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Ofsted visit yesterday, what they are looking for.....(at the minute)


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Well it finally happened....The Ofsted Inspector arrived with her Senior Inspector who was Inspecting the Inspector who was inspecting me. (I am a Childminder of 7 years). They were both very nice and made me feel a little more at ease as I was scared to death!!!

I thought I had everything and more. I certainly had more, they didn't like that. Less is more is what they meant. I had all observations, assessments and next steps for each child. Now this is the best bit, I use PRAMS for my assessments and 'next steps'. They had never heard of it. The 'next steps' generated by PRAMS was far too much and not sharply focused. OK, but I use these to know where I am going with the children over the term. Nope - not good enough. As a heads up they want to see 3-4 next steps per month and nothing more. Thats point one over :)

On my last previous inspections I was told that risk and challenge is a good thing, not any more. One of my children decided to lay on the very low childrens table with his arms outstretched as if he was flying, this was a NO NO. It was not safe, I should have told him this. What happened to risk and challenge in the real world? In the world that children live in? The next heads up is that if your children are being children and imagining themselves that is something not stuck to the ground, you must tell them its not safe!!!

I now need to re-do my whole way of working to ensure that I am doing less, very strange to me.

My judgement was good but I felt I had to work hard for it. Good luck everyone and remember to stay awake because it will all change again (in the words of Billy Connelly) xx



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Wow, well done that's sounds stressful! I'm presuming he didn't hurt himself so you were right it was safe?!?

I use tapestry and it generate plentiful next steps and I choose from them, 1 per week per child.

Glass of wine tonight x

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Well done you for getting a good judgement, It sounds like you fought your corner. I just cannot believe how different everybody's inspections are, there really does not seem to be any continuity between inspectors and their expectations. We are so overdue and I am just desperate for them to come as reading everybody's stories is filling me with dread. Personally I would say keep doing what you are doing as it sounds great.

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Zigzag, I too was reading all sorts of things when I knew they were due, I think I like frightening myself :) I must say the Inspectors were nice and human but I hated every minute of being scrutinised. By the end of it I was thinking 'please...just leave' My brain was frazzled. BUT I survived, I'm sure you'll do really well, if we did not get nervous, we wouldn't really care would we, so at least we having caring on our side!!! I wish you all the very best and once its done, its done - wine time!!! :D:D:D:D

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Congratulations and well done.:)

This is what frustrates me most is the differentiation in the way inspectors inspect.

A level playing field it isn't I'm afraid.:(

As for a next step each week. I would not expect any of our children to always sucessfully reach and consolidate a next step on a weekly basis but over a longer period of time.

Sorry my little rant over, I find it all so depressing.:(

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oh we are doomed then - risk and challenge galore over here (safely of course!)


Well done for your outcome - I think an inspector inspecting an inspector makes for a very uptight inspected inspector! and a very good practitioner stuck in the middle!

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well done I have had that happen in my previous inspection it was not a good outcome and very stressful you did well to get good with all that twaddle. Just think you should applaud how good you are and take a measured look at what you do before you change anything after all you got a good rating so what can be so wrong with your practice?

Sue x

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It is exhausting... I'm stressed about changes that haven't been entered in the SEF, not being fully on top of children's assessments because they are new, the group not being settled because some new ones have started, not yet having received references for new staff, new staff not yet knowing how everything works etc. Then it all is done and fine and sorted, until new children or staff join, or there are changes to policies and procedures that aren't yet reflected in the paperwork. Then I manage to get on top of it all again, for a while - and so on... If I wasn't expecting an inspection, then I would just get on with the jobs without the pressure of thinking that it may happen that or the next day.

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5 years 10 months for us - every morning I'm expecting a knock at the door!



If I wasn't expecting an inspection, then I would just get on with the jobs without the pressure of thinking that it may happen that or the next day.

we have just said the same! If it wasn't for Ofsted we would love and enjoy our job even more, be more relaxed and probably more productive! (which is bat crazy as it is only one day in every few years but seems to hang over our heads like a threat for the other thousand and odd days!)

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If it wasn't for Ofsted we would love and enjoy our job even more, be more relaxed and probably more productive! (which is bat crazy as it is only one day in every few years but seems to hang over our heads like a threat for the other thousand and odd days!)

And then, after that one day, you have to live with your mistakes or those things you weren't able to deal with before the inspection being online for everyone to judge you by each day for the coming possibly six years!

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we have just said the same! If it wasn't for Ofsted we would love and enjoy our job even more, be more relaxed and probably more productive! (which is bat crazy as it is only one day in every few years but seems to hang over our heads like a threat for the other thousand and odd days!)

I seriously thought that it was only me that worried way before the time that I should be worrying. I started to panic over it at the 2 year mark knowing that they were coming in a year!! It is a cloud that hangs over us because we have no idea what they will be looking at on the day, we all know that we are doing it and doing it well but what if, just what if, we havent got that particular publication that came out the other day.....are they looking at that OR are they looking at one of the other multitude of things that we need that people in non-childcare settings have no idea about!! It changes too much from one inspection to the next :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is exhausting... I'm stressed about changes that haven't been entered in the SEF, not being fully on top of children's assessments because they are new, the group not being settled because some new ones have started, not yet having received references for new staff, new staff not yet knowing how everything works etc. Then it all is done and fine and sorted, until new children or staff join, or there are changes to policies and procedures that aren't yet reflected in the paperwork. Then I manage to get on top of it all again, for a while - and so on... If I wasn't expecting an inspection, then I would just get on with the jobs without the pressure of thinking that it may happen that or the next day.

Wild flowers I am the same, also a new manager! Struggling to get my head round it all! I know they will be in in next few months as also re-registered as new setting. Part of me wants them in and it all over BUT the other part says not yet as so much still to do!

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Wookie I hope you get your new registration inspection within the timescale ofsted set out, we were 3 weeks off of 2 years before ours happened ....practically 18 months thinking 'it must be today', the look of panic on staffs faces every time the doorbell went if we weren't expecting any visitors, me not daring to leave the building in case .....I know really it would have been fine, they'd have done well without me but not ideal as I have information re staff recruitment, supervisions etc that inspector asks for evidence locked away, and not fair on staff to go through it without you and as the manager you want to be there to fight your corner if needed.


Looking through ofsted reports there are some good and even outstanding that have been redone for no apparent reason within a couple of years and the setting that show as not being inspected for 4 or 5 years and when you look were satisfactory previously....it never makes any sense :/

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