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MRS O is on her way.....


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Guest sn0wdr0p

As far as I know we are still waiting. I checked earlier this week because I am desperate for the new one as we are due soon.

I wonder if it would be too late for you to complete one now anyway.

I agree with Rea it's always good to admit areas for improvement.

Good luck for the inspection. I did find when I childminded that I felt more confident facing an inspection as I knew exactly what I would say and knew all my children inside out, now with my own nursery I have to rely on others which I find more stressful-bit of a control freak.

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Have survived before as a teacher and a Preschool manager but first time as a childminder - on my head be it when I say something stupid - no-one to stop me digging myself into a hole!! Am scared I've missed something in the EYFS change over and will have something daft written down that I've missed...

Have old SEF notes that I'm going to type up along with my action plan - just hope I don't point out all of my faults and make her think what is this woman doing!!!!

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Hi if you have an action plan clearly defining the things you have implemented, as well as any things highlighted but not yet in place, does infact show evaluation.

We had Mrs O a couple of weeks ago and they were very impressed with this.

Great advice from Catma to look at the Ofsted schedule,or take a look at any Ofsted Inspections already taken place this half-term may help you.

I used a format very kindly posted on here, think it was under Action Plan, good luck. :1b

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Read the inspection schedule then you'll know what they are after!




I wrote notes in the margin of this to show how and where the evidence for each criteria was and gave it to my Inspector with all my paperwork etc....she commented I'd practically done her job for her !


Good Luck !



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Check your doormats!

Two of my mindys walk down from school by themselves( YR6's) and after watching them past the kitchen window I could see them looking at something outside the back door with a look of horror on their faces. I went out and opened the door and there was the BIGGEST RAT you have seen. Dead and lying on its back YEUCH!!!! I was so glad the cat hadn't managed to drag it in through the cat flap and also thankful it was only 2 traumatised mindys and not Mrs O!



( they weren't too traumatised to have a good look at its long yellowy teeth and long claws and take photos before it went in the dustbin, and I did explain to the mums)

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Oh I wish I had done my new SEF as Ofsted turned up today -it would have saved so much time. The inspection was triggered by an anonymous complaint (we have never had a complaint before). Fortunately I was aware of what the complaint surrounded and had already carried out an investigation ( I am so so glad I had done that ) and everything was noted down in my file. Fortunately he agreed with me and had no concerns. (It was a safeguarding issue).


What a stressful day. He spent at least one and a half hours thoroughly investigating the complaint looking at registers, staff rotas etc and I am really glad they were there to support us.


However, on a positive note I am happy with the outcome and I can stop panicking every time a stranger appears at the door. The inspector was absolutely super and he put us all at ease and made the whole process a lot less stressful than it could have been.


It's two in the morning and sleep is impossible. Too much adrenaline surging round. My gosh you should have seen how much my hands were shaking at first - the thought that there had been a complaint made it a hundred times worse.


Anyway, over now -cup of tea a think - no choccies in the house though cos you all ate them last week in another thread.

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Thank you. I have had a lovely morning phoning my staff and letting them know how we did and making sure they have all been thanked for their hard work. Pressies all round I think. Especially grateful to my deputy who kept her head and ensured everything was working well around me.


Interestingly he did say that Ofsted have raised the bar and many settings are getting a lower grade this time.

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Thank you, it's all still going round in my head and i have been up since 5am. Going out for a day in York using up a voucher I got LAST CHRISTMAS for afternoon tea in a posh hotel. I have never had time to go because I am always at work but now I feel I can relax a bit - and celebrate with my husband.


Isn't it ridiculous how stressed we all are about Ofsted coming. I think it was Rafa on another strand this weekend who made some pretty spot on remarks about the pressure we are under. I didn't realise just how much my whole life revolved around 'ofsted may be coming'. Only now I am relaxed can I see how much of a pressure cooker I was.


I was seriously ill last year and ended up with double pneumonia, then loads of my hair fell out because apparently everything had stopped as my body just concentrated on fighting the illness and still I laid in the hospital stressing about work.


So much relies on these inspections and all in all it comes down to one persons opinion and interpretation of the EYFS against anothers.


I used to work in the construction industry on the health and safety side and worked alongside the Health and Safety Executive implementing some new regulations nationally and it was a lot less stressful than this. As you will all know the industry has one of the highest accident and fatality rates of all so you would think there would be more pressure there. My husband owns three companies in this industry and he often comments how ridiculous the difference is.


The inspector did comment that a lot less paperwork was required now - I scoffed and laughed - and made reference to now having to note COLs, two years checks etc etc.


Campervanjane - we are not allowed to tell anyone until the report comes - I think sometimes things may change a little -last time when it came they had given us five outstanding judgements instead of the four they told us on the day - I did shove loads of paperwork when she was leaving then and maybe that swung it. This time I gave him loads to take away with him and to his credit he did ask for some copies of things to look at later - bits and bobs like a crib sheet for what to look for and note down on an outing the children went out on on Friday. So who knows?


OK off to get dolled up - no jeans and hoodie for this hotel. Will keep you posted when the report comes.

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Have a nice day x


Just been reading some recent reports, they have the inspectors schedule on them....what they looked at,who they spoke too, whether they did any joint observations etc...they don't even appear to be consistent so still not much hope for judgements being consistent, our area seem to have the same few inspectors so can see what each are picking up as areas for improvement.....

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