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Suitable Persons Interview


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Hi Guys,


I could really use some help... just had a call from an ofsted inspector who is coming out on monday morning to do my suitable persons interview (which is long overdue) and im already in a panic now :/


I originally took part in the one the other supervisor did when she was here, so i have a vague recollection of what its like, but i could really use some ideas on what i need to "know" just so i can make sure idont look like a rabbit in headlights during the interview.




Ali x

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A sound knowledge of your policies and procedures, Welfare Standards which they match, obviously safeguarding in all its various forms and try to give the inspector confidence that you could handle situations that arise, think back to things you have already coped with, the what would you do if.......... type of scenario.


There have been other threads about suitable person interviews just this week, so try a forum search as well.

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things that cropped up on mine this week....whistle blowing policy/inclusion of ethnic minorities/interview and selection process/food poisoning!/crb's/ ...oh and how much drink and drugs i take! (none of course xD:o ) be careful that what you say you remember because they may return to this information when they ofsted inspect the setting (if they are doing this separately)

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things that cropped up on mine this week....whistle blowing policy/inclusion of ethnic minorities/interview and selection process/food poisoning!/crb's/ ...oh and how much drink and drugs i take! (none of course xD:o ) be careful that what you say you remember because they may return to this information when they ofsted inspect the setting (if they are doing this separately)



Oh my goodness...are you saying that they could inspect at the same time??????

We have not been inspected for over 5yrs!! Just got told that it was suitable person interview not inspection (mind you all staff are aware) and making an extra effort with displays etc. We have asked for a quiet room for the actual interview and got cover in for the manager. I think perhaps it would be a good thing if she did. Then at least we would know. The committee has worked really hard getting thngs into place and I think we are as ready as we will ever be.....


Manager did say that she orhanised the interview for this mon and then got phoned up again by different person to organise another...is this because it is now contracted out????

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if you are not expecting them to inspect then you should be fine. If she has had two phone calls i would be ringing ofsted asap because i suspect it has been assigned to two tribal inspectors by mistake! i can honestly say that from my experience this week that ofsted and tribal need to get their communication sorted :o

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Thanks for the info :) will be reading that through with a cuppa soon as ive posted this... I had my inspection in Dec,, been running the setting for a few years now, but since i had sat in with the other managers interview and they were behind in inspections my interview was cancelled and i was told it would be arranged at a later date ... i guess they meant the late part of later haha, but its all good, im in possession of some common sense, albeit a small amount, i wonder if i say "i haven't drunk any alcohol this weekend, but ill be having a large glass tonight" if that will be acceptable? :D


Is the alcohol bit about me or parents?

hindsights a wonderful thing, i wish i had said i wasnt available on monday now, bought myself some extra time :o but i was caught offguard.


Anything else i should look out for?


Ali x

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I think you will be fine!


Our manager (Im committee) is very young, has had no previous experience and has only been doing the job for 6 months. I told her within a month what she should be reading policies, welfare requirements etc, have had her on numerous training ie OFSTED what to expect and leadership and management . I am hoping she will be fine but must admit to not being convinced :o . (not good I know)...in fact have had to postpone a serious review meeting with her because of the suitable person interview.


Not sure if I should be putting tog a contingency plan? How we get another manager to cover her for 6 months when it took us 3 to get her I dont know.


You can guarantee Ill be on here posting for advice on mon should she fail!

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Thanks for all the tips my interview took about 2 hours in all, he was very thorough, showed him around the setting as he hadnt seen it (he had inspected our other site!) and managed to pick his brain about a few things too.. and he taught me how to use the ofsted site more effectively but agreed it was a bit of a nuisance! so all in all it was quite a positive experience on the day as i didnt have any problems answering any of the questions.. i just wish id had more faith and not spent my entire weekend double checking everything since he didnt ask to look at any policies or the operational plan! typical :o

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Glad it went well.

Well just shows you how different inspectors can be!


Ours was a lady who apparently was very nice, asked all the usual questions and with manager looked through the op plan, checked documentation used etc!! She actually complimented us on how up to date things were in our op plan. The only thing she said we should have was copies of the registration requirements for the EY and childcare registers. These now downloaded put in plan and on parents notice board.

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I had my suitable persons interview on the same day as the inspection so I was given no warning!! The inspector went straight from the feedback on the inspection to my interview. I was very nervous but as I didn't really have anytime to panic I just got on with it!! The interview was fairly brief (30 mins approx) I think this was because the inspection had gone so well and she could clearly see I was 'suitable' so it was just a case of the protocal questions i.e. drug/alchohol intake, past expereicne etc!

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