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Tougher Inspections

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I have seen this too - whilst I am not against incentivising poorer settings to improve their quality it will be very interesting to see how this will happen. The proposals seem to pre-empt the consultation on the role of the LAs suggesting that it has already been decided that LAs will not have a role in respect of improving quality. This consultation will mean that there are currently 4 consultations on the go - how do they all marry up!


I am concerned that ofsted judgements in respect of quality do not take into account a good understanding of setting's, their catchments, their business models etc. and whilst I am no great supporter of LAs being overly intrusive they at least take the time to build up an understanding of the settings in their areas and can base their quality judgements on a relationship with settings that is developed over time rather than inspectors who only see a setting for a couple of hours once every 2, 3 or 4 years. Also settings are not inspected by the same inspector so therefore are making judgements based on very limited knowledge.


If Sir Michael Wilshaw wants inspection parity with schools for early years settings then he also needs to address the issue of inspection notice - currently the only settings getting no notice inspections are early years settings that are not on school sites, not children's centres, not childminders and not schools - not exactly a level playing field!


I wonder what is meant by Ofsted being "sharper about reporting on the levels of qualifications" - is this a backdoor attempt to change qualifications levels?


As for his altruistic proposals that Ofsted broker support for weaker providers from good or outstanding providers he shows his lack of business experience. Whilst we are generally a very supportive of each other we are also in business competition with each other - maybe I'm not altruistic enough to make sure that my competition is supported so well that it impacts on my business' sustainability - after all you wouldn't expect the better supermarket chains to share their expertise with the weaker supermarket chains to keep them in business would you?


And finally when oh when will they make the link between quality and cost - perhaps its a good time for Ofsted to get off the fence and say that X level of quality should be expected from Y level of funding!!!!!


Here endeth my morning rant :D

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I agree with all you are saying as well SueJ. I am currently being ostracised by my local cluster group because I refused to sign up to helping those settings in my town who are not performing as well in their ofsted as I am when actually we are all struggling to fill spaces


Sue, if you could hear me I would be giving 3 cheers! I agree with every word you are saying! When oh when are they going to actually start listening to someone who knows what they are talking about. As for all these consultations going on, goodness maybe they may take notice of one of them one day!


Max321, you stick to your guns. We have been asked to do the same here and I too have refused, well I didn't actually refuse just asked how much per hour would my setting be reimbursed for losing me and if it was out of work hours would I still be paid my normal salary. Unfortunately they cannot pay me, so I said I couldn't afford to do it!

I don't mind helping people but I work virtually full time as it is and I'm not going to work extra hours for other groups

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