546 topics in this forum
Complaints Log
by Guest- 5 replies
I know there was quite a lot of discussion about this earlier. My question is: if we're keeping this log, & OFSTED want to be less directly involved in the Complaints Procedure, then do I take down that poster that they sent not so long ago that invited parents to telephone them about their concerns, & do I remove the section in the Policy that says they can take their complaints to OFSTED? At the last Inspection [end of Feb this year] it was suggested that I put their phone number into the policy. As I'm looking at the policies at the minute, I'd like to get it right, because I seem to have to revise them with increasing frequency & it's getting a bit si…
by Guest- 24 replies
Hi all, Had ofsted this week and was given feedback today. We received outstanding in all areas. I would just like to thank everyone from this site who has helped and advised me, bucked me up when I was down, gave me ideas when I had run out but above all gave me support when I really needed it. Your better than a 1KG bar of cadburys whole nut. THANK YOU[ Net xxx
What Do I Need To Know?
by Guest- 10 replies
This might seem like a really obvious question but as some of you will already know, I'm really nervous about the imminent arrival of Ofsted to my pre-school. I know they are due and with the change in management just recently I know it won't be long before they are knocking on the door! So, I was wondering as to the kinds of things I need to be prepared for? My manager hasn't been too much help lately what with all the different things going on. I have been involved in inspections before but not on a mangement level. I have read through the appropriate standards (we follow the sessional standards) and am making sure that all is as it should be, but I keep readin…
- 3 replies
Hiya Has anyone had one of the new style spot check inspections where you recieve no notice that OFSED are coming? If so, how did they go? and how valuable were your Self Evaluation Forms, did OFSTED use them alot and did they base the inspection around them. Iam half way through completing ours and just wondered if they really are the core of the new inspections like OFSTED say they are? Mandy x
Major Panic!
by Guest- 1 reply
Our school has ofsted looming and we are pretty sure judgement day will be next half term. When this was being discussed in our last staff meeting our head was going through the new procedure. He was talking about how co-ordinators may be interviewed and he ran through our co-ordinators. We only have one reception class - the one i teach - and no 'official' FS co-ordinator. I niavely asked who the FS co-ordinator was. Our head said it was me. I understand this as i am the only FS teacher but now i am in a major panic as i have no idea what i should be doing in the role with regardsa to ofsted. Can anyone give me some tips or help out my mind at rest - i can see a Easter …
What Happens Now?
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi. I have just filled in the new forms for managers ready to send off to Ofsted. As this is my first real dealings with them, I don't really know what happens next! Our inspection is due any time now, but with my application, will this speed things up? I know I shouldn't worry, but I can't help being a bit nervous! Clare
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
On A High!
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi, We just had our HMIe (Scotland) inspection, delayed from Feb because of the snow and we came out brilliantly - I am SO pleased and over the moon. I've only been there 7 months and changed a few things for what I hoped were for the better and she commended them all! Here we have 4 levels with 4 being the highest (very good) - we got 4 for everything except K&UW which was a 3 (good) because I wasn't growing anything this week One happy bunny here! Megsmum
- 7 replies
I know there is lots of funding already but I am unable to find what I am looking for - know it has been discussed before somewhere. We have a funded child with SEN who attends our setting for four days a week - his family keyworker visits him in the home the other day. We claim for the four days but Mum has to pay the extra for the two days we run for four hours. I recently read in the new Nursery Funding COP that if a child is unable to access all its funding you can still claim for all the funding. His family keyworker says we can just do it anyway as the four hours session can just count as two sessions - I thought that there had to be a break in between? S…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Argh Ofsted 1 2
by Guest- 32 replies
Ok, so I couldn't find an inspections thread in the general, so I've come here! We got the call this morning and the team are coming on Wednesday and Thursday. I'm so nervous after a bad experience last time. Bang goes my weekend, got to check all my paperwork is upto date.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Ofsted Again
by Guest- 6 replies
Watch out . My setting was last inspected in Dec 04. We lease a mobile in the grounds of a school and they were due to be done so we have been brought in line with them. A visit from OFSTED today. Lucky ppl - some 18 months early!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732,