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Finally They Came.

Guest Biker

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Finally Mrs O arrived yesterday morning!

From the ouset she was friendly seemed to really enjoy the sessions and our children.

We couldn't be more pleased with the judgement ,although we have to wait for the report before we can go public!!!

We all want to shout it from the rooftops.

What a positive affirming experience!

After a very stressfull few weeks it is such aa relief,now we can enjoy our concerts,paries etc!Just wanted to share a little joy!

Biker. :o

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congratulations, can i just ask whether she picked out 5 children to follow and speak to their parents as this is what we have been told will happen by our EA advisor. we have been told they will pick one EAL, one SEN, a girl, a boy etc, and ask to see records connected to them and speak to their parents, is this correct? This is what we have just been told has anyone else been told this?

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Hi Simcity,

This is an extract from the document "Conducting early years inspections", available from the Ofsted website here


Sorry it's quite long, but it does answer your question! :o


Tracking children

In group settings, it will not be possible to investigate the welfare, learning and development of every child. Inspectors must undertake case tracking from a representative sample of children who attend. The number of children to track will depend on the number on roll; the composition of the group and how the early years provision is organised. As a minimum inspectors must track two children. This will increase where a setting has a wide age range of children; where children are in different rooms; or where there are distinct groups of children. Children for tracking might include:


 a boy and girl who have recently begun to attend

 a boy and girl who are soon to transfer to school

 children the setting identifies as having differing abilities

 a looked after child, if applicable

 a child with learning difficulties and/or disabilities

 a child who speaks English as an additional language

 a boy and/or girl from other groups that may have significance in a particular local context; for example, the children of travellers or asylum seekers.


Evidence must include notes relating to case tracking. Inspectors should:

 look at observation notes, assessment and planning for each child

 have discussions with the child’s key person and consider information about children’s abilities so that progress is seen over time

 look at the child’s development records

 test the accuracy and rigour of the self-evaluation processes by tracking the impact of two or three significant strengths and weaknesses on the children who attend

 observe these children during the inspection to see:

 what activities they take part in and the adult’s role in these

 the appropriateness of the activities for their age/stage of development

 any learning they demonstrate and whether this is noted by the adults working with them

 whether they initiate their own play

 adult interventions and their appropriateness

 solitary play and interactions with their peers

 their care arrangements, including intimate care, taking account of the levels of privacy afforded to the child, supervision arrangements for the child and for the adult undertaking personal hygiene tasks.

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Thank you everyone!

I do feel like Christmas has come early,can't stop smilling!!

Sim city she did ask for a selection of childrens learning journeys,they include info given by parents on settling keyworkers observations/photos etc, next steps and targetted planning.We gave her lots of other evidence such as planning,I.E.Ps records of meetings for children with SEN so she could very easily link everything together.She spoke to all keyworkers and they talked the planning process through with her and she did speak to a selection of parents .

I think it really helped that we had collated lots of evidence for her.

Hope that helps.


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Guest MaryEMac

Well done, Biker. We had ours on Children in need day and it was almost 4 years since our last one. I had been waiting for them since last year, so was relieved when she appeared at the door. We were all dressed up in spotty clothes and we had a visit from Pudsey, but the inspecter was very nice. She only stayed until 1 o'clock then took herself off to write her notes up and to give us time to relax.She came back at 2.30 for the feedback. We also can't say what the result was but can say that we were smiling when we went home that day.




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