Childrens Files
by Guest- 7 replies
Hiya all Have recently taken over a temp manager job at a local pre school and am slightly confused with regards to the childrens files. In my last job at a day nursery the children had registration docs, termly reports covering areas of the elg, @ 1 free description obs per term, a development trail (in the shape of a caterpillar) and @5 pieces of relevant work eg first stencil with no supervision. However the pre school files seem to contain an amazing amount of obs, pictures and bits and bobs, so much so that the filing cabinet hardly shuts. On top of this the deputy has been there forever (didn't want a managers job) so dont feel comfortable changing things yet. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6541, -
- 20 replies
Hi everyone only joined on Tuesday but thought this would be a good opportunity to share our fantastic news. Last Monday at 8-45am not one but two Ofted inspectors turned up on our doorstep, to do our very long over due intergrated inspection. Staff were great, just got on with their normal routines, and literally ignored inspectors unless they were asked a question. Anyway the final result was Good for care & OUTSTANDING for education. This is our second inspection, the first was just for care which was also good, but both me and my deputy sat in on the feedback, and guess what we burst into tears when we told, in fact even inspectors filled up, (see they are human …
- 12 replies
We were last inspected in June 2004 so are due to be inspected again soon. We have received a letter from Ofsted today with a staff list attached. They have asked us to check and verify it and call them to make any changes. Do you think they could be about to inspect us? Incidently some of the names on the list have never worked at our setting.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Draft Report Can We See It?
by Guest- 5 replies
Are staff allowed to see the draft report. Our schools draft report has been in school since tues and our head has said we are not allowed to see it we have to wait for the final version. other members of staff are sure that in the past they have always been allowed to see the draft version?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Can You Believe This?
by Guest- 11 replies
As some of you know we were inspected last Oct. and never received a copy our 'outstanding' report (still haven't) due to inspector off on sick leave. Really fed up- no letter of apology from Ofsted - so a couple of weeks ago we asked our advisory teacher from the LA to perhaps mention something on our behalf to the big O people when she next met with them at their meetings together. Our LA teacher phoned yesterday to say that if we wanted to, Ofsted could offer us a re-inspection??????? MMmm! me thinks not! So - still waiting - all we want is maybe the outcome acknowledged on the Ofsted website with a line to say that the full report will be available at a …
Nursery Ass
by Guest- 3 replies
I have been searching all aft for some baseline ass the ones that are coloured in areas eg im sure they are blue , green and yellow sections. we have just had our ofsted and the inspector said these and there scores are what they were looking for us to have done. we use a different version that we can look at but because it didnt give actuall numbers as to were the children were, he didnt think they were as good . he wanted us to be able to say eg most children get 5 marks so they are below average on entry or they get seven so they are very average hoping someone can remember were these sheets are thankyou.