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Hi there!


Just wondering what the procedure is now after an inspection re the written report/internet report?


I had an inspection on July 12th and am going on holiday on Sunday so would like to see it before we go.


I rang Ofsted on Monday and was told:

the report is published on internet within 15 days of the inspection and written report is sent out at the same time - no longer the need for signature first etc. etc.


Once the 15 days were up........


I rang Ofsted yesterday as was told:

25 days is the time scale that they work to and I will be sent a copy of the report first for signature before it is put on the internet.


I am waiting for someone from the Inspection team to ring me back to clarify but was just wondering how long it had been for others? I've seen some reports on the internet within a week!


Thanks :o

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Janice, our inspection was 11th July and is on the ofsted site now, found it yesterday and have been checking for days, so your's must be due any day!! :)

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Dear Janice


I wouldn't hold your breath!! We were inspected week beginning 12th June and we have still not received our report!!

I chased OFSTED two weeks before our term end (21st July) to ask where it was as our inspector said that we would receive it within a month. They told me it was still being processed! I rang again the following week (the week we were breaking up) and our actual inspector rang to say she was really sorry but it had just been returned to her for alterations! She said that as she had heard nothing sooner she had assumed we had received it. The latest is that apparently it was sent to us on 27th July by recorded delivery - but we have still not got it. I have rang every day this week to check when/the address it's been sent to etc and yesterday they said they would send it out again, but someone would ring to confirm. No-one rang! I have rung again this morning and once again being told that the lady who sends them out will ring me today. Every time you ring them you get somebody different and they all give different answers - they really do not seem to know what they are doing. As to when they are posted on the internet I was told it is within 3 weeks of it being sent out to us - ours is not on the interernet yet as like you I am checking regularly.

Sorry to be so negative for you, and I hope you get your report quicker than us - it is so frustrating!!

Let me know how you get on.







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I had my Inspection on June 19th, I received the written report within 10 days.

I had to write to them because I wanted them to change a few statements and correct spelling and grammer errors in the report, for example they said "we do not always bother to put up fencing when taking the children outside", I asked them not to use the word "bother" because this implied that we are lazy. On the 1st day of inspection we were outside as a full group ( not free flow) for only 10 minutes due to the heat. ( the fence takes 15 mins to erect!). On the 2nd day of Inspection the fencing was erected because we had free flow access to the outdoors- I'm glad I asked because they took this word out. They changed what I asked them to, which apparently is not usually their practice.


This took another 2 weeks, but now my report is on the Internet. :D



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Oh well someone from the Inspection Team was supposed to ring me Thursday p.m. or Friday and no phone call yet - I'll take it that it's not imminent then shall I ???????? ('Cos that's what it looks like to me! :o )


Thanks for your replies - does make me cross though xD

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You had a bad experience too then shirel. I have been told today, after another 2 phone calls that they are sending my report out again today! and that it was not originally sent out by recorded delivery - because I suggested that they check the recorded delivery reference! I also had a supervisor ring me confirming that I should receive the report either tomorrow or Monday latest, and it will be sent recorded delivery this time! They did have on their computer all my calls to them logged - maybe they should retrain their people as we are told when we ring that all calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes!!

Still frustrated and losing all faith in OFSTED - I also discovered this week that they had 'enhanced CRB pending' on their records for me after sending me a letter 3 or 4 months ago approving me to run a nursery! Worrying or what!! An OFSTEd inspector had checked my CRB last July when we re-registered when we moved premises so how they had 'pending' I don't know. But how could they write to me saying i was approved if they had no record of a CRB!!




Sorry with all my frustration I forgot to say have a great holiday Janice!




And sorry it was you Rea who waited 5 months and not shirel - my frustrations are really getting to me!!

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Well it looks like I am going to have to try and find some internet cafe or whatever while I am away - now why on earth does it get to me this much? - I only want to see a report that I already know about !!! But it does doesn't it. xD


Sue you've waited a long time for your report - you are more than entitled to rant & rave about it. :( - I certainly would! Dare I ask which part of the country you are in ????


Previous inspections have been really quite pleasant - nice inspectors, quite relaxed, positive comments on-going throughout the inspection etc....... this time ........ a diferent kettle of fish altogether - she was very uptight throughout, no comments or anything throughout the 3 days (yes 3 days) that she was there (one of the days she was there for only 2 hours though but she needed to see the parents and then decided to stay a while - oh joy!)


I think that one of her questions to a member of my staff - level 2, qualified 1 year, works part time (job share) was really OTT .........


"and what is your interpretation of the Foundation Stage Curriculum". Poor girl was a wreck after that. Oh how I wished she had asked ME that!


And she was so officious that she told me that I was not to tell anyone the result - not even the staff - until the report was published (yeah ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ummmmmm don't think so :o ) She was quite a nervous person & was shaking during feedback but she obviously felt more relaxed and was calling me 'Jan' all the time. (No one ever calls me that!)


This I might add was all in the last week of term which gave me only 1 day to rehearse the end of term play with the leavers & prepare for the party etc. etc.


I have checked inspections that she has done in our area and her highest grade was only ever 'satisfactory' so she was moving out of her comfort zone by giving us 'goods & outstandings'.

But did she really have to make it such an unpleasant experience - my view on ofsted inspections has now changed and I don't really ever want to go through one again.


I am sure that it's now time for me to put this behind me and think about the fact that we're going on holiday tomorrow - have done no packing as yet - but I can't and I am sure some of you can understand that! :(


Thanks for listening to me! :(

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Well the reports are just like buses today. One comes and is followed by another 2 or 3. In the post today I received 3 reports - one recorded delivery, and our report went on the web sometime between 5 and 10 pm last night!! I have also received 2 letters today to say I am a 'suitable person' to run the Nursery! So 5 envelopes from OFSTED in this morning's post.


As for the inspection itself, our inspector was fine, very relaxed and sympathetic to the fact that staff were working with the children during one of the hottest weeks of the year so the children were quite high! So we were obviously lucky in that respect.

If you don't hear anything by the time you come back from holiday I would just keep ringing them like I did.


Have a great holiday!



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Janice, I do understand how you feel but believe me angry, negative thoughts will only make you feel that way, every time an Ofsted thought comes into your head, KICK IT OUT, because it won't change anything. :o ( I've held onto Ofsted negative thoughts for over three years, and it hasn't done me any favours at all, or changed the experience.)

Don't do as I did, HAVE A GREAT RELAXED HOLIDAY, you deserve it. You AND YOUR TEAM are GOOD and OUTSTANDING. :D



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Everyone is so nice on here - thanks! :)


Wise words Peggy (as usual!) I'll try and bear them in mind!


Anyway, I think it's about time I went and got our stuff ready now for the holiday. We had a hot water tank leak in February and we are having our lounge/dining room re-decorated while we're away (courtesy of the insurance co.!)So we are having to pack everything away as well. Years of Pre-school paperwork is going upstairs - probably to be never seen again!


See ya and thanks again :o


Janice x

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