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Committee Run Pre School


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We are a committee run pre school, and at our last Inspection (july 2007) the Inspector looked at all paperwork which she needed to help her to come to a final judgement. Make sure you read through your 'Standards' it will tell you what the inspector needs to see and what should be held on the premises. Our chairperson was questioned by the Inspector (in her role as Chairperson) and attended the feedback after the Inspection. In my circumstance the committee are the registered providers of the setting (not the staff) - check your most recent Ofsted Certificate to find out who the 'registered provider' is - if it states the 'management committee of .......' then there is every chance that the Inspector will want to speak to Chair or other representative. If I can be of any more help - please pm me. It's best to work together with your committee, but having been involved in this type of Pre School work for xxxx amount of years some committees are better than others (that's putting it very nicely!)

I can't complain at the moment - we've had the best committees ever for the past few years, but have had committees in the past which were particularly 'trying' to say the least!

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Can i ask what information they keep at home. My committee have relevant documents on disc like prosepctus, copies of letters etc and records of expenditure etc.


When we had our ofsted they spoke to the chair and just checked her understanding of the national standards etc and that she was police checked......

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I would recommend that all information is held on the premises. At the inspection before I was supervisor we were deemed inadequate - the committee held all paper work and they weren't around the day Ofsted called!!!!!


I would suggest that it goes in a filing cabinet and that the key is held on the premises - that way all the committee can have access - but you are covered. I would really recommend that you have a chat with the committee and try to build a rapport and gain their confidence and support.


If the paperwork is all on site, it also saves lots of heart ache and problems when members leave, handover time and less chance of it going AWOL because every one else thinks they have it.


Good luck

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In total contrast....


Our inspector did not speak to committee officially except as they would a parent using the setting, They wanted all the standards info etc, risk assessments , planning, staffing etc etc etc

nothing at all to do with financial management,


Perhaps it is because they change every year and by the time they speak to them they have gone!! This last year the CRBs were done so late the committee had completely changed and re elected!!



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Our chairperson was spoken to at our last inspection but not in depth about standards etc. Our male secretary was rostered on as a bank worker that day and inspector was delighted to see this.


All our information, paperwork etc is kept on the premises. Our committee is soon to change, something we are dreading, its the best its been for many years!!


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