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Waiting For The Big O!


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I am the Nursery teacher in a pre-school Nursery, which is part of the school.


We are waiting for the OFSTED call every day now...

Any advice or shared experiences would be very welcome!!

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Hi and welcome to the forum. :( I'm going to move this into 'Inspections' where you'll find lots of past conversations about all aspects of inspections which should keep you going for some time! :(

And hasn't Helen written some fab articles on rercent Ofsted inspections, Beau? xD


hmummy: click on 'articles' (to the left of the screen) and explore! And also click on 'search forum posts' (top right of screen), type in your keyword and I'm sure there will be lots of discussions on Ofsted/inspections.


Happy reading! :o




PS: good luck with the inspection!

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Hi hmummy, welcome to the forum xD , if after you've had a search around still feel free to come back and ask more specific questions, your original post was a bit too broad to enable specific comments.


If you can't find what's been suggested, then ask and someone will put a link in for you. :o


My first question would be have you completed your SEF?



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Hello and welcome to the forum! We had an inspection a couple of weeks ago. It was made a lot easier to have my SEF to hand which I had only started to fill in, but it was enough for her to see that I was making an effort! Make sure you look at your last inspection and have completed any recommendations from that too. Good luck!

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Hi hmummy,


We had our inspection the week before Christmas....so here goes with a few general points she really liked:


* Individual A4 ringbinders of childrens work, observations, parent involvement, photos etc. Each child is able to look at their folder and add anything to it, and any child comments made about the folders is also written in.

* Clear action plan ..with dates..and make sure you highlight when you have completed one of the issues..and date it.

* Sageguarding policy was a biggy ..all staff were 100% with the content.( just ensure yu have a procedure to follow when ther has been an allegation made about a member of staff..she picked up on this BIG time)

*Nominated H&safety rep who update risk assessments regularly

*Individual childrens needs met, and praise ( by way of postit sent home about their achievement) recognised

* 6 weekly observation on each key persons children, which is read and signed by parents to say they will continue this work at home wiht their child and tell staff of their progress.

*Daily diary passed onto childs other setting which enables consistency in their learning.

* Staff use constant questioning to extend the childs learning and thinking

*Planning highlights the learning objectives with next steps in individual childrens learning highlighted on the planning sheet each week

* Free choice trolleys so all children can access 'zones' for thier choice and choose particular activities

* Children help cut up own fruit ( soft ones of course!) and pour own drinks at snack time...4 children at snack table with jug of milk and jug of juice.

* Labelling o f childrens art work..older children label all own work

* Outdoor all 6 areas of learning covered each day..bikes for spacial awareness and physical activities

* access to natural materials ( we had worm farm out at the time) with living house plants on the same table( looks nice too)

* children have planted grass seed inside a car tyre..outside and use scissors to keep it short, and farm animals can play there too

* Baking of some description every 2 weeks

* staff aware of individual childs dietry needs / allergies..( A4 laminated sign on staff desk with all info)

* Sickness policy upheld by staff and children ( 48 hour absence after sickness)

* Only fruit , veg, milk, juice or water for snack each day

* Antibac gel on staff table for staff to use after nose blowing...very hot on this...


Hope this is of some help to you..although I am sire you do these things anyway....Good lluck and look forward to reading how you got on.

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