546 topics in this forum
Principles Into Practice
by Guest- 1 reply
I found an article on this in Nursery World 28/7/05 & have only just got round to looking at it. I hope I haven't missed a thread, & you're all using it already, but if not you might like to take a look & see what you think. You can set up a group for your setting, which looks as though it means any staff members who want to can add their input online. I'd be interested to hear your reactions!
Ofsted Says We Are Good
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all. found this today It is called Firm Foundations and is a report on Ofsteds findings from inspections recently carried out. It also shows how we can consider the new Ofsted Inspection criteria and how they link to the standards. Peggy
Had Ofsted Today! 1 2
by Guest- 32 replies
Hi everyone. It's been a wee while since I've posted anything. But I just had to tell everyone that OFSTED turned up at our Pre-school's door on Monday. This is the busiest week of the year to date.... Sods law works again. The observed Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday we had sports day so they didn't come then. We were given OUTSTANDING I'm shocked, amazed and thoroughly delighted. Had to share this news with everyone. Cheers Angie
Sef Form
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello - can anyone guide me to any previous discussions on completing the SEF or has anyone got any tips from when they did it themselves. We've potentially got an inspection in Aut term and know we do tons of good stuff but a starting point is a bit of a problem Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Ofsted Inspection
by Guest- 13 replies
I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone here at the forum, for all your help and advise you have given me over the last few months. Ofsted turned up out of the blue on Tuesday for the full session (While I was away on a course!) and then came back on Thursday again for the full session (well the session finished at 1pm but she was with me until 4pm). I had been informed by a local Kindergarten that this lady was an 'Old battle axe' so when I heard her name on my answer phone I didn't sleep Tuesday or Wednesday night. She turned out to be lovely, The Nursery opened in September, I was brought in during January as the Supervisor hadn't done any p…
Foundation Stage Ofsted Evidence
by Guest- 7 replies
Can anyone help? ideas support experience needed!!!! I will be taking on the role of fondation stage coordinator next term I am very excited but an OFSTED is definitely on the cards! Problem..... We are part of the school and therefore SEF forms have been filled in for the whole school. The problem is that the head has set a very hard task, presumably to test my capabilities. We have indicated on the sef form that children enter the nursery with a variety of difficulties language deprivation etc. By the time they leave the foundation stage with the value added these children are "performing" in line or better than the national average. The head has asked me to provid…
New Style Inspection-self Assessment
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, In addition to previous post I have researched for some ideas of what inspectors will be looking for with regard to leadership & management. Please find attached; *excell self assessment with addition of "tab 5" organisation( taken from page 5 of common inspection framework document) *word doc of the above * The common Inspection framework * Every child matters framework I have asked ALL my staff to complete the self assessment it has helped them to prepare for Ofsted and has also given me a very useful insight to their individual training needs Hope this all helps and doesn't exacerbate your busy end of term lives. Peggy OFSTED_SELF_AS…
Inspection Self Assessment 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
Hi everyone, I have devised an assessment form including all performance criteria / aspects, of the areas we are required to self assess for inspection. Being Healthy Staying Safe Enjoying and Achieving Making a positive contribution Achieving economic well-being Some you may not feel are relevant to your setting, but I hope you find it useful. I shall be asking all my staff to complete it because; 1. their knowledge is valuable towards self- assessment. and 2. It will help prepare them for inspection ( alongside having to know and impliment the 14 Standards, Foundation Stage Curriculum and Birth to Three Matters documentation) Peggy. OFSTED_SEL…
New Style Inspections 1 2
by Guest- 49 replies
Hi, I've heard that the nursery located around the corner from me has just had the "new style" inspection. ( They only opened recently). I last had a joint inspection in Nov 2003 and a care standards inspection June 2004, so it looks like they might be with me soon I can't wait to have it done as I feel really confident about my preschool at the moment having done the self assessment with my staff. Has anyone out there experienced the "new style" inspection and if so what was it like? How did it differ from the old style? Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
New Ofsted Inspections
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, I went to recent training on the new inspections and now realise that my role as supervisor has changed, I shall spend less time with the children and more time with the paperwork. Although the new grading is clearer, it only takes one memer of staff to be having a bad day (PMS and the like) to put us down to Inadequate. It seems that as managers/supervisors we shall be more auditors than Early years care workers. Mmmm but with with all the emphasis on play and less on 'testing' I feel a little lost. Can anyone help? Aunty Ruby