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Two weeks ago we received our knock on our door and now our report has been published feel I can share with you all our experiences.


We had 2 inspectors who were extremely thorough, they spent time with both the children and every member of staff.


We were inspected last year and since then moved premises hence the additional inspection so grateful it will now be 4 years until it all happens again

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Yiks sunnyday hadn't picked up on the '2 inspectors due to new premises' .....would also like to know why that needed 2, have had 2 before but that was because an inspectors inspector came along.......maybe one could have come our way as they clearly have nothing better to do if sending 2 to do nanny's inspection or is it normal for 2 to come and do new prems, the reports I,ve read which say no previous outcome applicable I've been presuming are new but only ever show one inspector.

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We seemed to have had the two inspectors due to the new framework and that one of the inspectors was new to the area and wanted the experience. We had the two of them tapping away on the laptops and talking to the staff so it was more stressful than previous ones in that respect. However, only one inspector's name was on the report.

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Pleased it went well and you got it in before Xmas, we,ve been in new prem almost 2years and still no inspection and previous to that was 2009, keeping fingers crossed they don't now show up on nativity play or party days :(


Nannymcphie congrats glad it went well, my first inspection as manager I had 2 inspectors so understand the added pressure it adds, especially if your a small setting, they take up more space!


Mouse63 I understand where your coming from, we had our last inspection in 2008, we've had an extension and still no knock on the door!!! I think they've forgotten about us!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have just done new inspection training. Came out being a bit mind blown.

it does seem tighter, concentrating more on learning and development. looking at activity play as part of their new observations and grading that.


i came away really questioning what we do and now will go back and look at evrything as if i am an inspector, all the time..... o the pressure who would be a manager!

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i have just done new inspection training. Came out being a bit mind blown.

it does seem tighter, concentrating more on learning and development. looking at activity play as part of their new observations and grading that.


i came away really questioning what we do and now will go back and look at evrything as if i am an inspector, all the time..... o the pressure who would be a manager!


Thanks for that info Sue..........mind you have me worried now :blink: and yes absolutely 'who would be a manager' - I certainly feel the pressure :(

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Yes me too

I know lots of packaway village hall settings do get 'outstanding' and we have managed to get 4 elements of outstanding last time, but every report I read now confirms just how much Ofsted have 'upped their game' and as such I just keep thinking there's no way that we can produce what seems to be required now - on top of all the sustainability issues we have, I feel as if it's getting too much for me now :(

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i have just done new inspection training. Came out being a bit mind blown.

it does seem tighter, concentrating more on learning and development. looking at activity play as part of their new observations and grading that.


i came away really questioning what we do and now will go back and look at evrything as if i am an inspector, all the time..... o the pressure who would be a manager!


By "activity play " do you mean child initiated play or is it more focused adult led activity play????

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We are a pack away and were inspected in December and we found the focus is definitely on the learning and development. Two children were followed though out the day - their records were looked at - next steps and then staff were assessed as to how they met these next steps.

We were observed in child initiated and our adult led activities.


From our point of view we preferred the inspection as it was focused on the children.


What bits are you worried about - ask away and I'll see if I can help. X

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our inspection came 3 months after I had started as Supervisor and was left intears with the satisfactory although to read the report is a different story - still struggling with staff -I wonder if we will be inspected earlier because of that although there were no measures or any really highlighted areas for concern - I did look at ofsted website and it said those with special measures first but just wondering if anyone else would think it may be sooner than 3 years

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We are a pack away and were inspected in December and we found the focus is definitely on the learning and development. Two children were followed though out the day - their records were looked at - next steps and then staff were assessed as to how they met these next steps.

We were observed in child initiated and our adult led activities.


From our point of view we preferred the inspection as it was focused on the children.


What bits are you worried about - ask away and I'll see if I can help. X


Thanks Helenee :1b


Not sure what I'm worried about - I am just a born worrier :blink: xD


I think that Sue's post got me worried because she usually takes everything in her stride and I know that she has an Outstanding setting - so to hear that she's worried got me worrying too! :1b

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Hali is right with the focus on learning and development it actually is a much nicer inspection because they are focused on what we do everyday.


I would recommend you think about how you share progress with parents - we use tapestry and this was loved.


Also how do all your staff share information with each other and know the children? - tapestry was my solution again. We place next steps on it for parents to feed into.


Do what you do best and let your children show off their skills- mine were fab. Washing up - preparing snack etc.



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as said either i think child or adult led.

they will follow progress of 2 children, probably 2yr old or child with eal, maybe a child ready to go onto school

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Sorry a nights sleep and I've remembered other bits;-


They did choose 2 children:-


With us they spoke to a parent in the foyer and then asked to see that childs records and followed her for the rest of the day.


I was then asked to show them an older child's records on tapestry and they then followed this one as well.


The last part of the visit was a joint observation with myself and the inspector watching a member of staff work and we discussed her work together. I chose my poor deputy as the willing volunteer as I thought she would be the calmest - we watched snack only because it was late in the day and part of our normal routine.


I'm sure I'll remember more when awake fully.




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There's very specific guidance on the Ofsted website as to the content and focus of the new inspections.




I also understand that "satisfactory" may be aligned with the other inspection frameworks and become "requires improvement" during this year.



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Really, really not wishing to add to anyone's anxiety levels here but just to tell you about our experience, we have just had 2 inspections at 2 separate settings within the last 4 weeks, both triggered by "anonymous" complaints. Happy to share this as the complaints were frankly bizarre (and we were found to be meeting the standards in all areas) - one was that we allow 1 adult to supervise 5 under 2s on the stairs and that we don't use medicine forms! This was apparently referred to Ofsted via the police! - we do use medicine forms, Ofsted were satisifed with them and we do not allow 1 adult to supervise 5 under 3s on the stairs single handedly!! In 10 year of operation at that site, there has never been an accident on the stairs.


The second was our dear neighbour who doesn't like us or our children :(0 who reported us for dangerous vehicle movements on site, suspicious characters loitering in our drive (at the weekend when we are shut - but they can't as we have a gate), crying babies (he stuck his hand over our fence to record a baby crying in the garden and sent it to Ofsted!) and a male member of staff "bellowing" and using inappropriate language - 'last one in's a rotten egg!' - with our after-school children. This is just the latest of his actions in a sustained campaign. It's all very sad. Basically these were malicious and unfounded complaints from someone with an axe to grind.


Anyway, in both cases, Ofsted were satisfied that we continue to meet the standards. Under the new framework, as you probably know, a visit to investigate a complaint now triggers a full inspection. We were very happy with the outcome of the first inspection, the second has yet to be confirmed. I would agree with the comments above regarding the focus and how the inspections were carried out.


The point is that, as the inspectors told us, should someone contact them again next week with another complaint, they will return for yet another investigation and full inspection! In both cases, these nurseries had an Outstanding at their previous inspection. The first nursery was only inspected 2 years ago. All I'm saying is beware - you can't assume that you will have 1 inspection and then be set for the next 4 years.

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Thanks for your post David......the complaints against you were bizarre and it is really sad that the neighbour in particular has this campaign against you.


It does seem that more complaints are being made against settings that Ofsted then go and prove unfounded. Don't get me wrong I think it is absolutely paramount that any complaint is investigated just in case but I just wonder if there are enough inspectors out there?

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  • 3 months later...

Just thought i'd add that I still havent been inspected.... yet x2 settings in the area have been who were inspected more recently to us!!! I'm being to think they dont love me anymore!!!


Nannymcphie congrats glad it went well, my first inspection as manager I had 2 inspectors so understand the added pressure it adds, especially if your a small setting, they take up more space!

Mouse63 I understand where your coming from, we had our last inspection in 2008, we've had an extension and still no knock on the door!!! I think they've forgotten about us!!

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