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ok, i am trying to pin down my wording for the Action on my report. The action says

ensure that unauthorised persons are unable to enter the premises.


then for both compulsory and voluntary parts of register it says:

Ensure that no one can enter the premises without the knowledge of a person who is caring for children on the premises.


so.........I have had new, higher fencing erected at the front of the building. New wire fencing to the rear. (The back door is always locked and alarmed anyway, but should i say so as she didn't ask about it or look at it on the day?) There are extra bolts on the front gate, but not a lock as it is our fire escape route. I have also tweaked the unauthorised person on premises policy/procedure, should i give them a copy? We had one in our risk assessment folder which she didn't look at

I am back to being tearful over this one.

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Oh Narnia, this seems so unjust, how many of us can honestly say with all the will in world that we could stop someone jumping over a wall or fence into our outdoor areas, (I know i couldn't) and if they were really there to do harm the most vigilant members of staff are not going to stop that ...and now because of a possible careless act by a workman you've had all this come down on you and all the expense of new fences :(

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I would want to include details of what was in place and then how you have improved it .. particularly including things that were not looked at in the inspection.. (and would try to make it obvious that these were not checked on the day to make a point!)

perhaps include the old and new policy to show how it has been changed.. again maybe stating that this was not checked on the day


The tears are probably anger.. that all was not looked at or checked and the feeling of it being unfair judgement.. I would want them to know what was not looked at but already in place..

I always find writing all down and then leaving for a day before coming back helps.. I can then sort the 'rant' or anger from the facts once I have calmed down a bit, if that makes some sort of sense..

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Ok don't panic!!! You are doing all the right things!

Write down the action and then what you have done to improve the situation (all the things you have already said!) i also wrote it down for the staff and got them to sign it so that i could prove they also knew! send anything and everything you think is relevant (well they asked for it IMO!!!) write down EVERYTHING don't worry about whether she saw it or not. SO what do YOU do to fullfill these actions (all the things you did before and all the things you have added) i would tend to set this down like this on the info that you need to send so already in place....new actions.....

You cannot give them too much ...just too little, having said that i tried to bullet point everything otherwise the wording gets complicated. Make sure you are only writing down what you are capable of achieving...there is no point in promising the moon because when they return they will ask you to prove where the moon is!!!!!!

Try to get it all done and out of the way then relax for a while....these things have a tendency to eat you up otherwise...it is after all just a job! (hahahahahah laughing through gritted teeth)

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Set out your action plan in a grid, with the things you intend to do in the first column. In the second column put in what the timescale for your action should be, third column who us responsible for doing it and last column the outcome. So this gives a flow through of everything you did - all of it, even if it was a tweak to wording.


Send this along with copies of all your relevant policies - you could highlight the new bits if you feel you want to, to make them apparent.


I would include photographs of the new fences and locks etc.


I think that should be thorough enough. I can help you with the table if you want

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it's not just a job though, is it? Otherwise it wouldn't matter so much......................thank you ladies xx

no hence the ridiculous laughter as you know from my recent post about my complaint!! but also having had a bad ofsted and lived through what you are now going through i empathise :( the only thing i would say is that you will survive and come out the other side :ph34r:

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ok, and breathe............................... stop crying, life isn't b*&%dy fair, as I know.....so, get on with it and keep calm missy. I will get this done!

Yes you can! You have coped with worse than this before. You have all of us behind you! I can totally understand the frustrated tears though. Please shout if you want me to proof read anything or help in any way. You have my metaphorical shoulder. Hugs

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When you re do your policy, for the things you already have in place I would be tempted to use in bold words such as 'continue' or remains: the back door *continues* to be locked and alarmed; to show it's not as a result of the inspection/action

I would also do a covering letter;

Dear Mrs O following my recent inspection, please find attached the following documents (I have highlighted in bold the new wording - (this will show how much you already had in place!)

and then in this letter have a table with your attached items listed and have columns such as 'already in place at time of inspection' 'seen/not seen', 'newly implemented' that smacks them in the face that actually you had loaaads in place and what you have implemented is really quite a small thing Make sure your 'already in place' column is heavily ticked to show that it outweighs your new stuff

I might also in my frustration provide a sheet with a brief overview of the situation that occurred (because you new inspector may not be full aware of what happened) highlighting clearly that they were known, signed in, id checked (even that you knew their backgrounds) etc

I would also be tempted given your follow up call about the mud kitchen scenario say first that the front fence has been replaced with a higher one and 'in response to the inspectors follow up phone call about the mud kitchen area (maybe quote the inspector?!) I have replaced this fencing too. You could also list the people/organisations you have consulted to ensure it's of a satisfactory secure nature!

I would be clear about how long the setting has been open and possibly get in subtly how many inspections have taken place with this fencing in place and nothing raised but I find it very hard to get off my soap box in these situations!

photos are great...and if you get it all in asap it will demonstrate that you took the matter seriously despite being closed and technically on holiday

more info always looks more thorough

attach your policies, risk assessments (maybe highlighting that the level of risk remains 'low' despite the changes!) take copies of everything and have the 'pack' handy for when they visit


We've been through a picky inspection; absolutely devastated but when the new inspector came out and we took her through the action plan she couldn't understand why it was flagged - which demonstrates they don't all sing off the same hymn sheet

they should not only walk a week in our shoes but they should hang around to see the after effects of their visits!!!! Maybe then they might realise that most of us are in this heart and soul!

once all sent off, lock it away in your mind and enjoy what's left of you well earned and deserved break :-)

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don't let's a group of half-wits grind you down.


I actually really did laugh out loud at this! perfect


<apologies for my terrible grammar ,spelling and punctuation - I was so worked up typing it on your behalf Narnia, I actually did some ironing!! (soon calmed down after a few shirts though!)

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Whoa gingerbreadman way to go with the advice.

Narnia I really hope that the powers that be sit up and take notice and you win your appeal good luck xx

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so................................report has now gone online, complete with all inaccuracies. I emailed to ask that it be taken down, pending the result of my concerns, queries and complaints and the chap who repiled said no. He said the file has now been passed to Ofsted as I have challenged the judgement of the inspector, so a formal complaint procedure has now kicked in........if you want to read our report, pm me and i'll give you the ref for it

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that's crazy! Do they not realise that livelihoods and peoples sanity are at stake in these circumstances!

time to pull out any big guns you got hiding over there!

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so................................report has now gone online, complete with all inaccuracies. I emailed to ask that it be taken down, pending the result of my concerns, queries and complaints and the chap who repiled said no. He said the file has now been passed to Ofsted as I have challenged the judgement of the inspector, so a formal complaint procedure has now kicked in........if you want to read our report, pm me and i'll give you the ref for it

I don't think that I can reply without swearing :( how is that 'fair' - I am absolutely fuming on your behalf........

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I thought that if you appealed/disagreed within the 10 days it didn't get published until the outcome of the appeal I'm sure that's what my inspector said, this is so not on Narnia.

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