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Having downloaded the new information for Ofsted Inspections......


I have come across something that I am really winding myself up about.......


On page 33 it says .......not in these words........if you are sharing information with other settings but they in turn are not sharing info. with you.........


'Although it may be unfair to judge partnerships as inadequate, SUCH PARTNERSHIPS CAN NEVER BE JUDGED AS OUTSTANDING AND ARE UNLIKELY TO BE BETTER THAN SATISFACTORY, depending on the evidence available.

(Caps. are the 'new' bit)


Now I have worked extremely hard on information sharing but this has not always been reciprocated by other settings..........this is bad enough - if I'm reading this correctly - I will be 'penalised' for their lack of effort.....


But even worse another thought has come to mind - they have my work to show their Inspector - supposing they then have something that they haven't in fact shared but tell the Inspector "oh yes and we have sent a copy of this to her"..........


Am I making any sense?

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You are making perfect sense to me and it is ringing alarm bells with me too. I will be clutching tightly my copy of how to complain about Ofsted inspections if this is the interpretation they have of it.

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You are making perfect sense to me and it is ringing alarm bells with me too. I will be clutching tightly my copy of how to complain about Ofsted inspections if this is the interpretation they have of it.


Thanks for responding - I am really feeling extremely 'wound up' about this..........I am thinking of one setting in particular - we share 3 children with them - despite my efforts I have nothing from them - not even an acknowledge that they have received the info. that I have sent to them.........

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I read this and thought of you two, Cait and sunnyday. And narnia come to that, who I think has had similar frustrations in the past.


I think it will come down to what you tell the inspector on the day, and the evidence you can show. You'll be able to demonstrate the lengths you've gone to in order to share information, and I'm sure the inspector will be impressed by the documentation and different methods you'll be able to show him/her.


It does seem a pretty unsatisfactory way of making a judgement about a setting's willingness to share information, if you'll pardon the pun.



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Thanks both - Cait and Maz


I am so jolly cross (you can interpret the words I actually mean I'm sure :o )...........I really don't like the way this new bit has been added........


I have worked so hard on this info. sharing business - I shared the letter that I had written to other providers with my SIP - she promptly said "oh I really like that do you mind if I use that on training and share with other providers" - I was completely happy for

her to do this........I have had a little smirk when 'my' letter has come to me from two other settings! xD


I share children with several other settings - this is because these children live outside of my village but want to come to me but I only have room to accommodate them after I have 'dealt' with the needs of the children from my own village - are you with me?


This is a lovely position to be in - but I'm quite sure that some of the other providers in the area are not particularly happy with me taking 'their' children.........hmmm.....my honest answer to that is........well raise your own standards and it wouldn't happen :(


So I have had replies and shared info. with 4 other settings - all going well - I don't even care if what they send me seems of little use.........


It is the idea that one of these others who despite my best efforts will not 'share'.....could potentially use my work and then tell a huge fib and end up better off than me.........


As you know I am an owner/manager - seriously, seriously it's things like this that make me think - just 'sell up' and go and work for someone else - there would be a lot less stress!

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I am so jolly cross (you can interpret the words I actually mean I'm sure :o )...........I really don't like the way this new bit has been added........


It is the idea that one of these others who despite my best efforts will not 'share'.....could potentially use my work and then tell a huge fib and end up better off than me.........


As you know I am an owner/manager - seriously, seriously it's things like this that make me think - just 'sell up' and go and work for someone else - there would be a lot less stress!



So who do we complain to? It's no use ringing Ofsted, they won't know anything about it ...... xD

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So who do we complain to? It's no use ringing Ofsted, they won't know anything about it ...... :o

One thing you can do is raise your concerns with your local early years team - they should have a direct line to Ofsted and can pass on your anger.



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The only people who seem to be responding to our information sharing are childminders, and that is probably because they have to see us most days.

One of our local day nursery who hasn't responded to anything we've sent (neither have they sent anything to us) on 3 children we share has recently been Ofsteded and it even says in their report that they have a ' good Information Sharing system in place' well we've yet to see it.


Total madness

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it even says in their report that they have a ' good Information Sharing system in place'


We have one like that too :o In fact their Ofsted report had so many things they had got because we did them with shared children I almost felt like asking if we could be copied into the report!

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One thing you can do is raise your concerns with your local early years team - they should have a direct line to Ofsted and can pass on your anger.






duly emailed !!!!


Well done!


One of our local day nursery who hasn't responded to anything we've sent (neither have they sent anything to us) on 3 children we share has recently been Ofsteded and it even says in their report that they have a ' good Information Sharing system in place' well we've yet to see it.


Total madness




We have one like that too :o In fact their Ofsted report had so many things they had got because we did them with shared children I almost felt like asking if we could be copied into the report!


For goodness sake - how is that fair?!

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It is the idea that one of these others who despite my best efforts will not 'share'.....could potentially use my work and then tell a huge fib and end up better off than me.........


As you know I am an owner/manager - seriously, seriously it's things like this that make me think - just 'sell up' and go and work for someone else - there would be a lot less stress!


Sunnyday, I know JUST how you feel!


NOTHING leaves my home to go to another setting that isn't plastered with "created by Nona" as I'm not prepared to let the next setting take the credit!!


Each and every page of the Learning Journies, letters, etc Emails have delivery and read receipts requested so I can evidence to Ofsted that I've tried but had nothing back....


Not paranoia but something that was said to me by an Inspector at the Outstanding provider conference last year, which was basically that I should name and shame those other professionals who don't share because it WILL be taken into consideration when they are inspected. She was obviously right xD


It's going to be a "dog eat dog" world if we (who want to share) have to report those who don't :o



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Thanks for responding nona


I am going to email - my SIP, my Development Worker, the Head of Early Years for our district and of course.....Ofsted - I will ask for clarification (I'll be lucky) and let them know that I feel this is completely preposterous.........in my view judgements can only be made on my setting, the whole idea that what another setting does or doesn't do can in any way influence my Inspection outcome is such ridiculous.......


Anyone else for an email campaign?

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I just checked it the other day panders, and it hasn't happened yet :o but that's not to say another campaign won't work. I'm going to email my LA team later on as the nicest one of them all works on emails until late on a Friday evening and I'd like her to have some time off from my complaining this weekend!

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I'm taking a print-out of it to my Network Childminder meeting next Tuesday to light the blue touch paper!!


I'll let you know what reactions it generates :o



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Guest jenpercy
Thanks for responding nona


I am going to email - my SIP, my Development Worker, the Head of Early Years for our district and of course.....Ofsted - I will ask for clarification (I'll be lucky) and let them know that I feel this is completely preposterous.........in my view judgements can only be made on my setting, the whole idea that what another setting does or doesn't do can in any way influence my Inspection outcome is such ridiculous.......


Anyone else for an email campaign?


What really bugs me is that it is the schools that won't share, won't reply to letters. as an after-school club, it is obvious when I get inspected that there are other settings to share with - but schools may be able to hide the fact that they hand over children to us

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Hi thumperrabbit....


Yes I have had two replies so far.......they are of the 'there,there , calm down dear' variety (obviously neither actually say that but you get my drift)..........


If nothing else I have raised 'awareness' of this issue with these advisers ........


Anyone else had anything more interesting/helpful?

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Guest jenpercy

Just been OFSTEDed got satisfactory throughout. Wasn't asked about partnership with schools or actually asked about anything much. Would be nice to know what hoops you have to jump through to get each grade

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