331 topics in this forum
Web Site
by Guest- 8 replies
I've just came across this web site its worth a look.
Research Help Required For Dissertation 1 2
by Guest- 34 replies
Dear All, I would like your help please. I am just about to start my dissertation for my BA (Hons) in Nursery Management and really don't know what to do, how to start, where to begin or even if I can do it. I am slightly panicing. Any help from other users on how to tackle this problem would be most appreciated. One of the areas I am currently looking and am keen to do is Working in Partnership with Parents - Communication type theme. My thoughts would be to carry out a small survey on the ways we communicate with parents, how often etc. This information would hopefully lead me to analyse the types of communication, how often, what purpose etc. or something…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4495, -
Photocopiable Sheets And Templates
by Guest- 21 replies
I have been reading on this site loads of ideas about cutting out shapes and encouraging the children to do sticking on them etc or people asking where they can find 'worksheets' and was wondering are we actually allowed to use them? At my last nursery, the children were looking at growing, so they were asked to paint flowers but the deputy manager told me that the children had to paint the flower shapes themselves as we were not allowed to provide them with templates to paint on. I then did an activity to encourage counting and number recognition amongst the younger children in the group. They have a rhyme that they count to and it is referred to as their 'number roc…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 6 replies
Do you allow siblings to collect brothers or sisters from your setting? Does your policy say anything about this? In the past we have allowed a child to be collected by their 14 year old brother following a telephone call to say the mum was parking the car. Today this Mum telephoned to say their 10/11 year old would be collecting whilst she parked the car. We felt uncomfortable about this on discussion and decided to escort the child to the gate ourselves (not always possible with staffing). If a parent says this is OK, is that sufficient or are there any rules on the age of persons to whom we can hand over to? What about an aged Granny? We On the child pr…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Presentation Please
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Got to do a presentation at uni on My Developing Philosophy for Early years education .I have some ideas but would appreciate any input from anyone Thank you
by Guest- 20 replies
I don't want to sound daft but, I look forward to login on and reading everyone's news and really feel like I have new friends, it is like having friends without the physical interaction, which I am rubbish at - I am a shy person and to work in the setting is hard, the children are fine, I love them but having to deal with other adults, parents and my collegues I find difficult, I have got better during my four years and am sure college has helped, I have had to MAKE myself go, but because I love what I do it becomes slightly easier to have to mix. I know if I can find the courage to do the FD, it will boost my confidence too, ooo hark at me sound quite positive don't I?…
Any Good Nursery Report Formats?
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone! Has anyone got any good Nursery Report formats that they don't mind sharing. This year our Nursery needs to send out a written report to parents in July, they could use Reception's but they are looking for new ideas. Can you help? ps This is a great site! It is really valuable to read everyone's ideas, concerns etc. Best wishes A
- 6 replies
I'm trying to argue that independence is an important attitude for young children to develop. The only thing is that my persuasive skills are rubbish and i'm struggling to give examples! what would you say if someone said being independent isn't important, or if you think it isn't can you give a reason why? thanks laura x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4869, -
Help With An Assignment
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me. The problem is this: As part of the placement part of my early childhood studies degree, we have been accompanying groups of children from a local nursery to a country park every few weeks. We have been given an assignment for this placement, where in groups we have to give a short presentation about a topic to do with the placement and then have a debate with the group split into the two sides, and one person acting as chair. Now I havn't got a clue what sort of topic we could discuss, apart from risk taking. Apparently my group has decided to look at weather ( I was absent on the day they met to dec…
The Lion Sleeps Tonight!
by Guest- 5 replies
HI I've had such fun exploring this website and on Firday we had 10 laptops on all exploring it too! It was a bit chaotic and quite noisy but great FUN!! Hope you enjoy it too. Go to cause and effect on: http://www.priorywoods.middlesbrough.sch.u...rces/restop.htm Trudiex
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2760,