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Just thought I would let you know that my old pre-school was Ofsted'ed today with no notice whatsoever!! The inspectors phoned the primary school on Monday to say they were inspecting the school on Thursday and Friday. The pre-school is on the grounds of the school but run entirely independantly. The inspectors knocked on their door this afternoon!!!! The pre-school was 'done' in May last year too!!


I am not sure why the pre-school wasnt given any notice but the school was.


So be prepared!! :o

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Thanks for the warning!! I to am within the school grounds but seperate!! I will be on the lookout. We were only done last term but I have heard that we could still get done again!! Oh the joy.

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A bit confused, I thought all 'independent' preschools had no notice inspections. Did the preschool have notice for their inspection last May?


Hope the Inspection went well.



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The pre-school is a community pre-school which just happens to be on the grounds of the school. And yes they did get a few days notice in May last year and on the inspection previous to that. Do they not have to give a bit of notice incase you have an outing or training day or similar?

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my understanding is that now settings can get a visit from Ofsted (even if they are not 'due' for an inspection) the names are basically all put in the hat and drawn out! we were lucky last year in that the headteacher did let us know that they had been informed of inspection and that they would be doing us as well (even though independent). where is the level playing field with schools - one rule for them...one for us! :o

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The pre-school is a community pre-school which just happens to be on the grounds of the school. And yes they did get a few days notice in May last year and on the inspection previous to that. Do they not have to give a bit of notice incase you have an outing or training day or similar?



Not sure if it was April 2006 or 2007 that unannounced (spl) Inspections started for preschools in the PVI sector. I can only guess that community run preschools based on school grounds sometimes have their inspections at the same time as the school basically due to the logistics of if an Inspector is in the area, kill two birds with one stone approach??? :o (awful pun not intended about the 'killing' terminology :( )


Maybe your previous shared Inspection with school was a coincidence xD ?



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I know of a pre-school that was done twice last year because they were in the grounds of an infant and also a junior school - the two schools were inspected separately and the pre-school was done on both occasions!

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in cheshire pre-schools independent or otherwise on school grounds have an integrated inspection with the school. the only plus being that school know in advance and if they share the info with the pre-school all being good. They cant have both ways they either call it integrated or they dont!!! :o

Edited by Andreamay
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Our last inspection (end lsst year) was unannounced. Inspector rang the door bell at 9.50 am on a Monday morning

I'm sure I read somewhere that schools were to start to get unannounced inspections as well- cant remember where now and may have just been an'urban' myth!!

Actually we found this inspection the least stressful of all those we have had. No time to panic, stress about what we do or dont do and certainly no time to 'plan' special things.

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lynned55, you have read right - the schools were supposed to be moving to no-notice inspections, at least in Early Years so it was a level playing field. I read a few months ago that opposition by teaching unions had brought this to an end for the time being. Now if only we had the clout of a union arguing for us....although I do agreed no-notice is a lot less stressful. I would just like a level playing field!

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Our last inspection in Oct 07 was totally unannounced - and less stressful too, well in that respect anyway. The only stress was that it was my Deputy's second day, just her and me in, as my 'usual' deputy had just started maternity leave!

We were told at then of the one and a half day inspection that the system 'reset' in April and our name could be drawn out of 'the hat' at any time after that again! In fact a local Preschool had one in February and another in May I believe!

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