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Musing on a Saturday morning....


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I know, I know, I should get a life! Was just wondering what would happen if Ofsted turned up on Nativity or party day when nothing was as normal? Has it happened to anyone? Presumably they couldn't assess the whole of your provision properly, even though they would see lots of happy smiling children! Not expecting them, BTW.....

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We had one on a rehearsal day once... was a full run through with dress up etc.. day before the real one.. we only ever did one full run through the day before. .. we had some children come in as extras with a parent as well... as she arrived we explained what was happening and that it was not our usual routine or set up...

Our inspector was lovely, understood, said just carry on and she spoke to us as she could... she did stay a while after to discuss all that we could not do in the session as we were so busy... she spoke to the parents, sat with the children and generally seemed to enjoy the day..

We did though have a learning plan for the day...was something we had decided to do on spur of moment day before.. turned out to be a good call..(We got a good that time )

Our party was always a day we were not usually open..

Not sure how it would all fit in with the current inspections though ..

Edited by Inge
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I had been thinking along similar lines but not regarding Christmas festivities. I wondered what happened if the big O turned up during school holidays. We are open all year round but during holidays we run in a much more 'go with the flow' way. A good 3/4 of our funded children (2, 3 and 4 years) don't attend during holidays, our planning is minimal and we go with what children want to do, day-to-day. The children are learning of course, but not planned learning with learning intentions, outcomes, evaluations etc. Has anyone had an inspection in similar circumstances?

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Funny,I too wondered about this the other week when we had photos all morning with a very much,go with the flow,session whilst children waited their turn.Must admit,was relieved,O didn't come that day but on the other hand,working with parents etc,it's something they ask for each year so...

I have another question, at the moment,staffing is so difficult for me, I am never free to chat/ have meetings with LA etc,have to cancel anything arranged as I am covering staff member unexpectedly having to go on on sick leave .If O turned up,I would be looking after babies and not be able to leave to chat even,Deputy is with the children full time so there is no slack and when I am not on with the children,I am cooking food probably or doing something else like school run cover that I can't leave.

Is anyone else like this? This might not be ideal but on the other hand,I may have chosen to staff like this anyway in order to afford to stay in business so the idea of being supernumerary to chat and observe staff with an inspector at any point during the week is not realistic...and breathe out! :)

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Our last Inspection was on the last day of the term and we were having our Easter Egg Hunt etc. she carried out a full inspection! but did ask if we would rather leave it until we returned after Easter. I decided to go ahead rather than having that on my mind all Easter break. However as circumstances panned out she could not feedback until after Easter break and that was nearly as bad! She had indicated all was fine before she left but we were left hanging so to speak.


She commented on how the egg hunt had gone and how the children still had to use their knowledge of maths to help them find the eggs, etc., I think we have to accept that they will call on us at any time and just try and be ourselves, it would be a very harsh inspector who didn't go with the flow at this time of year


Having her there did dampen things as you might imagine, (plus this was her second inspection in a row on us) but I don't think it did any harm to the outcome.

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The inspector came to us lunch time one day, and we we were off out to the library in the afternoon!

I think they have to realise they may turn up at this time of year and see play rehearsals or parties or Christmas stuff!

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