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Ofsted Inspecting New Site


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Hi Everyone,


Had a call from Ofsted today to arrange site visit of new site. She explained she would be inspecting because we are moving premises.


Does anyone have any experience of this type of inspection. It will be myself, the chair and Inspector on site. I am guessing they will go over our operational plan, theoretical risk assessment etc.


Would really appreciate any advice, comments, suggestions or reassuring words from anyone who has gone through this type of inspection previously.


Thanks in advance


Claire x

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Hi Claire - yes she will be looking at the stuff you have mentioned , policies, risk assessment, safeguarding stuff - its not too bad -honest

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Thanks for your replies, I really do appreciate it. Will this inspection lead to a grading, or is it just a yes or no you can open?Will let you know how I get on.

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Hi cupcake, it wont be a full inspection because you presumably wont have children there yet? It will just to check that the premises are OK, and if you are registering as a new setting, it may also include your suitable person interview.



Thanks Mundia, its just a change of premises not registration, fingers crossed we get the green light. Will let you all know how we get on.

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My understanding is that they are coming to inspect the premises you intend to use.


We had ofsted out when we still had builders and decorators finishing off, no children and no resources at all!


I can't remember them checking policies etc they were interested in the physical building really!

good luck

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I have been through one of these too. As has been said they were only really interested in the physical building, that we knew the welfare standards and had thought through how we would meet them. They were of course especially interested in healthy and safety issues so you could do well to have done a risk assessment (even if you say this is just a draft) and a fire risk assessment. Do you intend to cook lunches? If so they will ask about the contact you have had with environmental health. Oh, if you have needed to get planning permission, they may want to see evidence of the permission, or of building regulations permissions if you have had building work done. He did want to see policies etc. but only looked at them briefly.

The one I was involved in only took about an hour, and the guy was really helpful. Oh, and it is not graded.

Good luck

Gruffalo2 :o

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I have been through one of these too. As has been said they were only really interested in the physical building, that we knew the welfare standards and had thought through how we would meet them. They were of course especially interested in healthy and safety issues so you could do well to have done a risk assessment (even if you say this is just a draft) and a fire risk assessment. Do you intend to cook lunches? If so they will ask about the contact you have had with environmental health. Oh, if you have needed to get planning permission, they may want to see evidence of the permission, or of building regulations permissions if you have had building work done. He did want to see policies etc. but only looked at them briefly.

The one I was involved in only took about an hour, and the guy was really helpful. Oh, and it is not graded.

Good luck

Gruffalo2 :o


Thanks Graffalo,


I will be doing a theoretical risk assessment before next Thursday, I have also produced draft risk assessment sheets for each area of building, obvioiusly we will highlight the risks on these sheets once the children and staff are accessing the site. I have also completed a draft saftey sweep, similar to what we have already but specific to the new site, such as opening and closing down of the kitchen area, toilet cleaning procedure and regular checks at different intervals during the day. Outside area check before we open and when we close. Emergency Fire and evacuation procedure, these are speculative at the moment as I will have to take the schools and children centres procedures into account and amend our policies accordingly, which will be done at our next partnership meeting.


Many many thanks for all your advice


Claire x

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Well, had inspection, all boxes ticked. The inspector was lovely and had a really interesting chat with her after inspection. She told us that Ofsted had started outsourcing inspections, and all the Ofsted early years inspectors would now be contracted to work with the company they have outsourced to. She also explained as we are on a school site, we will have one more unanounced inspection, then our inspections will tie in with the schools and we should get around 72hours prior to inspection. I asked if our grading would depend on what the school receives and she replied 'no' as we are independent, we would be inspected as such, she also explained where pre schools/nurseries are managed by the school ie the same governers, that if the school is underperforming they cannot give outstanding etc to the nursery provision.


Feel really exhausted but so glad its over, for now!

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Am so glad it went well and you now have that all dealt with. Will you start to use the new premises straight away? It sounds exciting.

Good luck with the move and with settling into the adjustments that will inevitably come from using a new building.

Gruffalo2 :o

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Am so glad it went well and you now have that all dealt with. Will you start to use the new premises straight away? It sounds exciting.

Good luck with the move and with settling into the adjustments that will inevitably come from using a new building.

Gruffalo2 :o


Hi Gruffalo,


No we wont be using the premises yet, its still very much a building site. The childrens centre will be operational by Mid April, we extended our rental on the hall, just incase the works were delayed at all, so our part will be ready by early May, but we wont physically move until the May half term, and we open on Tuesday 8th June. Although we will have unrestricted access from Early May, so will be able to pop in and out.


Yesterday the children's toilets were put in, they are so tiny and the sinks ~Awwww, and in the main room in the messy play area there are the two cutest bulter sinks, so the children will be able to wash up all there paint pots etc


I promise to get some pictures on here when its all finished and ready to go, cant wait now.

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