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Ofsted Dreams!


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I had ANOTHER Ofsted dream last night (or should I say nightmare?)


In this one, a huge digger suddenly appeared and starting hacking up our outdoor tarmac area. We then had to freeflow around a huge hole in the ground. Then I managed to sneak a look at the inspector's notes, and she had put us 'inadequate' for something and 'outstanding' for a few other things. I managed to find out that the 'inadequate' was for the children's safety, because I had put a cup of tea on the radiator.


What on earth is going on in my brain?


Has anyone ever had a more outlandish ofsted dream? :o

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We are overdue inspection and if i manage to get to sleep yes I'm dreaming all the time!


One dream I closed the door in inspectors face!

another we didn't ask to see ID or get her to sign in for about 40 mins and when we did she said "about time too"

another because we rent a community centre - a man from another group let himself in.

then a child wet itself no one had noticed but her and all the childrn were jumping in the wet spot!


You name it I'm having them at the moment - not sure if to laugh or cry :oxD

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Oh goodness "Ofsted the stuff of nightmares" its so horrid that the very word fills us with fear.


Do try to relax about this and if you can see your dreams as a good comedy; reading this filled me with mixed emotions, sad for you both going through this but I did laugh that the inspector was more worried about a cup of coffee than a hole in the ground and as for shutting the door in her face - "he,he, he" - I would love to do that and say "sorry, not in today"

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I am sorry to hear your anxieties and dreams about Ofsted. Please remember not all inspectors out out to get you. They are human and thank goodness they are there to do a difficult job when challenging those who are not always providing children with the level of quality they deserve to have in their young lives. I think that if you are meeting the regulatroy requirements of your registration, working in effective partnership with parents/carers, other agencies e.g. advisory teachers, development officers, area inclusion officers etc and proactively evidencing how you are meeting the needs of children within your setting, then you really shouldn't have too much to worry about.

Be confident, challenge confidently if you feel feedback is incorrect, show evidence and demonstrate and identify with clear evidence why you disagree if you need to. Use the inspection as an additional quality assurance visit. Inspections are of value and good practice to use for reflection upon practice/ identify areas for further development.

I think practitioners are naturally anxious when an inspector calls, but remember if you know you are offering a quality provision, then you really should not worry too much.

Oh and I bet the offer of a coffee or tea will go down well-especially in this cold weather! remember to follow your health and safety though re hot drinks-keep them well out of the way and inaccessible to children.

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Suzie - how funny xD - I 'feel your pain'! :(


We are overdue for inspection - just want it over and done with! :(


It's the overdue bit that makes it bad really. My poor staff have been on tenterhooks all term waiting for the knock.


I keep telling them not to worry, it is not about Ofsted but about what they do day to day with the children. But my subconscious obviously does care.


It's like being in a permanent state of 8.5 months pregnant :o Who will pop first, me or sunny!!?

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i think we have all probably had some sort of ofsted dream. I know when we were due mine were very bizzare including me sleeping at school and still being aslepp in the classroom when the inspector arrived

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Haha when we were overdue (the time was up in september and they didn't turn up til may... that was a very long 6 months!) I had all kinds of stressful dreams. The main one i remember was me doing a PE lesson with ofsted watching when i suddenly realised that instead of having only my class in the hall I had the whole school and they were all doing dangerous things like jumping of the top of the climbing frame and making people pyramids and when I tried to shout at them to stop I'd lost my voice!! When they turned up for real they were lovely (and we were outstanding!! YAY!). It wasn't at all stressful in real life but like many things the idea of it and the waiting for it was horrific!

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