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safeguarding - would they know if they had concern about child / member of staff -whistleblowing

how they support key child -planning, next steps etc,.,

eypp - how is it used - how decided this - what difference it has made

two year old funded - how supported / tracked

eal - - how supported / tracked


safeguarding was a big part of our inspection

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We were inspected today and what a lovely inspector we had - it was a throughly relaxed and enjoyable experience for us all!

Questions asked were as listed above by blondie. Inspector also wanted to know about recording progress of groups of children to see if any gaps e.g. boys, girls, SEND, Eal etc etc. She went through the books with a fine tooth comb looking for non fiction. multi cultural books and books with text in other languages. She also asked staff some of the same questions to see if the replies 'tallied' - thankfully they did, Other things she particularly looked at:

children's relationship with staff and their peers

next steps

did a joint observation

chose a range of learning journeys to look at (but didn't actually track a chlld)

I'm a little bit tired so might have left a few things out but will add later if they come to mind.

Good luck to anyone expecting a visit and hope you have a delightful inspector like we did.

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We were inspected today and what a lovely inspector we had - it was a throughly relaxed and enjoyable experience for us all!

Questions asked were as listed above by blondie. Inspector also wanted to know about recording progress of groups of children to see if any gaps e.g. boys, girls, SEND, Eal etc etc. She went through the books with a fine tooth comb looking for non fiction. multi cultural books and books with text in other languages. She also asked staff some of the same questions to see if the replies 'tallied' - thankfully they did, Other things she particularly looked at:

children's relationship with staff and their peers

next steps

did a joint observation

chose a range of learning journeys to look at (but didn't actually track a chlld)

I'm a little bit tired so might have left a few things out but will add later if they come to mind.

Good luck to anyone expecting a visit and hope you have a delightful inspector like we did.


Thanks for sharing

Hope you were happy with your results x

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Thank you for sharing your experience. What sort of things did she want to know for each of these. I find myself overthinking them.

She assumed i knew about Prevent Duty as she just asked how I met the requirements in day to day practice.

I said i thought the Fundamental British Values were embedded in the EYFS and had actually been part of practice before the Prevent duty appeared in June this year. She did ask me what I thought Fundament British Values meant and i just spouted the four headings and she was more than happy.I just remember them using 'DIRM"



Over the years i have probably been involved in 10 OFSTED inspections and this was by far the most pleasant experience - she was utterly lovely. I hope you all get an equally nice inspector.

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She assumed i knew about Prevent Duty as she just asked how I met the requirements in day to day practice.

I said i thought the Fundamental British Values were embedded in the EYFS and had actually been part of practice before the Prevent duty appeared in June this year. She did ask me what I thought Fundament British Values meant and i just spouted the four headings and she was more than happy.I just remember them using 'DIRM"



Over the years i have probably been involved in 10 OFSTED inspections and this was by far the most pleasant experience - she was utterly lovely. I hope you all get an equally nice inspector.

Thanks for the info

'DIRM' = ??

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we had our inspection today too -it was a weclome relief tbh - been on tenterhooks for 12 months now !

we found it a quite ' enjoyable' experience -and we couldnt believe how the time flew - ( even the inspector said that !)

she did ask lots of questions - and asked myself and the staff the same things ( seeing if our answered tallied )


* safeguarding - radicalisation - FGM

*tracking co-horts of children -how we id any who may be struggling or exceeding

*safe internet useage - for children and how we relay that to parents ( to ensure safe useage at home too )

*training - what staff had been on, what improvments or changes had been made as a results and effectivness of the training

* also identifying any other training needs we may have

*risk assesment - had to show her around, explain what we risk assess and why , id any hazards

* she asked staff about baselines, summatives, 2 yr cq's

* she asked staff about planning - how we include all the children and their next steps

* characteristics of effective learning ( very hot on this !)

* british values - how we incorporate them in the setting

*parent voice -how we get their input into learning

*childs voice



she looked at -

staff records - safeguarding,first aid certs( she also had a look at our SCR)

accident, incident forms, medical info

complaints book

she asked to see our log recording incidents of racism and discrimination

log of exclusions

data protection number


Sef - she looked at it, she was fine with the fact we hadnt got it online ( there is no requirement) - she asked questions from thr sef, asked about the actions we had noted in it - also if all staff input into it


She asked about the commitee - checked our list tallied with hers. We had no commitee member available to see her , but she was fine with that.


She asked if we wanted to do a joint obs - we were fine with it, planned it -but never got round to it !


she observed snack and lunch.


she observed a nappy change ( but at a discreet distance - i forgot she was there !)


it seems alot of questions - but it was just general conversation, and didnt feel like a test.


We just did what we usually do every day, didnt change anything, highlighted to her the things we knew we were looking to improve.


all in all a happy result - but we were gasping for a cuppa by the end, and i was fed up of talking lol !

Edited by fimbo
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Our inspection was on Tuesday, last inspection Jan 2010 so we had been waiting a while. Like others have mentioned ours was a pleasurable experience, even thought it did last 7 hours!

Our inspector asked pretty much the same as mentioned above, she did track 3 children, also looked through their learning journeys. As the manager she did speak to me about the Prevent Duty, radicalisation and terrorism and how i would identify a family at risk. Quite hot on child absences, how long i would wait before contacting a family that hadn't been in (this is connected to the Prevent Duty). Also looked at EYPP and how this is spent and how we justify what it is used for.

Overall a positive experience but glad it's over!!

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We also had a recent inspection after waiting 5 years. Questions were very similar to those outlined above. There definitely seems to be a focus on teaching and learning, safeguarding and prevent rather than care and play. Our inspector was extremely thorough and stayed until long after we turned out the lights and all the children had left. During her inspection she spoke to every single member of staff and several parents. During the management talk she questioned us about absolutely everything. She focused a lot on tracking and evidence of how we are moving children on and how we analyse and use our tracking data. She asked us about internet safety and how we use IT resources for teaching.

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Four things I didn't know that we were supposted to do or have!


Me neither :blink:


So - all incidents of any kind at all would be recorded in our 'Incident Log'


Data Protection number - yes I guess that makes sense - must make sure that I have that in my 'SEF file'


Exclusions log - well I have never excluded anyone - if I do I will set up a log - is that a good enough answer?


No internet at setting - so non applicable - I think........

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Me neither :blink:


So - all incidents of any kind at all would be recorded in our 'Incident Log'


Data Protection number - yes I guess that makes sense - must make sure that I have that in my 'SEF file'


Exclusions log - well I have never excluded anyone - if I do I will set up a log - is that a good enough answer?


No internet at setting - so non applicable - I think........


We didn't have a 'racism or discrimination ' log book - I told her in all the years I'd been here I'd never heard or seen anything along those lines, but if we did we wld note it in the safeguarding folder - she said we needed a special log - it is listed in the inspection handbook, but tbh it just wasn't something that had occurred to me .

Also she said we needed an exclusions log - again, I said we didn't have one, never had excluded a child - and if it ever came to that there would be so much supporting evidence, reports etc that it would be in the child's folder - but, we still should have one

She was understanding, said an excercise book would do !

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Four things I didn't know that we were supposted to do or have!


I really think Ofsted are trying to trick us all into 'failing'.....the questions are getting more and more ridiculous - cant think of another 'business' that would be scrutinised to this degree! How on earth are we seriously able to fit in all these initiatives AND care and educate under 5s. They'll be asking us how we plan for World Peace next!! I'm fed up with it! and all because we receive a pathetic amount of funding that has losing sleep trying to balance the books!! Grrrrrrrrrrr

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Me neither :blink:


No internet at setting - so non applicable - I think........



I was a at 'taking the lead' safeguarding training last week, and they told us we should be educating the parents about online safety for children- mainly due to things like parents just giving young children their own phone/tablets to play games/watch programmes etc. (you know- when use see parents happily chatting away in a coffee shop whilst the children are all quiet with a screen of some sort)


I didn't know i needed a log either, so I knocked one up, I'm just going to put it in my safeguarding file and add a line to safeguarding and equal opportunities policy to say it exists.

attachicon.gifRacism-discriminatory log.docx


Thank-you for sharing. I think I have actually got one from years ago when our LA first started the Enco training. But I shall print yours off for timesaving as we are due any-day :1b :1b (not that I'm in panic mod or anything.... xDxD :lol: xD

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I was a at 'taking the lead' safeguarding training last week, and they told us we should be educating the parents about online safety for children- mainly due to things like parents just giving young children their own phone/tablets to play games/watch programmes etc. (you know- when use see parents happily chatting away in a coffee shop whilst the children are all quiet with a screen of some sort)




I am sitting here with my head in my hands - really is everything our responsibility........

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