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Our report read like an Outstanding in most areas,




Yes, ours did too - and to add insult to injury it arrived with a leaflet called 'how to be outstanding' which had almost the same terminology as our inspector had used in our 'good' report. I did question it, and was asked if I wanted to start a formal proceeding against the Inspector - it was all going to rapidly get well out of hand!

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Pre- EYFS we got outstanding for our Education and just missed outstanding for our Care because she wanted our Safeguarding policy to say 'safeguarding' not Child Protection. I had done this but had it in my file ready (which she saw) to be signed off at our next committee meeting.... booked in diary for following week...... not good enough! Very harsh considering I could not have done any more!

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We were inspected last June and received a Good. Had another one a few weeks ago and got another Good even tho we had addressed every recommendation from the last report and, in her words, improved since last time. I wonder if we didn't get an outstanding because she wasn't an early years inspector, but was only doing us because we were on a school site? Ofsted is so inconsistent, it's all very unfair. However, I don't really want an outstanding (I lie of course) as the only way is down after that.

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I thought this would open up some ideas.Going back to this childminder, she is fantastic and the inspector couldn't tell her why she hadn't got an outstanding only that she couldn't give it and would have to be referred back to her manager. Perhaps she was new but surely that isn't fair. This childminder has always received good and did everything to try for an outstanding.Are they on a quota? I suggested she put it in writing once she receives the written grade as they can't ignore a letter. Will let you know what happens..................

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Hi all

I've never started a topic so here goes.....


I work at a pre-school and have a good relationship with our local childminder.She has recently had her inspection which was "good". When she asked why she hadn't achieved outstanding the inspector told her she wasn't authorised to give that grade. Has anyone else had this experiance and does this mean they know how they are going to grade you before hand? To me this opens up all sorts of theories.

i have come to the conclusion that no matter how hard you work to achieve what you see as outstanding ofsted will always grade you less. i think this is done for a few reasons. 1) if they grade u as outstanding then you dont need to follow any actions. ofsted will always see room for improvement. and 2) they are so regimented and robotic i dont think they emotionally have a heart!!!

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I've been trying to find some to post about the same thing. We had our inspection on thursday and received good overall. Our 1 action was that we hadn't put in our medication book what time the medication had actually been given; it says when to give it but had no signature to confirm it, which is fair enough. Our recommendations were to continue to communicate chns progress with parents; continue to improve links with other settings and finally, wait for it, ensure all children can hear their first language in the setting. It's not enough now to have pictures, toys, fabrics, celebrate every festival unde the sun, we're now expected to enable children to hear their home language (in the form of talking photo albums was a suggestion).

We used to be in a church and recieved good in 2007 (hinted we couldn't gain higher as we couldn't do freeflow as we were up 3 flights of stairs) We are now in our own beautiful purpose built building with a wonderful outdoor area; we operate a very successful rolling snack, freeflow to the outdoors and have fab relationships withour parents with consultations arranged before the end of term; we have a very successful key person system.

the inspector has said she will write a glowing report, said how wonderful it was and that she would use the words excellent and outstandig in her text; she said our children were clearly happy, thriving and catered for and then some.

I'm at a loss as to know what we have to do to obtain outstanding - we didn't even get it in one area. We will ask when we get the draft report.

She was lovely and clearly liked what we do, commented on the committed and strong staff and committee. Can anyone who recieved outstanding let me in on your secret?



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I don't think you get draft reports any more. Our report was launched live on the internet before we goy our paper copy



Our inspector mentioned some people had found that their reports went online before they'd seen them but reassured us this wouldn't happen. I think it was an ongoing mistake rather than deliberate.

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Really Cait? Cos that worries me greatly as the inspection before last was full of factual mistakes before I even got onto the points I disputed and had changed in a number of cases. I know that our last inspection the inspector showed us some of the report on her laptop while she was there but frankly there is no substitute for sitting and reading it through quietly, especially when you have a couple of children sat on your knee reading it too!


Edit: You are all much faster at typing than me!

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We had an inspection just over 3 years ago ( waiting eagerly for another!) The inspector told us she had to leave the room to phone her supervisor to clarify whether she was able to give 2 outstanding's considering we don't own our own premises. I'm glad to say she was given the ok but at the time i dod think this was strange.



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it does make you wonder sometimes - i think it depends on the inspector - they all seem to have their own particular gripe!!

we were told by our eyst that we should not accept an inspector unless they held early years status as they would be unable to judge properly -wouldnt you just love to tell them "no"

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Guest muckygravy
it does make you wonder sometimes - i think it depends on the inspector - they all seem to have their own particular gripe!!

we were told by our eyst that we should not accept an inspector unless they held early years status as they would be unable to judge properly -wouldnt you just love to tell them "no"


My nursery got outstanding in all areas last year and I know that we are not outstanding, maybe in a couple of areas but certainly not across the board. I'm not complaining but the only way is down from here!!!

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it does make you wonder sometimes - i think it depends on the inspector - they all seem to have their own particular gripe!!

we were told by our eyst that we should not accept an inspector unless they held early years status as they would be unable to judge properly -wouldnt you just love to tell them "no"

Ours had done her EYPS

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I've been trying to find some to post about the same thing. We had our inspection on thursday and received good overall. Our 1 action was that we hadn't put in our medication book what time the medication had actually been given; it says when to give it but had no signature to confirm it, which is fair enough. Our recommendations were to continue to communicate chns progress with parents; continue to improve links with other settings and finally, wait for it, ensure all children can hear their first language in the setting. It's not enough now to have pictures, toys, fabrics, celebrate every festival unde the sun, we're now expected to enable children to hear their home language (in the form of talking photo albums was a suggestion).

We used to be in a church and recieved good in 2007 (hinted we couldn't gain higher as we couldn't do freeflow as we were up 3 flights of stairs) We are now in our own beautiful purpose built building with a wonderful outdoor area; we operate a very successful rolling snack, freeflow to the outdoors and have fab relationships withour parents with consultations arranged before the end of term; we have a very successful key person system.

the inspector has said she will write a glowing report, said how wonderful it was and that she would use the words excellent and outstandig in her text; she said our children were clearly happy, thriving and catered for and then some.

I'm at a loss as to know what we have to do to obtain outstanding - we didn't even get it in one area. We will ask when we get the draft report.

She was lovely and clearly liked what we do, commented on the committed and strong staff and committee. Can anyone who recieved outstanding let me in on your secret?




Congratulations on youre 'Good' Sam - but I can feel your hurt and frustration from here - or I am imagining that?



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Nope, you're right on the buttton there sunnyday.

I'm mentally and physically exhausted and whilst i want to dance about and congratulate the staff and commend their hard work and dedication, i can't help but feel we'll always be second best because we missing something; I'd just like to know what it is.

I should stop thinking about it and get on with writing the tasks for my EYPS but my heart's just not in it today! Can't help but think, what's the point.

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