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Ohh Nooooo!


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Guess what guys


Been on edge for the last month not knowing weather they are going to walk through the door or not (praying they would just before half term.. so that i could relax)....

and today got the dreaded phone call from my inspector to say sorry for not turning up in February now it will be sometime in March :(


She cannot tell me when it will be unannounced :o


Having said that she did sound a nice lady xD


so yet another month to go not knowing when........


:D never mind keep smiling

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Poor you Hali. I feel for you. We had the same the year before last for our transitional inspection. Got to the very last day of April and she still hadn't turned up. So I rang the office and she got in touch with me and guess what? She had been to my house!!! Twice!!!! She couldn't understand why she was in a residential street. She didn't ring the door bell, she sat outside for five minutes and then left. She didn't ring me or the pre-school. Needless to say, after an argument with her I asked for another inspector which I got.

I'm sure you will be fine, it's the anticipation that is worse. She might turn up right near the beginning.


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Our inspector arrived this morning!!!!


I do not work on Wednesday's and Thursday's (I am an assistant at a pre-school). So I am going to miss out, but I am going to go in after the session tomorrow, when the inspector goes over some of her findings.

She took away with her today all of our planning for the last half term, and tomorrow will be concentrating on the developmental records.


One interesting thing she did say was that WORKSHEETS do have a place if they are used correctly.

I think by this she meant, for all the children to make use of, not just the older ones.


She was also very interested in mark making in general. (We were counting bricks outside and making rubbings of them today.)


I will update when I have more to tell, hopefully tomorrow.



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This is about inspections, but sorry, not really on the topic in discussion but I thought you should all know.


Our inspector turned up, in the rigth month, but on the wrong day when I was out for half of it. Anyway, she was OK but crunch came during feedback. Education side fantastic no problems, but be warned. We were pulled up on the care side for not having a separate policy for lost children. The PLA do not do one, but it is required under Standard 2. So if you haven't got a policy for little lost ones and have an inspection coming up then start writing.



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We have a policy which is for lost and uncollected children. What would you do in a situation where the child is not collected and you can't get hold of any of the emergency contacts? We have it written into our policy that after 30 minutes we would contact social services as it eventually becomes a child protection issue. It also states that the child must be kept on the premises and 2 members of staff to remain.

Playgroup Network have an excellent resource file with lots of policies etc. I think it costs £25 but is very good value. I used this as a starting point for most of our policies.


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Our inspector was happy that we had a statement in our health and safety policy about lost children, or about a child who has not been collected. It seems to be arbitrary whether or not an inspector wants a separate policy on this. In fact, many things seem to be rather subjective, and determined by the particular interests of the inspector. I have contacted Ofsted and invited them to comment on this................

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we have put in a lost or non collection policy for our accrediatation..

it also states that if we cant get hold of parents or carers and the stafff have to leave we will call social services and put the child in thier hands...

again 2 staff have to remain with that child until a decision has been reached...

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I'm so glad to find out that the paperwork that I have got is just the same as everyone else's - a fully comprehensive policy on uncollected children, with an addtion of info re lost children. We also have a good health and safety one.


We have not needed one for our accredition folder, and that has been assessed.


I wish these people would make up their minds exactly what they do want us to do for inspections and not 'do it their way'. It would make life so much simpler for all of us.


It's nice to know that we all appear to have the same.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all


can you believe had a dream last nite that inspector was coming................................................................


Rushed in this morning 15 mins earlier than normal ... had most of the palce set up by the time other staff members came in shrieking at them today is the day............................................................




Had a large glass of wine now. think its all getting to me (who was it that said by easter it will all be over...... 6 days and counting..... :o )

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xD Hi Hali - sorry to hear you are still waiting. When you had your original letter, what months did they say they were coming?


I had my letter yesterday - spent the evening in shock, and had a glass of wine (so that I would be able to sleep!) I have been given either May/June or July !


Well that's my Easter holidays taken care of (and every evening and weekend 'til it happens I 'spose !)


Good luck- hope you don't have to wait much longer !




Janice :o

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We received our report, so can give you all an overview, now!

Everything in "very good" categories, with some examples of exceptional practice:

1) Observation/assessment/planning/evaluation cycle

2) The children's records ("special books" full of observations, photos, children's work, etc. which are freely available for the children to look at and share at any time)

3) Partnership with parents/sharing the children's "special books", inviting the parents to contribute


One point of consideration: to think about outings. We don't do outings for the simple reason I think it's a bit cheeky asking parents to help when they are paying for their child to attend the nursery! I've had a quick chat to some of our parents and I haven't yet come across one who thinks taking 3 year olds to Tesco's (the inspector's suggestion, not mine!) is a good idea. In fact, one of our Mums said "The reason I go to Tesco's when X is at your nursery is because he hates it!"

Nevertheless, we'll think about it again, and see where we could take them in little groups in the local area, ask for parental help, and if we don't get any, at least we will have tried.

3 more things:

1) We record visitors in our nursery diary, but the inspector wanted a more formal register, with time in and time out information.

2) Our risk assessment documents do not include individual activities, eg "the sand area is risky because.....", "the water area is risky because...." etc etc.

3) We had to add a statement to the child protection policy saying that Social Services would be informed immediately if an allegation against a member of staff was made. Our original wording was "After an internal investigation in which information is collected from all parties, Social Services will be informed within 24 hours"


So, that's it for 3/4 years. Phew! I can get on with having fun in the nursery (and here :o )again.

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Well done Helen! You obviously have a great nursery there.

They can be picky at times though these inspectors! I would have thought the 24 hour part of your policy would have been good. At least you can then get your head around what is happening etc. Still they have to find something don't they?

Now you can enjoy the thought that they won't be back for a while!

Hali, I'm sure you must be going through hell at the moment!!! Let's hope it happens soon-there isn't much left of March is there? So, good luck for when they eventually arrive!


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thanks for the pointers helen there are some things I can tweek ready for our inspection


sugestion for the outings if the inspectors really want you to take the children to tescos and its impractical to do so why not bring tescos to the children ... do some shopping online and have it delivered to the nursery!!!

it could be interesting but dont for get to make a work sheet and take photos for evidence!!! LOL

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Guess what guys.......................


THEY ARE COMING ON MON AND TUE hooooooooooorrayyyyyyyyyyyy. :o


Never thought i would pleases to be inspected but will get it out the way for Easter.


Left loads of messages with Ofsted this week with no reply to say inspector canot come next Wed,Thur or Fri please can she ring us.


Inspector has just rung to say will be there before the end of month so we said see you on Monday then...............................


Yikes better ring all staff and warn them.... xD

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Hi Hali ... well I don't think I will be saying 'hooray' but I know what you mean !!!!! :o


We have now finished for Easter, and am about to start my plan of action - you know the plan that says 'right what shall I sort out first!'


Hope all goes well for you - and that by this time next week you are out celebrating !!!!




Janice xD

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