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Same thing happened to us bubble. I phoned a week after the month they said they were coming to remind them they hadnt been out, to which i was told it was cancelled until the following term, nice of them to tell me. Phone them, at least you'll know if they are still coming this side of christmas :D

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Again, the same thing happened to us. They said they were coming June/July but no-one arrived. The last week of August an inspector phoned to say she would be coming in September.

She arrived on our second day back - along with a new intake of children and parents!!

She was very nice - she said she used to work in a setting similar to ours and that first week back is sometimes a little hectic.

As it so happened our first week back was pretty good - which was a bonus.

I would phone them to remind them that you are closing on the 9th December - they might let you know if they are coming before Christmas.


Sue J

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Yes I have filled in days not available which only leaves 2 days in December i.e. I only have use of hall on a Monday and Tuesday after 12.00. Will she just turn up then. Normally they phone me and introduce themselves so at least I have a name to identify them by. I shall follow your advice and phone them on Monday. I don't know what will be worse this side of Christmas or next!!!!!! with many new children. I have just had a thought she may come early,could be Monday.Ahhhhhhhhhh..

We are a bit nervous at the moment as regards letting in strangers as one of the childrens fathers have threatened to kidnap them from pre-school.

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He has been threatening to do this since June of this year. The child concerned described all the violence that went on. He does sound really horrible. The mum has come to me in tears many times. He hasn't actually been violent to the child o but I alerted the Health Visitor with the mum's permission and they have allocated her a person to help her. I have had this child in pre-school since she was 2.3 mths,the youngest I have ever taken, and she is brilliant in every way. The only thing I have noticed is that when we have a male visitor in pre-school

she is so scared.

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I empathise with your father situation, it's happening to us now but with an ex partner of one of my staff who's child also attends, so he knows her work shifts etc.


He turned up last week. We are fortunate to have an intercom system so we didn't open the door.


These may be useful to you, they are only £30 from B&Q.


Good luck with your Ofsted, if he/she arrives before christmas offer him/her a mince pie, laced with lots of brandy... or maybe not :o



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Hello Jackie, scary isn't it just hope I am able to finish all Christmas things even though she may be there,trying to talk to staff,myself and children. I know it's not good practise to interrupt children from what they engrossed in but if I don't I know that some of the boys wont come to the art table.

I was inspected in July as I was changing premises and also 2 weeks ago as I am offering day care in January. The inspectors only looked at my paperwork briefly though.I asked the last one about planning and which profiles she liked to see and I got the impression that as long as settings are following the foundation stage curriculum any thing goes as long as it works for the group.

I break up next Thursday(9th) but I haven't had a telephone call yet so I am going to call them and remind them that I break up soon.

I wish you very good luck with yours and keep in touch.

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Hi Bubblejack, so sorry to hear that your inspection has been postponed to January.

We had ours today !, very friendly lady not intimidating at all . She spent a lot of time interacting with the children. Will let you know how the feed back goes lunch time tomorrow. A good nights sleep tonight after a large glass of red wine !!!!!!!!

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Yes, she is back at lunch time for feed back. Our head of early years had a dentist appointment today so had to leave straight after school. Well dentist appointments are hard to come by in our neck of the woods. ( recently seen on the BB C) And as we don't know when these inspections are going to go ahead, things get planned !! Will keep you informed. At least you can enjoy your last few days at school now. Jackie x

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In answer to your question, I politely asked him to leave ( I didn't open the door, just spoke through the intercom) and to consider that domestic problems shouldn't be brought to a place where children are present. He left but got his sister to phone straight after, I told her the same thing. I let my staff member and her daughter go home early in case he was outside waiting for her. Recently they have sorted out access arrangements so dad is less upset.

In these situations I understood dads point of view as well as mums, all he wanted to do was see his daughter. I was just glad that he calmed down quite quickly and the problem of access doesn't affect the preschool anymore.



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