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Argh Ofsted


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Ok, so I couldn't find an inspections thread in the general, so I've come here!

We got the call this morning and the team are coming on Wednesday and Thursday. I'm so nervous after a bad experience last time. Bang goes my weekend, got to check all my paperwork is upto date.

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Don't really know what to say, other than I'm sure everything will be fine!

Try not to get too bogged down over the weekend with checking all your paperwork. You've got to have a bit of a rest!


Good luck, let us know how it goes




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I know it's hard to do but try not to let the previous bad experience knock your confidence. I had a bad Ofsted in 2003, then my subsequant one in 2004 was like a breath of fresh aie, the Inspector was professional and thorough but really, really nice. :D


I agree with others take a rest. If need be write a list of all the "paperwork" you think you need to have done, then prioritise the most important. Decide if you have time for items 1, or 2, or 3 on your list- then all the other items write down as areas that you have planned for developing. ( just briefly action plan them). The Inspector will see that you are aware of them and have planned how to meet them. Without having to actually try to do it all in a matter of a few days.


Best of luck. think, this time next week (Friday night) you can look forward to really relaxing and letting your hair down. Better this side of Easter Hols than after.



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Wishing you ALL the best Nichola. I'd second what Marion says, it's a lot different now. They have to cram so much into such a short space so visits to classrooms are much shorter and possibly not at all. They're very interested in the school's self evaluation form, and if what they see tallies with where the school thinks it is, you shouldn't have too much to worry about.


Try not to burn yourself out - easier said than done I know.



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Thanks everyone! I've made sure I've relaxed tonight. Joe (my fiance) is out at a gig, not due home for at least another 30 minutes and I've spent the evening watching crappy TV and surfing the net. Tomorrow Joe's at work on a 9-5 shift, so I'm planning on catching up on stuff there (out of date IEPs that I needed to do this week cos of parents evening being the week after next!, lesson plans actually in my planning file and not just tiny notes written on my computer that I never get around to printing off etc etc)

I will let everyone know how it goes.

Our school (special ed) has 9 classes, with about 80 kids in school. I do however think they will come and visit me as the 2 days they are coming we have the more unusual lessons like hydrotherapy, AV room science and soft play!

Fingers crossed they barely make it past the front door and that my little darlings are on top form!

Our other biggest problem is staff illness. Today was a nightmare we had so many people not in it was silly, as well as having 2 teachers on long term sick. Ahh well! We shall see eh?!

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Thanks guys! I'm so nervous its untrue. I doubt I'll be able to sleep tonight, which is bad, as I need to be fully with it.

Just hope the kids are in a better mood than they were in today- horrible day behaviour wise! Oohh joy!!

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Hope it's going well (though I know you won't be on here tonight :o OFSTED may be the only thing to keep us away!!!!!). One day to go.


Harricroft xxx

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Ahh Harricroft you are wrong! I AM here. My other half is at a gig tonight and I'm doing ZIP ALL school work tonight, having not left school till 5.45, what with co-ordinator interviews and then discussion of them afterwards with other staff. Can't wait for tomorrow night!


As for them coming to see me- they only came once, to see my 20 minute circle time session! Damn them! Why did my sessions go so well but without their viewing!

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Ok guys the verdict is in and ...............................

















our school came out as 'Oustanding' overall. Obviously we are all very very happy.

All teaching was deemed good or excellent, although they didn't see that much in the 2 days they were here!

Just very happy and needed to share!

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Well, I must say, with dedicated staff like you how could the result be anything other than "Oustanding" :D


Congratulations Nichola and to all your school team. :D Now you MUST have a lovely restful weekend :o



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Thanks guys. 2 of the teachers were meeting up for a meal tonight and have asked me along, so I'm going to go. Having a restful weekend, although I do still have to plan the last week of term AND its parents evening on Thursday!

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