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Inspection Over! Now Time To De-stress!


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Hi folks, for the first time this week i have woken up with out a head ache!!!! wow that feels good!!!! Ofsted arrived monday morning, great I thought as soon we will be getting into Christmas hype! However (Ofsteds fav word!!!) i was feeling poorly with a banging headache but the show must go on as they say!

The children were great, all activitly involved and refreshed after their week off. The session went really well. We all sat on the floor at circle time for show and tell and I felt so poorly, the room was spinning and i was sure i would pass out at any minute. Session ended and I was still muzzy and feeling so sick. A staff member got me some food and drink as we sat around to disscuss the morning, to add to my stress two staff members whom have attened every single staff meeting for the past two years decided they had not been listening and wanted to review and have explained the policies and procedures to them. (Please note we review these along with loads of other stuff during staff meetings, staff also have the full policies in their hand books.) I sat with my head between my legs!!!! listening to them going on at me aghhhh!!!!! Thank heavens for my member of staff who listens to me whom could explain to the others. Sorry but my comment between dizzy spells was something like "look in your handbooks tonight", " We have covered this in our meetings, do you not remember?"

Day two and i'm still feeling rough but got a good nights sleep. Paper work being looked at today, thats no problem as i am confident that the paper work is bang up to date. Committee have aranged a coffee morning so lots of busy people about asking stuff of me!

Execellent session, children great, staff expecting to be "Grilled" (in the inspectors words)., a table full of paper work all ready and waiting!! Ok it is now 11.50 ten minutes to go, the end is in sight!!! I asked if any thing else was required to view, the answer was no every thing is fine, i enquired about the feed back "would it be today, after lunch?" the reply was "no, I'll come back tomorrow during the session then feed back after the session."

The staff were spoken to indvidualy and all done well, thankfully.

So day three!!... inspector arrives at about 11.15, i'm still feeling stressed but the inspector has seen two great sessions and by coming back again on day three seeing different activties yet again.

Our result was very pleasing and very postive. The inspector was great and we forgot see was present...at some points!!

I think i was feeling slightly off colour on monday then my stress levels increased with the inspection and then again with staff being unsure and needing a confidence boost from me which i'm afraid i did not achive very well. I am only human but i feel like i could of done more to support the girls.


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Well Lesley all i can say is come here and give us a hug :o !!!!

It sounds like you will be absolutly fine and what a trouper!!

But you know what you say is true we are all human and these things are sent to try us.As for the staff most settings have staff like that unfortunatly.I tend to do it the other way round cope ok at the time and then fall to pieces afterwards with all sorts of physical ailments.Just chill now and enjoy the rest of the weekend xD

Edited by Andreamay
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Well done Lesley, for struggling on even though you felt so rough. I'm glad the inspection went well and that you can enjoy the run up to Christmas without dreading the knock on the door.

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