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Ofsted -early Years Framework


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Hi all,

Just published new framework for Registration and Inspection of settings.

This is Ofsteds latest update.


On reading through I noticed this; paragraph 53;


53. Ofsted will seek an application for a criminal records disclosure for each person who has given consent unless the applicant can satisfy Ofsted by demonstrating proof of a recent disclosure.


Does this mean that Ofsted won't necessarily do new CRB checks for managers / new applicants for registration if they have a recent CRB. CRB's are therefore transferable in some instances?

What do you think?



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Last week one of my staff had her CRB paperwork returned from OFSTED as they are no longer carrying out the checks. We now apparently go direct to the CRB and pay the required charge.

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I am just so confused now about CRB checks. I gather that the latest changes to NS have shifted the onus (and costs) for CRB checks to settings.


So, are CRB clearances transferrable/non-transferrable?


Also, do CRB clearances ever need renewal?


The guidance is just too vague. There never seems to be any definite answer to these questions. This makes me wonder about the value of CRB clearances (aside from the obvious - the clearance is only valid at the date given).


I know that CRB does not keep records of checks (they are destroyed within a few months). In the past, OFSTED could confirm that a person was "cleared" (for working in a specified setting), and would give such confirmation in writing. Presumably the lack of OFSTED involvement will make dupilcate/repeat checks more frequent and obviously more necessary.


I have just moved to a new setting. I have said that I must need a new CRB check (because the only evidence I hold, dating back to 2003, cites my suitability to work at another [named] setting, and does not specify that I hold a "leader" post).


I intend to ask the local EY mentor about it this week.



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hi whitetree,


can i suggest you go to the following discussion from October, it does explain a little more about changes in checks. and the help of peggy, linda and others who spent time trying to get some answers to our confusion.

I am at a cluster meeting this week about this and other things so I will see if it clears anything up.


summary...no charges yet just a different method for getting checks which is the responsibility of the setting to ensure they are done not via Ofsted.


Peggy thanks for new framework info have found document and now for some lovely bedtime reading!!!! or perhaps not


crb checks



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  • 2 months later...



Just wonder if you have seen the 'Direction for travel paper' all about the new framework for Early Years?


I think it was going to be the Early Development Learning Framework (EDLF) or something like that but now it seems to be the 'Early Years Foundation Stage' and will incorporate the four aspects from BTTM the current Curriculum guidance for FS and the National Standards all in one document.


Currently at the consultation stage but due to be phased into settings from September 2008.


Anyway enough of my prattle, have a read here!



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Thanks very much for bringing this to our attention and I would like to see peoples reactions to this.


Have quickly scanned this document but not too sure what they are trying to achieve. Is it just a rehash of the BTTM and the Foundation Stage so there is one document. It doesn't seem to say anything different really - just in another way. Am I being cynical? Yet another consultation? Just how much do all of these cost? I think the BTTM and the Foundation Stage guides are good, they offer practical advice, they keep on slightly changing the goal posts - spend a lot of money doing it and yet the children themselves don't seem to change that much - I will take another look through this and see what they are trying to do - seems to be yet another way of avoiding the real issue of actually paying people for a job, giving them a good career path - with all the money being spent on rehashing the system every two to three years surely money could be better spent on training.


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I think rehash is about right :D As far as I can see it will combine BTTM, the FS and National Standards.


The new EYFS is to 'cover' children's learning and development from birth until 31st August following their 5th birthday. I don't think it will be 'entirely new' to practitioners as the starting point is the five new outcomes that were set out in 'Every Child Matters and the 2004 Children Act and we are already familiar with those. My last OFSTED inspection (unannounced and much better for being so!) was done under the five outcomes.


The EYFS also specifies Early Learning Goals and I doubt there will be a huge variation from those we currently employ. but I see Mathematical Development is to be replaced with 'Problem solving, reasoning and number.'



We currently have the five outcomes, six early learning goals (plus the stepping stones of course!) the four aspects of BTTM and 14 National Standards! I think a new framework guidance that incorporates them all will be welcomed. Providing of course that it is a coherent document :D

:o The current FS Curriculum Guidance has been in use for a few years now ( think it was published in 2000) so suppose it's about time for an update.


Anything that helps to enhance our practice thereby improving things for the little treasures in our care is OK by me :D

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Dear Geraldine,


Thanks for summing it up so well - I agree up to a point that it could be very useful document but I wonder just how much difference there will be - I see that they have changed the term for mathematical development and dependent on how they structure it as you say I too think it might be a good document.


What saddens me is that we have only just been given the 5 CD set with all the early learning goals, parents as partners etc - only for it to be superseded in two years. This is a great resource but one that has come too late - for what reason I do not know - CD's are cheap to produce and whilst I accept that some people may not have the technology to upload these, I believe they are probably less than those who have. We will therefore only be able to use it for another two years. We as you say have been working with the BTTM and the Foundation Stage for sometime now and yet it has taken some five years to get us the information that is in a format which is user friendly. How many people here have spent hour upon hour recreating the stepping stones, typing them up etc when now we have something that we can cut and paste and forward to our parents, create our planning without reinventing the wheel. I hope that they get on board a lot quicker with the new EYFS and deliver it both in a written and CD format, it would make so much more sense.


For now though we will continue what we have been doing - the desirable learning outcomes have become the early learning goals which might in future be renamed as something else - for me and my menopause it is just getting too much!


By the way Geraldine, have you any idea what they mean by this:- (p2)


"The Childcare Bill will give EYFS the same legal status as the Foundation Stage currently has under the National Curriculum, whilst also removing the Foundation Stage from the National Curriculum. For schools, this will not mean a significant change: in effect, the existing requirements of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum will simply be translated into the requirements of the new EYFS."


I can't make out what this will mean in practice - why will it not be a significant change for schools?


Anyway it makes for interesting reading? But then I am in between assignments and feeling a bit bored.



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OH Nicola don't get me started on the menopause :D:o think I ought to have <hot flush> after every sentance!! xD


With regard to the legal bit you quote, my understanding of the jargon is that it just means the new document will be 'legal' in the same way as the FS currently is ie: we don't have any choice! To be registered with OFSTED, receive funding etc we have to adhere to the curriculum guidance currently in force. Of course I could be wrong - Peggy where are you? :D


From what I have read I don't think there will be a significant change for any of us regardless of the type of setting. Maybe that is a good thing as I really don't think any major or radical overhaul is needed. think they are just making it all in one place :(

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well Geraldine, I downloaded the doc yesterday, thanks Nichola, will read it tomorrow, I am dubious, but I don't know why :oxD:(


Tonight my hubby and I have our formal panel meeting/interview to see if we have passed to become Foster Carers. It has taken a year since our initial enquiry to foster.



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Oh good luck Peggy - just act yourself and I am sure they will jump at the chance of having you on their list. Cannot remember whether you are looking at short or long term. It has been a long old haul and I am sure it has tested your patience many times but you are nearing the end now - sometimes I think that perhaps more people should go through a shortened version of this before they have children - if only I had a bit more help with bringing up teenage children - seem to be doing it all wrong at the moment - and reacting to my children in all the wrong way - but I suppose i recognise this so maybe that's a good start.

All the best with tonight - get the wine in the fridge for when they go - and celebrate that you have both got through the system still sane. Will be thinking of you - when do you hear?


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well Geraldine, I downloaded the doc yesterday, thanks Nichola, will read it tomorrow, I am dubious, but I don't know why :o  xD  :( 


Tonight my hubby and I have our formal panel meeting/interview to see if we have passed to become Foster Carers. It has taken a year since our initial enquiry to foster.






Good Luck!

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We had a meeting on the changes last week with our new Strategic officer for the LEA. don't think there is many changes just renaming of things. only good thing I understood was that BTTM will link in with the Stepping Stonesas one Curriculum. After a very funny/depressing dayI'm not sure why we do the job. Ive just had a child start with parents that really should not have been allowed to have one child let alone the 4 that they have. Each child had a name weird than the next and the middle one bless her was nicknamed Baby Cakes, Cakes for short because the mother didn't no what to call her. I won't tell you the other names but they run along the same lines. and on that note have a good day tomorrow everyone bye

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There's a feature in this weeks Nursery World on the publication, gives food for thought. I still haven't read it yet but do wonder if it is just a case of re-inventing the wheel.


Thanks for your good wishes, we "passed" the fostering interview and are now contracted FOSTER CARERS- yippee :D


Nikki, I agree that a want to be parent friendly training opportunity would be useful for anyone interested, as for teenagers, love every minute you have with them, however challenging, believe me the house is very empty once they are all gone. I am sure you will get through this time, as you did when your children kept you awake all night as babies, stretched your good humour when they were terrible two's etc, how boring life would be if all children were compliant all the time. xD


My sister is 50 yrs old and my mum is still "looking out for her" :o but that's a completely different story all together.



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Dear Peggy,

How fantastic - after this long long wait - and now the real excitement and emotions can really start to take off. Congratulations and I wish you every happiness in this new venture - I am sure you will be great at it and I am sure there will also be difficult times - but as you say that's what life is all about - making the best of it - having a laugh and keeping a sense of humour. I would hate to live a dull life really!!!! Any idea when you can get started, and what age children are you hoping for?


I had some good news today - just heard that I have got on a weeks research trip to Romania as part of the TEYM (Training for Early years Managers) group run by my University. We are going out to review training needs amongst other things in Romania - will be visiting different early years sectors whilst we are there - have some reservations as I am not too sure what I might come across but it is a fantastic opportunity.


Ill check the nursery world article - it seems to me that much of what they are talking about has already been put in place anyway - haven't you personnaly made the links between BTTM and the Foundation Stage - if you can remember where you typed it up - can you please put in a link for me as I have it filed in a safe place....!...Thanks



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Thanks Nikki, I am really jealous of your opportunity to visit Romania.

Many moons age, I visited Spain and Sweden to look at their training and childcare, it was an experience I will always remember.


Hope you can take some photo's ( with permission) and share them and your experiences with us, on your return. :D



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Yes I hope so - I am now thinking of perhaps using the opportunity for my dissertation - have read the nursery world article - lots of different views in there. I missed out on why Lesley Stagg resigned does anyone know why? she obviously has been very much at the foreffront of things and I don't know why she resigned - is there anything happening that we don/t know about. Would love to know


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Lesley resigned because (in my words not hers) her team has been restructured in the move to Capita and I think she had strong EY's views about EYFS and the Rose review on phonics/ NLS & NNS reviews that may not have been listened to in the way we/ she would have liked. A sad loss - lets hope we don't get a 'yes person' to replace her! She will become an EYs consultant. We need to keep fighting and make sure that her messages do not get lost. As a group of people EYs practitioners just get on and do, and make the most of a bad job from the DFES/ QCA/ Gov't - this time we have a chance to fight and not let them rail road things through because they had children once and think they know what is best. We already have lots of experience of the 'top down' model - this time it should be developmentally appropriate

So BOTTOM UP !!!!!


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Thanks very much for that information - there's always so much to read that sometimes I just seem to miss out on things. I assumed it was because she felt her position untenable and hadn't liked what was happening.


Interestingly enough I am going up to a conference tomorrow led by the Basic Skills and National Literacy Trust on the teaching of literacy - it should be a really interesting day and whatsmore it is free - how brilliant is that - it is actually called a debates conference so it should be full of interesting debate. There are some really good guest speakers who may or not be contentious - I am really looking forward to it - but at the same time feel a little out of my depth. Audience includes DFES, Ofsted, LEA representatives, If nothing else it will be interesting to hear their views on it.


Will report back on anythhing interesting.



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