This forum enables you to put in your requests to visit other Tapestry users. You might be thinking about using Tapestry for the first time, or you might be looking for hints and tips from colleagues regarding a particular Tapestry function.
Please post any ideas / suggestions for future Tapestry development here. This will help us to monitor ideas and allow us and you to discuss the ideas before moving forward
Here is a place for you to chat and share your Tapestry experiences. You can also tell us here about how you are using Tapestry in your setting. If you have a particular user issue that relates to your own account please send in a support ticket to
Following the success of the Ofsted mythbusting series we wanted to create a Tapestry mythbusting thread where you can add any myths or misinformation you have heard about Tapestry.
Feel free to also post here if you have heard something and you are not sure whether it is true or not!
This forum area is for new features on Tapestry which are still in the beta phase. This means they are fully functioning but are still being developed and improved. Feedback and any function issues can be posted here. Alternatively you can email
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