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Combined inspections


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:( Sorry to post on a more serious note but this is for all those awaiting an inspection. I just thought I'd have a quick look at Ofsted site to see if there was any news of significance and just happened to see that ............. and there was a new publication out yesterday -


'Guidance on Inspecting Funded Nursery Education' - it's 116 pages long - and I feel quite sick now !!!!!!


Oh dear, oh dear - my stressed out Mickey Mouse avatar will be back shortly !


Janice :o :wacko: xDxD:( :rolleyes: :( :unsure:

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I wouldn't worry too much. Having looked at the first 16 pages of the new document it is pretty much what our inspector did last November. This is just guidance for the inspectors to ensure the inspection goes smoothly and they give settings all the information they need before they arrive and they get all the info they need from settings.

Relax, if you can with an inspection on the horizon, I don't think this document need worry you.


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Hi Linda .... me relax ?? ...might be a bit difficult ! I'd print it off but it's too long !!!!!!!!!


Have saved it though - maybe I could do a couple of pages a night !!!!!!!!


Janice :oxDxD :rolleyes: :( :unsure: :(;):(:ph34r: :wacko: :ph34r:


p.s. Steve - can't you find a 'crying' smilie to be used in times like these ??????

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a letter from OFSTED on May 11th telling me that a combined inspection was due June/July and was quite convinced from what I have heard on this site that it probably won't happen until Oct/Nov. But today I had a call from an inspector to introduce herself and to ask what my dates were for the period June/July. I told her that I had 2 weeks leave in June and with her arranged holidays she said she might have to pass me over to someone else - which is a shame because she sounded very nice. If she couldn't arrange another inspector to visit us she said she might defer until September. She is going to contact me again.


I have received a letter from my MP today (this is the chap who phoned me on my mobile while I was in Tesco). He has had a reply from David Bell (Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools) who says that " the law states that all providers must meet the National Standards for Day Care" and quotes that the manager must have at least a level 3 - he goes on to tell me where I can find this info (I know where the info is!! What I really want is for all my years experiences and older qualifications to be accepted) He said older qualifications are listed on the DfES Acceptable list. Inspectors check these lists to see if a setting has sufficient qualified staff at the right level. Where staff hold older qualifications that are not on the Acceptable list they check with the DfES whether these are acceptable at the right level for the post. If they are not, then they ask the childcare provider to demonstrate how she/he intends to meet the qualification requirements. He said there are routes for us without having to 'start again', such as APEL which he said is funded by DfES. If I needed any more info I should go to www.qca.org.uk/nq/subjects/childcare/earlyyears.asp and www.dfes.gov.uk/daycare/docs/AcceptableQualsAugust2002.doc


So there you have it!!! But as I said before, I will wait and see what the inspector has to say.


Sue J

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi just found this website forum and i have recently taken over as manager of a day nursery. we are due to have a conbined inspection. has anyone got any pointers for what the inspectors look for? :)

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Thanks Sue i would really appreciate your help.I will be glad when the inspection is out the way. I am new to this forum and i think it is a great way of sharing information.

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I am from West Sussex area so i am unsure of what they are expecting,so i am preparing myself and staff.Has anyone got any helpful pointers?Also how do you get the cartoons in your message boxes?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi can i ask why noone has replied to any of my messages? thanks to sue r who sent me some info on points to help me with my inspections.Would be really nice if someone could reply!!!

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The problem is each areas ofsted inspetor have thier own special points that they are concerned with.

As long as you and your staff are on the ball, interacting and questioning the children, all your policies and procedures are up to date and you all know them inside out and back to front, your planning is clear and precise and you can show that you and the staff know what your doing and you can extend your children on, you have policies in place for late or non collection of children you will breeze through it...................................

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Hi Hannah

I'm really sorry that your questions seem to have been unanswered apart fom Hali's today. I can only assume that it is because of half term and your post has slipped through the net.

Hali is right in saying that inspectors in areas and even individual inspectors have their pet subjects. Some are looking at child protection, others at children making their own choices, outside play etc. I know it might seem like a trawl but there are quite a few posts on this topic in this particular forum. Our inspectors were hot on children becoming independent in snack, pouring and collecting their own drinks. Having all the right policies is another. But it is difficult to say exactly what they will be looking for.

Have a look through this Inspections forum I'm sure you will get a good idea of what different inspectors have picked up on. The other route is to look at inspections in your area on the OFSTED website-that may give you some indication. You may even find some inspection reports by whoever is going to inspect you.

Hope this helps.


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Hi LInda thanks for your message and Hali too

I have most of what you have put in to place e.g pouring own drinks and i have started looking at the planning of our outdoor area so fingers crossed i should sail through the inspection but i am aware as part of OFSTED's job they will have to fail our nursery on something!

thanks again

hannahb :)

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Hi Hannah,

I'm sorry your request for information disappeared out of sight, and nobody responded until very recently.

We had our Ofsted last term, and the above points cover most of it. Our inspector was also very keen on us going on trips and this is something we haven't done in the past. Do you?

The other thing she was really interested in was a more detailed risk assessment procedure; taking each nursery area in turn and specifying what the risks would be and how we minimise these.

Hope these help, and apologies again! :)

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Hi Vanden

If you go to the OFSTEd home page on the left hand side there is a How can we help you column. Click on childcare providers. Again on the left hand side there is a search by postcode. Enter your postcode and then specify a mile radius you want to cover. That should do the trick.


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Hi Vanden

Glad that was of use to you. Good luck with the inspection and let us know how you get on. I'm sure you will be fine-just be positive about what you do!! :D:D


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Thanks Helen i will take on board the points that you have made. We will be going on our first trip the week before OFSTED are due!


Also we have our Sports day the week after so, the inspector will have lots to look at.


Do you do Sports Day at your setting? Our parents seem very keen for them to take place.

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