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OFSTED complaint


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Hi Guys,


Just need to vent....Opened a nursery last year and waited for Ofsted to come along in the first time and grade us in a normal inspection. Over a year later now....Woke up today to hear that Ofsted is in my nursery .....as you can imagine SHOCK HORROR but ready nevertheless. When i get there around 9.15 ************ is sitting in my chair. Now if anyone knows inspectors at all....SHe is the DARTH VADER of inspectors!! and is mostly on sent into complicated settings. How do i know this i hear you say??? Well because she TRAINED me to be an inspector so we recognised each other stright away..... sooooo AWKARD!! She said there had been a compliant that triggered the inspection.....I was like where have you all been for the past year and a bit!

Anyway conflict of interest meant I could decide not to continue with the inspection and that another inspector would attend another unannoucned day! PHEW by me some time....


OKAY all my parents are happy and I have no idea where this complaint came from and I am super upset for my team who have been waiting show off to OFsted and now it has been tarnished in this way. (and she would tell me the nature of the compliant which I understand but its soooo stressful! I know once a compliant has been made no matter how true or not having an inspection in this way is the worse.... My parents were confused and were sadden as I did not hide the fact that this was happening from them. Having trained as an Inspector I totally lost my respect for the framework and job itself and I know I belong on childcare side no doubt.....


Could anyone shed any light or advice for me...I am sure they will be back within a week but I also have another setting that is due an OFSTED do you think they will just turn up to that one too as the other had the compliant??



I am so upset and worried now .....sometimes I wonder why I do this :(


Edit: we have removed the inspector's name.

The FSF editorial team.

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My sympathies as I have been there three times in the last 8 years, all 3 of my inspections were triggered by complaints and it is totally disheartening and frustrating especially as on 2 occasions nothing had every been raised with us at any time and the third one was brought by someone we were pursuing for unpaid fees.I fully understand know how you feel, in the early days it used to keep me awake however I have been able to train myself to take it in my stride as even ofsted have acknowledged that some of what has been said is nothing but maliciousness.Be proud of what you deliver, be proud you care and just keep doing what your doing we have to accept that there are some people out there that are just bloody not nice, deep breaths record anything you think might be raised and keep striving!!!

ps we still got outstanding

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Hey guys... Giantalice that is so unfortunate goodness me!


Well today I woke up so early and rushed more poor son to breakfast club (which i never do) to get to work extra early Hoping O would come today....but it seems they would like us to sweat.... The annoying thing is we have only been open a year and having had any compliants to record....I know it sounds crazy but other than a parent saying 'thats not my childs clothes lol" there is nothing else!!! I dont know what to do because if we have had a complaint from a parent it would be recorded....I dont know. I am just making sure everything is in place for them to see....



Thanks For the supportive word guys... I will defo let you know what happens!! x

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Night Guys.....


My fears came true this Friday. Cut a long story short....they showed at both setting at the same time. I had no chance! One piece of evidence miss placed was enough.....

Both got an inadequate which I do not believe they deserved maybe required improvements in some areas. Of the back of the Burglary, dissmissed staff & the stupid compliant that they didnt find evidence of! it was all a mess...My second nursery mortified thye had everything right but the way they answered certain things suggested they didnt understand enough. It was carnage... All the parents spoke and told them of the progress their children had been making.

They knew I could not be in two places at once.....

One mistake I made for forgetting that returning employees DBS had come in yet and keep her in the room with everyone...in my panic forgot!! and then got an enforcement!!


IN my SEF it said all the changes I was going to make but it was too little too late.


Now I am considering what to do and how to tell my parents ....IVe been crying all day but I knew things were not perfect but I thought requires improvement I would understand in places.....


I mean one inspector said that my team spoke too much in the another language to a child that didnt speak english to we explained the child is new we are just making him feel comfy...'well repeat in english then'


I dont know!! I jus feel to give up!!!

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Oh dear I don't really know what to say but couldn't possibly read and run


Get in touch with your LA on Monday (I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that) hopefully they will provide you with some help and support


Please ask on here too if you think any of us might have documentation that could help


Sending you lots of positive vibes

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